
mt bike bicycle

chrisx - 12-23-2010 at 02:02 PM

hey gringo hit the brakes

The mountains are beautiful, biking is safe there. I traveled SW out of San Ignacio turned E towards San Pedro, Mission Guadalupe, then down to Santa Rosalia. Many roads were not on my map. I knew it would be a good trip when the guy at the last tienda put on a funny hat and said {back, you go back].

I used up all 20 of my tire patches, cut some in half to make them last. I had to push, not for hours, but for days. The up hills were beyond legal allowable grades in the US. The down hills beyond the capacity of my brakes (bb7). I made a lot of wrong turns.

The people I meet are the kindest and gentlest I remember meeting. When looking for a nice place to camp, I discovered people were camping there for thousands of years. When I needed water I found some. People in adobe houses with dirt floors offered me coffee, ( best coffee ever), I hummed a little tune for days.

Then I had to ride Mex 1 for 20 miles or so. Mexican people hit the brakes way in advance slowed way down and passed safely, moving all the way into the other lane. Then a giant rolling beer can with yank plates would try to run me off the road. Gringos can not drive!

Went from the mountain people asking if I had enough water and food, concern for my well being. -- Too yanks screeching out of the way or I will kill you.


NOTE TO CYCLISTS, Mcbeer and the rest of the anti can not drive. Most likely their license is revoked so they came to baja to beer and drive. wonder if they hang around the pharmacy and listen to rush limbaaa.

hey gringo hit the brakes

[Edited on 12-24-2010 by chrisx]

[Edited on 12-24-2010 by chrisx]

Brian L - 12-23-2010 at 02:03 PM


David K - 12-23-2010 at 04:04 PM

chrisx, don't hold back...tell us how you REALLY feel!!:lol::spingrin:

motoged - 12-23-2010 at 04:39 PM

Hang on....I'm going to make some popcorn :lol:

Pescador - 12-24-2010 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by chrisx
hey gringo hit the brakes

The mountains are beautiful, biking is safe there. I traveled SW out of San Ignacio turned E towards San Pedro, Mission Guadalupe, then down to Santa Rosalia. Many roads were not on my map. I knew it would be a good trip when the guy at the last tienda put on a funny hat and said {back, you go back].

I used up all 20 of my tire patches, cut some in half to make them last. I had to push, not for hours, but for days. The up hills were beyond legal allowable grades in the US. The down hills beyond the capacity of my brakes (bb7). I made a lot of wrong turns.

The people I meet are the kindest and gentlest I remember meeting. When looking for a nice place to camp, I discovered people were camping there for thousands of years. When I needed water I found some. People in adobe houses with dirt floors offered me coffee, ( best coffee ever), I hummed a little tune for days.

Then I had to ride Mex 1 for 20 miles or so. Mexican people hit the brakes way in advance slowed way down and passed safely, moving all the way into the other lane. Then a giant rolling beer can with yank plates would try to run me off the road. Gringos can not drive!

Went from from the mountain people asking if I had enough water and food, concern for my well being. -- Too yanks screeching out of the way or I will kill you.


NOTE TO CYCLISTS, Mcbeer and the rest of the anti can not drive. Most likely their license is revoked so they came to baja to beer and drive. wonder if they hang around the pharmacy and listen to rush limbaaa.

hey gringo hit the brakes

[Edited on 12-24-2010 by chrisx]

Why is it that you choose to be more holy than the highway crowd and do you get some kind of moral superiority out of thinking that you are the only one in the world that is cool enough to go into the back country with a Mountain Bike in Baja and then make snide political comments about someone's political persuasion just because it is different than yours. That certainly shows some real in-depth thinking and evaluation on your part.

I rode most of that same section with a couple of friends and actually ended up in Scorpion Bay and then back and knew that when I hit the highway, that the game had changed and I had to take into account that the highway was primarily there for a whole different useage. And, to top it off, I happen to prefer listening to Rush Limbaugh and (God Forbid) Glenn Beck because I happen to see the world in a very similar political vein. But I have the maturity and decency to not get into a diatribe about how you are wrong not to see things the same way I do, but I would imagine I could find some commanality to share with you about the trip even though you are so blind sided politically.

