
Laguna San Ignacio

El Almirante - 8-10-2004 at 07:47 AM

The Baja Vida group is in the early stages of planning next years trip to Baja. It has been suggested that we consider going to Laguna San Ignacio for whale watching. In years past we have mainly gone to BOLA, with one trip to Gonzaga and several south of Puertocitos. There are several of us who go mainly for the fishing, others who don't fish at all. We usually leave early Thusday am from Merced, and return on Saturday night, 10 days later. My questions are: 1)Driving time to Laguna San Ignacio from the border;2)Any places to camp on the ocean;3)What fishing is available-and can a boat be trailered and launched from/near an ocean camping spot, or are there pangas for rent for fishing at Abreojos reefs or other nearby spots;4) What if any supplies-beer and ice-would be available nearby. Any input would be appreciated.

elgatoloco - 8-10-2004 at 08:13 AM

Whale season is cold on the Pacific. I would head for San Ignacio town, Rice and Beans, park boat. Shoot out to see the whales then head for Mulege where it's warm! or back up to Bahia.

It really is worth it to see the whales in San Ignacio Lagoon. We may see you there!

dug - 8-10-2004 at 08:18 AM

In February we drove 12 hours from the border to San Ignacio and then 1.5 hours (rough road) to the Lagoon. 510 miles from border to lagoon. We camped at Kuyima Camp 1 and went out in their boats the next morning. We plan to do it again next year. We got all our supplies in San Ignacio so didn't buy at the lagoon but we passed a small store north of Kuyima Camp. If I had 10 days, I'd spend a couple at the lagoon and the rest in Bahia de Los Angeles.

wilderone - 8-10-2004 at 08:43 AM

You can fish and launch a boat and camp at Laguna Manuela (if the surf isn't whipped up) just north of Guerrero Negro (about 9 hours from border), and then see the whales and camp at Scammons Lagoon about an hour away. Groceries available to Guerrero Negro. Proceed to San Ignacio Lagoon and camp and see the whales there (no boat launching or fishing allowed). Go on to Mulege - launch the boat/fish. Head back home last 2 days.

Take bug repellant!

jrbaja - 8-10-2004 at 08:54 AM