having grown up in OB/Sunset Cliffs, and now living further south, i've always been intrigued by the Coronado Islands. from various angles all of the
islands have the same characteristics, i mean they can be seen with the same profile. very unusual for a group of islands to look the same
individually, from different angles.
from my back yard, North Island looks like what i've always called a mummy. think King Tut's crypt, or on a lighter note, someone napping on their
back, counting the stars above......
BigWooo - 12-17-2010 at 07:18 PM
Originally posted by woody ...with a view from my back yard
What a nice view woody with a view - 12-17-2010 at 07:21 PM
muchas Garcias WOO!Barry A. - 12-17-2010 at 08:05 PM
Woody---------we Coronado Natives always called it. "DEAD MAN'S ISLAND". Great diving there on the eastern side, with incredible visibility thru the
clear waters. The island goes straight up, and straight down on the other side, a real challenge to climb around, but can be done. There used to be
a huge Sea Lion rookery on the western side.