
Funny Puertocitos Story

rdrrm8e - 12-14-2010 at 02:01 PM

This is a trip report posted on Bloodydecks. I thought some of you might appreciate it.

Name: steve
Vessel: none
Location: lakewood,co.
Job:own glass shop
Posts: 157 scared to death in Baja


Not sure if this has ever happened to anyone else but it scared the living chit out of my wife and myself. We crossed at Mexicali last Monday morning for a quick trip down to Gonzaga, decided to camp by the old stone ruins where the highway ends south of Peurtocitos. Great place, beautiful, remote, easy access to the beach. We made camp, hiked around, ate dinner, made a fire, enjoyed the peaceful super quiet feeling that comes with camping in Baja, and went to sleep in the van about 9:00. Everything was fantastic. Well at a quarter to three in the morning, the stone cold dead silence that is Baja was broken by the screaming sound of a very large helicopter flying super low over our van with absolutely no lights whatsoever. We could not see anything. Sucker passed over us at about 100 feet, then it was gone. Silence again, scared the wits out of us. Just when we think we are recovering, here comes the son of a b-tch again. Don't know how you So Cal guys react to this chit but we're from Colorado and we were SCARED. The damn thing was huge, must have been a Huey or something, Still could not see anything, no lights anywhere, just helicopter noise to the max, then the flocker gets louder and louder, it's going to land on us. My God, what a helpless feeling. When it got right next to us at only 20 feet elevation, they hit us with these massive spotlights, blowing our campsite to hell and putting us way over the edge. Must of scared them also to see a blonde woman and an old man looking up at them. In a few moments, the light went out, the helicopter rose up and flew away, leaving us to listen to our hearts pounding, feeling like they were jumping out of our chests. I've never felt so helpless. Took 2 hours for the adreniline to go away. Scared us 2 old farts to death almost. The rest of the trip was uneventful, went to Gonzaga, saw Burt and talked to him for a while, he's doin great. Stayed at Papa Fernandas, right on the beach, which we had to ourselves, caught a bunch of bay bass, sculpin, and a few other critters from the shore and explored around for a few days then we blazed back to the states. Another great Baja experience but we could have done without the terror that that we felt that night. The folks down there said it was the "good guys" cause the 'bad guys' don't have helicopters. Really, I said, they only have submarines? I think they have whatever they want! This was one Baja experience we will NEVER, EVER, forget

[Edited on 12-14-2010 by rdrrm8e]

estebanis - 12-14-2010 at 02:18 PM

Hope they are able to use that tactic to catch some NARCOS! That is a great tool with the flir and such...

bajaponderosa - 12-14-2010 at 02:23 PM

I live 35 miles south of San Felipe We experience this event on a monthly basis. It is the Navy Huey and sometimes the Army. Damn near took our mast off the sailboat one night flying so low. They are just doing there job trying to catch the bad guys.

sanquintinsince73 - 12-14-2010 at 02:26 PM

That would have ruffled my feathers too. My wife and I were once fishing in a very remote area of San Quintin called "Los Molcajetes", accessible only with 4x4. A lear jet appeared and was circling us for about 15 minutes and would not go away. It was flying dangerously low. The first thing I thought was narcos looking to land and we were in their LZ. I was shtn little green apples but after 15 minutes it went away.....and so did we.

DanO - 12-14-2010 at 02:31 PM

We've been getting regular daytime flyovers by the Marine Huey out of Ensenada at La Bocana de Santo Tomas, and last month they landed it halfway to the port in a joint operation with a truckload of troops and Hummer with a .50 caliber.

David K - 12-14-2010 at 05:32 PM

Papa Fernandas

It was the Mexican Spelling Police!:light: :yes:

sanquintinsince73 - 12-14-2010 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by David K
Papa Fernandas

It was the Mexican Spelling Police!:light: :yes:


BajaBlanca - 12-14-2010 at 06:02 PM


akshadow - 12-14-2010 at 06:30 PM

We left San Felipe about a week ago and almost every night after dark the large copter would fly over going North and then a few hours later fly South. Have seen it a couple of times during the day. Every once in a while at night they have a very very small blue light, or a very large spot light on for a couple of minutes.