chrisx - 12-24-2010 at 12:03 PM

this is not a political statement. A sober person would know that. Did rush Limbaugh humbug ever break his drug habit? I saw him in Seattle, he had the same prescription from 3 different doctors, and ran down a 7 year old girl at the Pike Place Market. He blamed everyone else for his problem, threatened to sue police, etc.
Just another dope fiend, blaming the world for his addiction.
Hit the brakes to save lives
Drive with a clear mind to save lives
We all suffer through the alcoholism of another person. People with clear minds know to hit the brakes and pass safely, wait until traffic is clear, move into the other lane and pass safely. People with clouded minds need to be told over and over, hit the breaks. Do not try and squeeze into the same lane with a bicycle.
Note to cyclists, some of the yanks down here are so far gone they think driving is a political statement.

motoged - 12-24-2010 at 12:56 PM


At first I thought this was about the safety issues regarding cycling the Baja hiways....not a rant about substance abuse or right wing crackpots:?::?:

When I first went to Baja in 1988, I thought bicycle touring there would be a great idea....but I paid attention to the realities of the no-shoulder roads, various driver hazards (not nationality/ ethnically-based), and all that sand I would have to negotiate to get to the places I really wanted to see (pushing a bike kind of defeats the purpose:lol:).

While driving my truck in Baja, I have encountered cyclists and have never had to slam on the brakes, but I have had to slow down suddenly on mountainous corners and be paced by a bicycle until the road opened up (no oncoming)....and I considered that to be risky far more for the cyclist than for me.

Motorcyling Baja I have encountered cyclists riding 2 and 3 abreast as a tour group and I wanted to run them off the road due to their selfish arrogance (or was it just mindless stupidity?)....and I did rip a new one with the tour operator when I tracked him down...

Now, Chris....I am a left-leaning humanist liberal granola-loving type, so don't wag your political finger at me for my comments...bicycling is good for us ....but when my free-rider pals paste themselves into a tree or a vehicle. we usually know whose fault it is :light:

Ya take yer chances cycling Baja know that...

Save the temperance rant for another thread....

would " try " to run me off the road ?

mcfez - 12-24-2010 at 01:20 PM

Great opener.
You were just pro stuff there.
I was intensely into your article.

That Yank statement was off the grid. Hey....dont blame us Americanos. It was the Canadians perhaps. Maybe them Germans that visit too, driving in the RV rentals. But dont blame us Americanos! Vikings would had stuffed you a in rolling beer can going down a cliff side rather than be kill while swiveling out of the way of a bike roadhog. If I would try to run you off...I wouldnt miss!

Again..I do indeed understand a little wimp o whiners such as you. Issues with childhood bikes just drove you nutz. Go away little boy.

[Edited on 12-24-2010 by mcfez]

jr.jpg - 44kB

chrisx - 12-24-2010 at 02:00 PM

mcbeer shows his stupidity

chrisx - 12-24-2010 at 02:14 PM

if people would keep their minds clear (mcbeer) they could drive safely.
At a third grade level even a mcbeer can understand;
if you see a bicycle
slow down, way down
when you have clear visibility and the road is clear
cross the yellow line and pass safely.
unfortunately the mcbeers of the world are so far gone conversation is impossible. Their thought process is destroyed by years of abuse. They drive anyway.
Americans are the worst drivers in Baja!
The best Christmas present I could give myself would be to get some of the mcbeers of the world to slow down and save lives

chrisx - 12-24-2010 at 02:25 PM

I found Baja so nice pleasant wonderful
a beer drinking pill popping yank-gringo (same thing) burst my bubble and tried to kill me. Yet again. slowing down is ?????? someone state the reason for not hitting the brakes.
Mexican people can drive safely
Yanks can not drive safely

mcfez - 12-24-2010 at 02:38 PM

Think I peeed him off? :lol:

More of your life's story please. We're all very interested.

[Edited on 12-24-2010 by mcfez]

viol.jpg - 8kB

Brian L - 12-26-2010 at 10:10 AM

If we all had to slow way down for every bike on a road, and more and more bikes are on the road, what will happen to the overall average speed of cars? Sounds like a great idea for everyone to slow down for bikes, but it just can't be sustained...

You should spend your energy fighting for more bike lanes and bike friendly amenities. Until then, please stay out of my traffic lane.

Also, you have some poetic writing, and some of it is good, but when we switch gears into raving, you lose us.

SKIDS - 12-26-2010 at 11:41 AM


DENNIS - 12-26-2010 at 01:01 PM

Originally posted by chrisx
someone state the reason for not hitting the brakes.

You might spill your beer. :lol:

woody with a view - 12-26-2010 at 01:10 PM

no, Dennis. don't drink and drive. you might hit a bike rider and spill......

