
Police Extortion in Ciudad Const

RPaitich - 1-13-2011 at 01:19 PM

Vagabundos had this helpful article in their Jan/Feb publication, Chubasco, on how to deal with extortion attempts in Ciudad Constitucion:
Dear Vags:

I would like to give you some very important information you need regarding traffic tickets in Ciudad Constitucion. After a meeting with the Director of the Police in Loreto, I had the opportunity to express the problem with the police in Constitution who are asking tourists for money, especially if they are driving car rentals. He was very supportive and immediately called the Constitution Director of the police.

I made the general claim to him on behalf of my American/Canadian clients, friends and tourists, because as a Mexican I feel responsible to help with this injustice. He told me if anybody has problems of this kind they should say to the police officers to call: LICENCIADO MIGUEL ANGEL VILLALEJO, the Director of the police in Constitution, and let them know that you have his private cellular number in case you need to call him anytime for 24 hours. (I’m not publishing his cellular number for obvious reasons but I will be happy to provide it in case it is needed). Or call the 066 number and generate an official report.

He apologizes to the American and Canadian community of Loreto and invites everyone to report this kind of situation. Don’t give any money to the police officers, but take the license plate, vehicle number and name of the officer. I hope this helps. Dia Morales, 135-2431. (Forwarded by Lynn Hammon in Loreto).

DENNIS - 1-13-2011 at 01:39 PM

Why do I get the nagging feeling that I've seen this article before? Wasn't it posted here a few months back in Ifly's thread on mordida in Constitución?
This sentence rings a bell:

"(I’m not publishing his cellular number for obvious reasons but I will be happy to provide it in case it is needed)."

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 1-13-2011 at 01:48 PM

hola RPaitich and welcome to nomads,

thank you for the info.

mr. villalejos number was published before so i hope it doesn't offend anyone but here it is again: 613-100-1910.

hopefully, the situation has been rectified and if so, please stop along the way and do some shopping or eating to support the businesses that have also suffered during the harrassments.


Bajahowodd - 1-13-2011 at 02:14 PM

Does seem that the problem is history. Not so long back, we were seeing almost daily reports of this activity. Can't recall any in the past several months.

BajaNomad - 1-13-2011 at 02:44 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Why do I get the nagging feeling that I've seen this article before?
It was also posted previously by Marla Daily on the last page of this thread (above the last post that I'm linking to here):

[Edited on 1-13-2011 by BajaNomad]

Sunman - 1-13-2011 at 02:46 PM

Yes, This was included as part of the info iflyfish posted

DENNIS - 1-13-2011 at 03:13 PM

Them Vags.....They're gonna have to get on the ball and keep up. :lol:

dtutko1 - 1-14-2011 at 07:48 AM

We were in Constitucion twice last week on our fishing trip to Lopez Mateo. We saw no policeman on the streets. We ate at Rancho Viejo and did some shopping and buying at a quality viviero. No problems observed. Of course we had our vagabundos del mar placques on our car doors and we were pulling a boat. We stayed in a great rental house in lopez that we found thru a nomad.

captkw - 1-14-2011 at 10:02 AM

I have been in b.c.s. since nov. 3 and am camping at the hot springs near el charro,so I get to met a lot of new folks coming down and ALOT of them have stated that the cops are still doing the mordida in constatution....tip: drive through sunday morn around 8:30 and you should be fine,I sure wish this could be deal with

TMW - 1-14-2011 at 10:45 AM

I was down there in early Nov. and stayed in a hotel for the night. Didn't have any problems. I was aware others did before I went down. I think some of the problems may be related as to how you exit the main drag. You can't just make a turn you have to use the exit lane to the right to get on the parallel side street then turn left in the left turn lane at the next light.

longlegsinlapaz - 1-14-2011 at 11:12 AM

I wonder if some of the new & infrequent travelers are confusing the police stops coming into town where they're checking for current tags & registration as harassment or mordida stops? :?::?:

BajaBlanca - 1-14-2011 at 04:07 PM

I have asked our guests who have driven north from La Paz and no one has reported seeing any police.