David K - 12-14-2010 at 06:57 PM

While on Shell Island we have had a fly over a couple times by it... never a slow down or hover to check us out... I think the silver Toyota is our pass card??? :lol::light::cool:

rdrrm8e - 12-14-2010 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by sanquintinsince73
Originally posted by David K
Papa Fernandas

It was the Mexican Spelling Police!:light: :yes:


You really want me to start taking pics of road signs again...? Really...? Really....?:bounce:

David K - 12-15-2010 at 10:59 AM

Oh, I am sure that there are even road signs mis-spelled... no doubt about it. I think even the El Vergel delgado station has Puertecitos mis-spelled. :lol:

At the Rancho Santa Ynez (Ines) driveway are both spellings. Ines is technically correct, but the ranch owner prefered Ynez. She and the person she passed it to no longer own it, so not sure what the new owner likes.
You will also see these spellings in books, maps or Nomad: Ynes, Inez, Innes, etc.

honda tom - 12-15-2010 at 02:34 PM

My buddy owns a house in san felipe. One day the helicopter is hovering right above for several seconds. We come from inside to see whats up. Moments later they fly off giving us the thumbs up. As soon as they leave his wife stands up from the on- the- roof deck with her bathing suit top in her hand.......:lol::lol::lol:

sanquintinsince73 - 12-15-2010 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by honda tom
My buddy owns a house in san felipe. One day the helicopter is hovering right above for several seconds. We come from inside to see whats up. Moments later they fly off giving us the thumbs up. As soon as they leave his wife stands up from the on- the- roof deck with her bathing suit top in her hand.......:lol::lol::lol:

Thats funny as heck.

sancho - 12-15-2010 at 04:36 PM

There was a 15 ton pot bust in Guaymas yesterday,
I believe a certain amount of weed comes up the Mainland
and crosses over into Baja. There is often a lot of wind
at night in the Puerticitos, I remember in a dome tent
just flattened down to the ground at 3 am

Marc - 12-17-2010 at 09:54 PM

We saw a big chopper land across fro Casa Del Sol in BOLA last September. I don't think it was military.

Santiago - 12-18-2010 at 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Marc
We saw a big chopper land across fro Casa Del Sol in BOLA last September. I don't think it was military.

If I recall, it was CFE doing work on a communications tower on the ridge south of town. At least that was what Bee-man told me.

wilderone - 12-18-2010 at 09:34 AM

All good information, so when I encounter such an event, I won't surrender with my hands up and throw my wallet out. Thanks.

No DavidK.....

mcfez - 12-18-2010 at 09:57 AM

Originally posted by David K
While on Shell Island we have had a fly over a couple times by it... never a slow down or hover to check us out... I think the silver Toyota is our pass card??? :lol::light::cool:

It was that fancy BN Membership card you were flashing at them that got them to scoot!

Bajajorge - 12-18-2010 at 09:57 AM

:light:With all the damn helicopters(black ones, red ones, Navy, Army, etc):o:O flying around the San Felipe area lately they're gonna need a full time air traffic controller in the area.;)


bajaguy - 12-18-2010 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by honda tom
My buddy owns a house in san felipe. One day the helicopter is hovering right above for several seconds. We come from inside to see whats up. Moments later they fly off giving us the thumbs up. As soon as they leave his wife stands up from the on- the- roof deck with her bathing suit top in her hand.......:lol::lol::lol:

So, have any photos......of the helicopter???

David K - 12-18-2010 at 10:56 AM

Thank you Frank... my spelling help is good for Baja place names only... I am no good at the rest of the words in the world, plus my typing sucks! :yes:

David K - 12-18-2010 at 02:03 PM

Merry Christmas Frank!

David K - 12-18-2010 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
To you and yours, also....wish I was heading south enough lately to have stories to tell!

Ditto that! Half the fun of my Baja trips is sharing them here!

How old are the twins now... like 8? Wow!