[Edited on 12-26-2010 by woody with a view]

DENNIS - 12-26-2010 at 01:16 PM

Ya know......all of this crap is meaningless. "We have a right to be on the road."
Bicycle riders have no right to cause a dangerous situation. On HWY-1, most of the riders are Americans. Mexicans arn't that stupid.
There is not enough room for two large vehicles and a loaded bike to share the same space on the road and just because some here think they have rights, which is a joke unto itself, the road won't become any wider.
Insistance here that bike riders have inviolable space on a narrow road only serves to make matters worse...for them.
Go find a road that doesn't present such a hazard when you and your crappy bike are insisting on your rights.

LancairDriver - 12-26-2010 at 08:02 PM

Picture is not too clear. Looks like it was just down the road from Sharkey's. :lol::lol::lol: Anyone recognize the car?

cycle crash 4.JPG - 24kB

DENNIS - 12-26-2010 at 09:13 PM

I have no idea who owns the car, but if you want it, I'll take off the cover and wash off the blood. :biggrin:

That is such a heartwarming photo. It's so nice to see folks getting together.

BajaGringo - 12-26-2010 at 09:17 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Bicycle riders have no right to cause a dangerous situation. On HWY-1, most of the riders are Americans. Mexicans arn't that stupid.

Not exactly the words I would have used ;D, but you express my sentiments quite well...

roadhog - 12-26-2010 at 09:35 PM

incroyable !

Pescador - 12-27-2010 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by LancairDriver
Picture is not too clear. Looks like it was just down the road from Sharkey's. :lol::lol::lol: Anyone recognize the car?

One thing is for sure, he was listening to rap music and not Rush.

Oh! I am so sorry chrisx

mcfez - 12-27-2010 at 09:29 AM

Didn't anyone here welcome you to the Bajanomad Board?

Welcome. Welcome. We always welcome newbies with our open hearts and minds.

sanquintinsince73 - 12-27-2010 at 01:41 PM

Hey ChrisX, when you first appeared here you were as nice as a big bowl of menudo. Now after your peddling suarez down the peninsula you come out swinging like a Joe Peluca doll. Did some
"Gringo wanna hump hump" honey break your heart down there?

DENNIS - 12-27-2010 at 01:47 PM

Originally posted by sanquintinsince73
Did some "Gringo wanna hump hump" honey break your heart down there?


sanquintinsince, the next Don Rickles

mcfez - 12-27-2010 at 06:40 PM

That has got to be ****funniest**** statement I have ever read here at BN.

Still laffing..........

tripledigitken - 12-27-2010 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by mcfez
That has got to be ****funniest**** statement I have ever read here at BN.

Still laffing..........

Don't be so modest McFez, your off-topic rants with PJC are hilarious. Why have you deleted so many of them?

Marc - 12-28-2010 at 07:45 AM

Well; have a safe trip.;);)

chrisx - 12-28-2010 at 10:43 AM

Incroyable, it turns out, isn't in the free Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, where you just searched.

However, it is available in our premium Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. To see that definition in the Unabridged Dictionary, start your FREE trial now.

mcfez - 12-28-2010 at 10:45 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Originally posted by mcfez
That has got to be ****funniest**** statement I have ever read here at BN.

Still laffing..........

Don't be so modest McFez, your off-topic rants with PJC are hilarious. Why have you deleted so many of them?

Pat and I both came to term and thought that it be best to deleted the content for the sake of the BN. showed clearly that two very opposite "mind sets" can come to a understanding and friendship. I wish countries would learn this someday.

We both plan to meet up soon for a brew or two in San Felipe.

Current show over there at the Off Topic gladiator coliseum is MrBillM and Gull.

chrisx - 12-28-2010 at 10:47 AM

Incroyable was an 18th century nickname in France for a yo-yo, then a fashionable toy. [1]

sanquintinsince73 - 12-28-2010 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by chrisx
Incroyable, it turns out, isn't in the free Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, where you just searched.

However, it is available in our premium Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. To see that definition in the Unabridged Dictionary, start your FREE trial now.

Dude, are you now hocking dictionary's screen to screen? Man, what happened? You were a cheery chap before the trip. Seriously, was it the beans, the solitude, or did you sprain your right hand?

mcfez - 12-28-2010 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by chrisx
Incroyable, it turns out, isn't in the free Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, where you just searched.