I think the problem resolved itself with all the publicity we put out.

In a couple weeks, we ourselves will have a chance to check out the situation ourselves


Iflyfish - 1-14-2011 at 04:44 PM

No problem for Mrsfish and myself either driving down nor on our way up. Stayed at Mision RV Park and spent some money in town.

One can only hope and be vigilent, read the previous thread for a step by step process for dealing with this issue.

Good job all involved.


roundtuit - 1-14-2011 at 06:21 PM

Went slow, watched and stopped at darn near every crossing. Saw some police
But had no problems. Stop signs are about 6 inches off the ground at the corners hidden behind the palms and plants .:smug::smug::smug:

byaneyelash - 1-19-2011 at 08:27 AM

It's still happening. We were stopped on the morning of Jan. 6, only 2 blocks from south end of town.

We spent the night in Constitucion in a nice hotel, roughly US$45, ate about $15 worth of tacos, then $10 breakfast and gas for $20.

I made the mistake of getting in the outside lane. A cop who stopped someone else got in his truck and followed our rental car for a short distance then turned on the lights. I got out and he says I was not wearing a seatbelt. I DON'T Drive WITHOUT A SEATBELT!!! I apologized, but he wanted to write a ticket and requested my driver's license and I held it up so he could see it. He tried to take it but I didn't release my grip, so he insists we go to the station. Fine, we go to a substation on the northeast end of town.

I tried to explain to his superior, and added that I write for newspapers and the internet and will tell others what happened. They didn't care. After 20 minutes and 315 pesos, we were on our way. At least I didn't hand over my money to the cop.

My girlfriend kept my camera around her neck and let the video function run while we're at the station. I'll post a few snippets after I figure out how to do that.

Leaving town, we laughed at how many other drivers we spotted who weren't wearing seatbelts and ran stop signs.

On the other hand, walking one night with friends in Santa Rosalia, a young fellow taps me on the shoulder and hands me a 20-peso bill I had dropped on the sidewalk.
And the day after the stop in Constitucion, a motorcycle cop in La Paz slowed down beside us and pointed at the rear passenger tire to let me know it was low.

Considering the stop in Constitucion was the worst thing that happened, aside from the wind that kept us from fishing and snorkeling 2 days, it was not enough to keep me from returning to the Baja. But I doubt I'll stay in Constitucion again.

DENNIS - 1-19-2011 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by byaneyelash
I tried to explain to his superior, and added that I write for newspapers and the internet and will tell others what happened. They didn't care.

OOOOPS.....You broke out of the "groveling mode" and tried to take a position of power. Probably not a good idea when you're facing the firing squad. :light: Anyway...good try. I appreciate that.

So...will you be writing an article on this subject any place other than here? Would love to see it.

byaneyelash - 1-19-2011 at 08:50 AM

Yes, now that I've remembered my password, I'll put together a travelogue with plenty of photos.
The Constitucion incident, by no means, has overshadowed the experience.
I want to return, but now that I have the lay of the land, I know where to go and spend less money getting there.
Now that we've seen the countryside, I might be more inclined to use the bus system.

surfdoc - 1-19-2011 at 10:18 AM

Nice to see this UTD reports on Constitution as I drive trhu now and then.
I do understand how many could have a problem with th lanes and making turns etc, same in Vizcaino now.

But I don't understand this line ..
"We spent the night in Constitucion in a nice hotel, roughly US$45, ate about $15 worth of tacos, then $10 breakfast and gas for $20."

Dose how much you spend while in a town relate to your probability of being stopped ??
I'm thinking no, but thats me...

Anyway...still a newbie on this Baja thing.. so enjoy reading and learnin as I go...

