

Skipjack Joe - 1-8-2011 at 09:05 PM

It was our last day. As we watched the clouds approaching I knew we had to hurry or risk being stuck in our small narrow arroyo for another three days.

We motored in at low tide and started hauling stuff to the boat. As I packed the stove and lantern it became apparent that the boat was now high and dry with the water still receding.

That was at 4PM. Sunset at 5 found us sitting in our positions waiting for the water to float us off the sand. I remember being upset to discover wet paw prints on my pillow from that pesky coyote that had searched in vain for the mozarella.

The clouds had reached us by now, forming a solid layer from horizon to horizon. It was night now and the darkness was complete. Losing patience we removed our warm and dry boots and waded out to find the water's edge. It was a starry night but the stars were not above. With each step bright specks of light shot out from under our feet.

The water, of course, did eventually reach the boat and after a few nervous moments the outboard fired up. It was jet black out there by this time. The towering cliffs could barely be recognized against the lifeless sky. A couple of large luminous objects came shooting by in the darkness, which turned out to be startled pelicans paddling like hell to get out of the way.

Thankfully we were out of the narrows now and heading for open water when the motor coughed a couple of times and unexpectedly died.

"It's the gill net, dad!", came from the bow.

The situation seemed disastrous. My fingers clawed at the monofilament in the darkness without knowing whether the loops were being added or removed from the blades of the prop. "So this is where we will be passing the night", I thought as my eyes scanned the darkness.

But there is a big difference between a 14 year old fishing companion and the boy I brought to baja 9 years ago. Alex was by my side and I soon heard the sweet sound of snippers cutting line next to me. I then went forward and rummaged blindly through the flight bag until my fingers felt the smooth cold shape of a flashlight. We were free in no time and back in business. Did I mention the awesome green light emanating from gillnet as it was lifted from down below?

Onward! As we entered open water the wind got appreciably stronger. Were we in rough water? I couldn't tell - it was black all around. Then I felt the boat rise abruptly and come sliding down the face of the wave followed by ths familiar hissing sound of breaking foam. Alex turned off the light and now I could make out the green light from the whitecaps. I told him how unsafe this had become and suggested turning back.

"But dad, we're half way there"

Well, I couldn't argue with that kind of logic. I motored on slowly now towards the calm safety of the launch cove. The low tide meant that the surf would be breaking right near the entrance and the timing of the landing had to be perfect. We were at the breakwater now looking for the opening. Alex was at the bow with our AA battery flashlight giving directions.

"To the left! To the left!"

"There's open surf to the left. We'll roll over"

"We're too close to the rocks. Turn left!"

All I know is that we somehow miraculously ended up right in the calm water behind the rocks. Yes, we had been in the breaking surf not 20 feet from the beach but the waves were too small to capsize our vessel. In the darkness it was impossible to see the surf or the beach itself.

Two hours later we sat in the dry warmth of the camper staring blankly into space. Nobody said a word. Each had his own thoughts.

What one had found exhilirating the other found terrifying.

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Pompano - 1-8-2011 at 09:29 PM


longlegsinlapaz - 1-8-2011 at 09:42 PM

Well written!! He's young! You raised him well! He'll learn soon enough through life's experiences that a little fear at appropriate times can be a good thing! He obviously trusted you to get him in safely....and a happy landing was had by all!

Brian L - 1-8-2011 at 11:43 PM

Wow! Thanks for the nice short story. I could read more like that.

Paulina - 1-8-2011 at 11:53 PM

I'd be pushing the "Like" button if there were such a thing on the Nomad board. Very well written.


Skipjack Joe - 1-9-2011 at 12:15 AM

You know, I thought to myself today while reading the other thread:

Osprey has the drive to write something every day and here I was 2 weeks later without the will power to write a single word about our latest experience.

So I sat down for a couple of hours this afternoon and wrote everything as I remembered, before it started to pale.

Paulina - 1-9-2011 at 12:25 AM


I keep thinking the same thing regarding writing a trip report for our Christmas/New Year adventure. When it comes down to it, I guess I'm just too lazy to walk out to the truck to get my baja journal. I have downloaded the photos though. I guess that's a step in the right direction.

Thanks again for your story. I felt like I was in the boat with the two of you. Alex sure has grown. I've watched him grow up via the Nomad board. He's one lucky young man for the experiences you've given him. Good baja memories that will last him for his life time.


Osprey - 1-9-2011 at 07:23 AM

Igor, you had it all along, you come by the storytelling naturally because you're out there having the kind of fun that has a little risk in it. Danger, conflict and detail will do it every time.

Hope you'll think back on some more interesting adventures and spill em for us. My fun is making them all up hoping nobody will know fiction from reality. I do most of my daring do stories without having to live through it -- they are mostly fashioned at night, safe in my bed, in the dark, staring at a ceiling I can't quiet make out.

[Edited on 1-9-2011 by Osprey]

shari - 1-9-2011 at 08:28 AM

wonderful tale...a baja classic....adventure, fear, adrenalin...father and son teams are terrific...neat to watch Alex become a man.

Ken Bondy - 1-9-2011 at 09:06 AM

Wonderful story Igor, beautifully written and heartfelt. Glad everything turned out well. Alex sure seems like a great kid, would like to meet him some day.

Skipjack Joe - 1-9-2011 at 09:35 AM

I remember one night in the tent talking about those Tasmanian Devils from down under. Then we found one breaking in.

This is the sort of image kids nowadays like to post to one another on facebook.

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Skipjack Joe - 1-9-2011 at 09:46 AM

The wind was so strong one night that I remember laying there in the darkness listening to that ripping sound and thinking ....

"So this is what it must be like at camp IV for those Mt Everest climbers"

BajaBlanca - 1-9-2011 at 09:50 AM

you REALLY must write more often. you have a gift. share with us !!

Natalie Ann - 1-9-2011 at 12:26 PM

Excellent, well done, very good story, Igor!
I've always been a fan of your writing and this is definitely some of your best.
Thank you for taking the time.

And Paulina - will be real nice to see those photos, hear your stories... whenever the spirit moves ya.


stimbo - 1-11-2011 at 09:05 AM

Nice post Igor!