
2 Near disasters at Los Cerritos

dtutko1 - 12-10-2010 at 11:00 AM

In 2 days earlier this week, two different lanchings of tin boats almost ended in disaster. In one case the capt turned the boat perpindicular to the waves on his way out. The wave flipped his boat and all gear in it. In the second incident under the category of life is rough, but it's rougher if your stupid! The young capt was taking out his dads boat and forgot to check the gas tank. He got a few miles north before running out of gas. They dropped an anchor just outside the surf break at San Pedrito and one swam in to get some gas. The hook didn't hold and the boat drifted in and caught a wave capsizing the boat and losing the gear, but no lives. The good news is that in both situations local surfers came to the rescue righting the boats and finding some gear. After flipping over the boat a small dog came swimming out from under the boat and was rescued by S.A. Tommy and a friend. Surfers Rule! It's a dangerous sea out there, be careful.

Barry A. - 12-10-2010 at 11:43 AM

I know the "Los Cerritos" east of Ciudad Constitucion but not where you are referring to????

Where is it??? Pacific or SOC??


monoloco - 12-10-2010 at 11:45 AM

On the Pacific near Pescadero.

dtutko1 - 12-10-2010 at 12:29 PM

I meant parallel to the waves not perpindicular (sp). Meanwhile for those that did get out this week before the surf showed up, fairly warm water, dorado, sierra, yellow tail, and sea bass in our boat.

woody with a view - 12-10-2010 at 03:21 PM

Where is it??? Pacific or SOC??

is there a secretive clan these days holed up on the SOC????:?:

Barry A. - 12-10-2010 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
Where is it??? Pacific or SOC??

is there a secretive clan these days holed up on the SOC????:?:

It's possible, Woody--------could you be a little more specific??? and why are you asking??? :wow:


Cypress - 12-10-2010 at 04:15 PM

SOC? Lot's of old memories, old pictures. "Should have been here yesterday". I was there yesterday. :biggrin: But not that many yesterdays.:) Any pictures of fish caught recently? Only asking. Next time around, I'm going to the Pacific side.:bounce:

bajajudy - 12-10-2010 at 04:28 PM

Los Cerritos is south of Todos Santos:P

BajaBlanca - 12-10-2010 at 05:56 PM

surfers do rule. I was saved by one in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and I remember the feleing of relief to this day. surfers RULE !!

BajaWarrior - 12-10-2010 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by dtutko1
I meant parallel to the waves not perpindicular (sp). Meanwhile for those that did get out this week before the surf showed up, fairly warm water, dorado, sierra, yellow tail, and sea bass in our boat.

Here's one that got parallel to the waves and this is the Sea of Cortez. My brother flipped my 15' Western side console w/Suzuki 40 right out if front of my house once he had turned the motor off it went sideways and boom it went over. He was fortunetly not injured. I sold the boat.

Pacifico - 12-10-2010 at 08:02 PM

Originally posted by BajaWarrior
Originally posted by dtutko1
I meant parallel to the waves not perpindicular (sp). Meanwhile for those that did get out this week before the surf showed up, fairly warm water, dorado, sierra, yellow tail, and sea bass in our boat.

Here's one that got parallel to the waves and this is the Sea of Cortez. My brother flipped my 15' Western side console w/Suzuki 40 right out if front of my house once he had turned the motor off it went sideways and boom it went over. He was fortunetly not injured. I sold the boat.

That's a great picture......glad nobody was hurt!!!

Pescador - 12-10-2010 at 08:10 PM

Los Cerritos is an old Government built RV site just south of Todos Santos and is sort of occupied by Snowbirds in the winter time. The surfers, sun lovers, and RV enthusiasts have been going there for quite some time.

gpm414 - 12-20-2010 at 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Pescador
Los Cerritos is an old Government built RV site just south of Todos Santos and is sort of occupied by Snowbirds in the winter time. The surfers, sun lovers, and RV enthusiasts have been going there for quite some time.

The RV site is long's now Cerritos Surf Club bar and restaurant. Just down the beach 100 yds. are three story condos and more resorts being built. The land has been divided, sold and fenced. No more free camping on the beach like years past. Several surf schools and board rentals. Still a great place to spend the day at the beach surfing, boogie boarding, swimming (they even have a lifeguard).

The new divided four-lane freeway is completed from La Paz to Todo Santos, and the construction is moving fast from there to Cabo. Times and Baja are changing.

Baja&Back - 12-20-2010 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by gpm414
The new divided four-lane freeway is completed from La Paz to Todo Santos, and the construction is moving fast from there to Cabo. Times and Baja are changing.

When the hell will they think to 4 lane that loooong uphill to the power station. I hate being stuck behind those old semi trucks carrying 180,000 lbs at 10 MPH.
That'll probably be the LAST mile done!!! :fire:

Lee - 12-20-2010 at 09:52 AM

The power plant stretch of road N. of Cabo is being widened now and half done.

Hgwy 19 N. of Pescadero is 90% complete to the top of the hill past Jardín Botánico Campo. The 4-lane through Pescadero was painted couple days ago and will be completed this week.

S. of Pescadero, construction to Elias Calles and not a big deal. It will be years reaching La Tinaja to Pozo de Cota area.

Surfers still camping at the closed Pedrito Point RV park. Not a good week for shore fishing Punta Lobos.

TonyC - 12-20-2010 at 10:05 AM

The ocean is a tough class. She gives the test first, and if you learn the lesson.