However, it is available in our premium Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. To see that definition in the Unabridged Dictionary, start your FREE trial now. speaks a single word of French. Have you furthered with the vocabulary at all?

Baja Trip post a very good story, and I said so there at that post.

Many of us here get insulted when we are accused of nonsense, and when the aim is always at the "Americano".

Any further back and forth conversations of this belongs in the Off Topic section. Please....go there so I can tell you what I really think about the French.

[Edited on 12-28-2010 by mcfez]

chrisx - 12-28-2010 at 10:56 AM

no. a few posts up is the word incroyable. The beans and solitude were grand. Pedaling North on Mex 1 was _______ so bad, the fat lady must think the pharmacy will close before she can get there. after 200 miles of silver hondas I went abc bus North

sanquintinsince73 - 12-28-2010 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by chrisx
no. a few posts up is the word incroyable. The beans and solitude were grand. Pedaling North on Mex 1 was _______ so bad, the fat lady must think the pharmacy will close before she can get there. after 200 miles of silver hondas I went abc bus North

Easy now, that fat lady in the honda with California plates just may be one of my ex-wives.....and she wasn't going to the pharmacy, I sent her out for some more beer.

[Edited on 12-28-2010 by sanquintinsince73]


mcfez - 12-28-2010 at 11:00 AM

Originally posted by chrisx
no. a few posts up is the word incroyable. The beans and solitude were grand. Pedaling North on Mex 1 was _______ so bad, the fat lady must think the pharmacy will close before she can get there. after 200 miles of silver hondas I went abc bus North

Gibberish response.
Perhaps you really are a French citizen. Now I understand.

Please...go to Off Topics

[Edited on 12-28-2010 by mcfez]

chrisx - 12-28-2010 at 11:01 AM

bad driving on mex 1 by gringos is on topic
and very realllllllllll
hey gringo hit the brakes
you do not see all the crosses from your car! I walked 2 km and counted 4
that means every 500 meters someone died
this is not a joke

[Edited on 12-28-2010 by chrisx]

motoged - 12-28-2010 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by mcfez
That has got to be ****funniest**** statement I have ever read here at BN.Still laffing..........

That's the funniest BN line?????:?::?:

You should read more than just your own posts....there's a ton of stuff here WAY funnier than that....:lol:

You have to get out a bit more:light:

motoged - 12-28-2010 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by chrisx
bad driving on mex 1 buy gringos is on topic
.....this is not a joke

While you are selling those dictionaries.....check your spelling:light:

DENNIS - 12-28-2010 at 11:15 AM


n. 1. A French fop or dandy of the time of the Directory; hence, any fop.

chrisx - 12-28-2010 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by motoged
Originally posted by chrisx
bad driving on mex 1 buy gringos is on topic
.....this is not a joke

While you are selling those dictionaries.....check your spelling:light:

I need to buy $80 apiece German tires so I wont need pavement when my patches run out.
The $33 WTB tires don't have the bead for tubeless inflation, or I'm a bad mechanic? There must be a way to buy myself off Mex 1.

mcfez - 12-28-2010 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by motoged
Originally posted by mcfez
That has got to be ****funniest**** statement I have ever read here at BN.Still laffing..........

That's the funniest BN line?????:?::?:

You should read more than just your own posts....there's a ton of stuff here WAY funnier than that....:lol:

You have to get out a bit more:light:

With respect to you, not sure what you are saying motoged.

I just though what I read from ANOTHER poster was funny, such as the one below.

posted on 12-27-2010 at 08:41 PM

Hey ChrisX, when you first appeared here you were as nice as a big bowl of menudo. Now after your peddling suarez down the peninsula you come out swinging like a Joe Peluca doll. Did some
"Gringo wanna hump hump" honey break your heart down there?

It must be cold and 25 feet of snow up in your area of Canada. Ready for Baja? !

[Edited on 12-28-2010 by mcfez]

Tbone - 12-28-2010 at 11:38 AM

McFez reed, hell he can't rite.

That's the funniest BN line?????:?::?:

You should read more than just your own posts....there's a ton of stuff here WAY funnier than that....:lol:

You have to get out a bit more:light:

Chrisx' Corner

sanquintinsince73 - 12-28-2010 at 11:38 AM

Hey chris, you got your own little corner in "Off Topic" now...scoot, scoot

chrisx - 12-28-2010 at 11:43 AM

By the way; anyone know where a jumbo sized Mexican mail order bike shop is? people are having trouble ordering bike parts from the US. No Baja shop has everything

motoged - 12-28-2010 at 11:48 AM

Originally posted by mcfezWith respect to you, not sure what you are saying motoged. I just though what I read from ANOTHER poster was funny, .....

