
Bite still on for big Yellowtail in Asuncion

shari - 12-17-2010 at 09:07 PM

the fish just keep getting bigger....munching on all that yummy squid. Mike & Mariana decided to hang a right at Vizcaino and nip into Asuncion for a quickie fishing trip with Juan on their way to Sta.Rosalia. Mike was pretty stoked at these nice size tails and you can bet they will be BBQ'ing em over the christmas holidays.
the weather has been cool the last few was cloudy in the morning but cleared up fast and was a beautiful sunny day here today. The ocean temps are warming up now too and visibility is excellent!!!!
Lots of bonita too for the smoker!

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woody with a view - 12-17-2010 at 09:09 PM


GC - 12-17-2010 at 10:12 PM


Planning on stopping by in a couple of weeks. Please ask Juan if the Calicos are biting at all, and if so, what? It was a very pleasant surprise to find the variety of tackle the local stores had when I was there in October, but if there is something I need to get before I come, it would be good to know. Cheers, George.

shari - 12-18-2010 at 07:34 AM

I'll ask Juan when he gets in from clients so the local amigos Surfdoc, david & victor are out looking for that big school of fatties they got into yesterday...smoked YT for Xmas for all we hope....with the big YT, they havent been calico fishing lately.

Santiago - 12-18-2010 at 07:53 AM

Damn those are nice. Trolling still with these guys?

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mcfez - 12-18-2010 at 08:21 AM

What fish(s) is caught down there during mid June?

Keep up these great postings of the fish catch!