
MULEGE Wind Forecast Website?

Feathers - 1-2-2011 at 10:11 PM

Hey Nomads!

I LOVE Fishing... I would really like to know the best (most accurate) WIND forecast website for Mulege/ Bahia Concepcion.

Please share!:?:

SteveWil - 1-2-2011 at 11:01 PM

Here 4 I have used. When I sail down there.

Give a 7 day forecast

Show weather patterns

Geary at el Burro Cove

Click on one of the red dots

mulegemichael - 1-3-2011 at 09:42 AM

the best site i've found hands down is .....plug in punta chivato and it will give you an hourly wind forecast that is sooooo accurate you won't believe it.

Pescador - 1-3-2011 at 08:01 PM

My experience with windsurf is pretty dismal, but I find that bouyweather is the most accurate but to get anything over two days you need to have a subscription.


tehag - 1-3-2011 at 08:39 PM

I look at sailflow. It's sometimes right on.

mulegemichael - 1-3-2011 at 08:42 PM

dismal, pescador?....dismal?...has it disappointed you over time?....i have literally NEVER been disappointed with this weather site...i set it on pte. chivato and allow for the time the wind gets to us and it has never never been wrong...on the other hand, buoyweather on many occasions has sent me back in early....different strokes fer different folks, i guess

Pompano - 1-4-2011 at 01:38 AM

I use the night skies to predict wind for the following day. Never fail method taught to me by guides from northern Canada to Baja.

Way, way far north Canada 1959..Kitchener Bryd - Nekaneet First Nation
Baja 1971 - Bonofacio Diaz - Rancho Coyote owner

Both of these old-time guides taught my Dad and I to forecast next-day winds using the exact same method....and they were 4000 miles apart. ;D

Travel the world to remote places and talk to aborigines..they all look to the stars for weather forecasting. Easy as works!

Note: The problem for most traveler's question is: You have to be on site the night before..and it is generally good for the next day only.

Russ - 1-4-2011 at 07:05 AM

Do tell .... Do tell! Oh bloodless one

dtutko1 - 1-4-2011 at 07:12 AM

It'll blow for the next 3 days.

Russ - 1-4-2011 at 07:14 AM

I use to visit a few sites each morning and became so frustrated by their attempts to predict wind on a daily basis I seldom visit any now. I occasionally visit sites that forecast a week at a time and have had better luck at guessing a calm day or two in advance.
Edit: mollusk correction

[Edited on 1-4-2011 by Russ]

Santiago - 1-4-2011 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Russ
I use to visit a few sites each morning and became so frustrated by their attempts to predict wind on a daily basis I seldom visit any now. I occasionally visit sites that forecast a week at a time and have had better luck at guessing a clam day or two in advance.

Tide charts do this better.:coolup:

Skipjack Joe - 1-4-2011 at 08:32 AM

What's the method, Roger?

We had some heavy clouds appear before dark and rushed to get packed and off the water. Result: It stayed cloudy and calm through the entire night.

Fish Bite and Wind?

Pompano - 1-4-2011 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
What's the method, Roger?...

Please excuse me, I should have included this old post about fishing forecasting in my first post here it is.

Will the Fish Bite?..and The Wind Blow?

If the moon will hold water.....

Just in case anyone is not familiar with this old method of looking at the moon phases to forecast fishing it is again:

The day before fishing..or early that morning...take a look at the moon if possible. Note the shape of it's outline. Imagine pouring water into that shape. Will it hold that water? If so, then the fishing the next day..or current day..will be GOOD. If not, then maybe you should go off-roading or do something landwise. Bonafacio y Manuel Diaz taught me this trick many moons ago right here at Coyote Bay and it has been my guideline for a long, long time. I find myself using it everywhere I fish.

Another forecaster is watching the stars to predict winds the following day.

Calm mornings: If the stars directly overhead are 'still'...not twinkling...then at least the morning will be calm.

Calm afternoons: If the stars on the horizon are still.

Calm all day: Both overhead and horizon still.

Opposites for windy days. Twinkles = Wind!

(Mares-Tails are good wind signs, too, but that's a new ballgame.)

example: Let's is now 4:14 a.m. I will go outside now and check the wind indicator.

Grrr...not so good, but could be worse. The stars overhead are bright and still, but the horizon twinkles. So...calm morning going out, but we are going to have some wind coming back in the afternoon.

Give this a try...but I am not responsible for wrong observations due to tequila overload. ;D

p.s. I also have a sure-fire way to predict the coming winter.

[Edited on 1-4-2011 by Pompano]

Pescador - 1-4-2011 at 03:05 PM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
dismal, pescador?....dismal?...has it disappointed you over time?....i have literally NEVER been disappointed with this weather site...i set it on pte. chivato and allow for the time the wind gets to us and it has never never been wrong...on the other hand, buoyweather on many occasions has sent me back in early....different strokes fer different folks, i guess

No, I am glad if it works for you, but I generally fish off shore and I need information that will give me a better picture of what is going on when you get away from shore a few miles, so I have found that Weatherunderground and Windsurf has a tendency to focus on closer to shore, at least in my experience. I don't think there is any correct answer here and I have found days when Bouyweather predicted bad wind as well as Sailflow and Windsurf and they all missed the mark by a long ways.
But I clearly remember when someone asked me at San Lucas Cove during a potluck dinner if I was going to go fishing the next day and I responded that Bouyweather predicted a major blow and yellow or red flags the next day at the 11:00 slot. A couple of the "know it all" group responded with they did not believe any of the bull that comes from the internet. Well the next morning was really calm and most of the boats went out. By 10 the wind was howling at about 30 knots and we had 8 foot seas out there. Bill and Bonnie Hammel from the cove were testing out a customers boat and ended up on anchor for 3 days before they could be rescued from San Marcos Island, another two boats made it in to San Bruno, and a lot of people were wet and cold. I do not think any of the sites are all that accurate but may give a fairly good indication of what might be expected out there, but I always keep one eye open and am looking all the time. I spend over 250 days a year on the water and nothing predicts things 100% of the time, but I do watch the trends and several sources to try to avoid the major problems. In the winter that is easier but in the summer I have been out and found a microburst that came out of nowhere and was one of the scariest experiences I have ever been through.
So I was not downplaying Windsurf, I just have not had great experiences with it where I fish, but am really glad it works for the areas just south of me.

Feathers - 1-8-2011 at 11:32 AM

Thanks so much! So far iwindsurf has been the easiest (for me)and reliable as well. I'll check out the others, too.

Muchas Gracias!:D

roundtuit - 1-8-2011 at 01:05 PM

I have been using iwindsurf and wunderground (Santa Roselia) for about 3yrs free and works for me

bajabass - 1-9-2011 at 06:35 AM

Ok gang, I just signed up for bouyweather. Friday morning woke up to dead calm in La Paz and the bay looked like a lake.:biggrin: Grabbed the wife, boat, and beer, hauled burro over the hill to Muertos. As I drove through Los Planos, it got breezy. :?:Out at the bay, 20-25mph winds and whitecaps in the bay. 3 hours round trip, probably 25 bucks in gas, and did not even get the boat wet! :fire: If bouyweather can even save me a couple dry runs a year, it will more than pay for itself. Per twenty minutes ago, it said near flat seas and virtually no wind today and tomorrow. This is for a bouy between Punta arenas and Cerralvo. I will let you know how right or wrong they are Monday pm.

Russ - 1-9-2011 at 06:51 AM

I joined Bouyweather for a couple of years but I found it wrong more often than right for the Santa Rosalia area. Sailfow & Bouyweather can't seem to agree very often but using them both would give me some idea of the weeks trend for wind conditions.