It must be cold and 25 feet of snow up in your area of Canada. Ready for Baja? ![Edited on 12-28-2010 by mcfez]

Okay, I will speak a bit slower:lol:

I get it that you were blowing coffee out your nose re: somebody else's funny post.....I just didn't think it was the funniest thing I ever read on BN....that's all:light:

As for the weather report for BC, it is several degrees above freezing, the snow is melting rather than falling, and I am always ready for Baja....just a few life events slowing down the prep for 2 weeks of dirtbiking Baja in February.... I sure hope things work out so I can make my pilgrimage.


sanquintinsince73 - 12-28-2010 at 11:58 AM

Suppose to freeze here in Diego next couple days. Don't we all long for Baja? and I just got back and I have to return in a couple weeks.

mcfez - 12-28-2010 at 12:19 PM

Originally posted by motoged
Originally posted by mcfezWith respect to you, not sure what you are saying motoged. I just though what I read from ANOTHER poster was funny, .....

It must be cold and 25 feet of snow up in your area of Canada. Ready for Baja? ![Edited on 12-28-2010 by mcfez]

Okay, I will speak a bit slower:lol:

I get it that you were blowing coffee out your nose re: somebody else's funny post.....I just didn't think it was the funniest thing I ever read on BN....that's all:light:

As for the weather report for BC, it is several degrees above freezing, the snow is melting rather than falling, and I am always ready for Baja....just a few life events slowing down the prep for 2 weeks of dirtbiking Baja in February.... I sure hope things work out so I can make my pilgrimage.


Well I do hope that you make the pilgrimage.....I am expecting to see some great photos from you. My Irish luck to you Sir.

Bajatripper - 1-2-2011 at 02:12 PM


Why is it that you choose to be more holy than the highway crowd and do you get some kind of moral superiority out of thinking that you are the only one in the world that is cool enough to go into the back country with a Mountain Bike in Baja and then make snide political comments about someone's political persuasion just because it is different than yours. That certainly shows some real in-depth thinking and evaluation on your part.

I rode most of that same section with a couple of friends and actually ended up in Scorpion Bay and then back and knew that when I hit the highway, that the game had changed and I had to take into account that the highway was primarily there for a whole different useage. And, to top it off, I happen to prefer listening to Rush Limbaugh and (God Forbid) Glenn Beck because I happen to see the world in a very similar political vein. But I have the maturity and decency to not get into a diatribe about how you are wrong not to see things the same way I do, but I would imagine I could find some commanality to share with you about the trip even though you are so blind sided politically.

Funny, I couldn't find a thing in the post that you cite that makes a reference to the politics of the original poster. You, on the other hand, seem to one big chip on your shoulder.

What the original poster stated was that he really enjoyed doing what he did, as, aparently you did, too. But then, he also relayed his experiences on Highway One, which supports my own riding experience down the Peninsula some years ago. And that is; that Mexicans seem to take foreign bicyclers in stride and willingly share the road, while a few Americans (can't say that I remember any rude Canadians on my trip) seem to want to run them over. If you saw some politics in that statement, that's a reflection on your politics, not his. When I (a progressive) see a bicycle rider on the Transpeninsular, I think "more power to you!" and little else. Wonder what it is about so many of the Rush/Beck crowd that makes them so "like that"? (now that, my conservative friend, is a political view).

roadhog - 1-2-2011 at 08:42 PM

INCROYABLE. TdF biking. France you know... I cycle....
Gee itsa long trip. LONG. Out in the middle of ....LONG. If you get saddle sores then LONGER. Tough ride. develop all kinds of bike wierdness vs Chevy drivers.
If a car comes up then get off the road. Its not like there's a stream of traffic. And it is dangerous. A semi crash went by me past big mesa in the High badlands while I was eating lunch on a knob. Soon, I expect to see a tail dragging Caravan with 7 people, Granny, a dead goat and roll of reinforcing mesh on the roof rack pass me, go straight on at the next corner over the cliff. That's it.
Its not like I'm holding up traffic.

roadhog - 1-2-2011 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by chrisx
By the way; anyone know where a jumbo sized Mexican mail order bike shop is? people are having trouble ordering bike parts from the US. No Baja shop has everything

try UNIVERSAL CYCLES (online) in Portland, OR
then UPS