Appreciate all the updates...:)

byaneyelash - 1-20-2011 at 10:45 AM

"We spent the night in Constitucion in a nice hotel, roughly US$45, ate about $15 worth of tacos, then $10 breakfast and gas for $20."
Of course I did not intend to imply that spending money in the city should provide any immunity. I had read that the city had changed it's ways so I chose to stay there for the night instead of going on to la Paz just as a goodwill measure. No good deed goes unpunished as they say.

ddawson - 1-23-2011 at 11:19 AM

I drove through CC both ways over Christmas and had no problems. I stayed in the center lanes. I did see policemen in town, but the only car pulled over was a local and he was on the opposite time of the road.


JumpJoey - 1-24-2011 at 12:16 PM

I got pulled over twice within 5 minutes last year just before Valentines day going north through Constitution. The first time , there were four of them and I insisted they write me a ticket or we go to the station for it."NO , 700 pesos , right now!" Of course they had my license and after awhile it got passed down to the youngest cop who , after the others walked away , basically begged me for 200 pesos for his family . I gave him 100 pesos and got my license back. The second stop I had to count to 10 to stay calm , and got out and walked over to the cops . Same thing , started out at 700 pesos . I told them I just gave some money to the other cops down the road. We all stood there for 6 minutes {I guess they don`t pool their resources}. I was not giving out any more money . A white van pulled up and the passinger looked at me and I said "mas mordidos!" He got out and got the cops version of what is occurring . And then he got my version. I think he must have been watching the whole thing from the government van . He is a local politician and sent the cops on their way and apologized to me for what happened . He realizes that tourists being shaken down like that by law enforcement will cause damage to the tourism industry in Mexico. But when you consider that the average cop there makes approx. 8000 pesos a month , you realize how sketchy things can get. As I just stated in another post , it is one thing to get caught up in a crime as a bystander , and quite another if , as a tourist , you are the target , whether it is by the Mexican police , people dressed up as police , or just thugs with guns.
Like many people have pointed out , there are far more dangerous places right here in the US , but if things develop in Mexico where the tourists are the primary target , coupled with the lack of law enforcement resources to actively combat it , well game over...

DENNIS - 1-24-2011 at 12:26 PM

Originally posted by JumpJoey
But when you consider that the average cop there makes approx. 8000 pesos a month , you realize how sketchy things can get.

So...their choice is, go get another job or turn into a licensed thief. What a dilema for these unfortunate victims.
I have it on good information that they all applied for their job voluntarily.

Sorry....I cut no slack with blame. They're thieves because they want to be. They would do the same thing if they were earning ten thousand dollars a week. It's their corruption of the badge.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 1-24-2011 at 12:26 PM


thank you for the update.

was the local politicion just happened to drive by or is he, and hopefully others, routinely cruising the streets looking for these situations ?


DENNIS - 1-24-2011 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT
thank you for the update.

It was almost a year ago. Before Ifly started his campaign.

BajaBlanca - 1-24-2011 at 12:37 PM

we shall be driving by CC at the end of this week.....I shall post if anything happens .... but I sure hope the nightmare is over as things seem to be quiet nowadays ...

welcome ddawson and JumpJoey to Baja Nomad Land.

JumpJoey - 1-24-2011 at 02:06 PM

In answer to Da Rat and Dennis. First , all I can say is the local Pol didn`t seem surprised by the shakedown by the cops and saw it more as something that needs to be stopped so that businesses in the area can prosper. It is no small thing that another poster mentioned spending $70.00 or so in that area. Local businesses rely on that and the behavior of the police is hurting their business.
I certainly don`t use the low pay for police as justification for the shakedowns , but I do think tourists and locals alike would be served better by a decently paid police force.

DENNIS - 1-24-2011 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by JumpJoey
First , all I can say is the local Pol didn`t seem surprised by the shakedown by the cops

It's been a part of their life since day one. No...they arn't surprised by the act. It's a cultural thing.
What they may be surprised about is the frequency and greediness of the occurance. It has turned into a frenzy of extortion, far beyond the tolerable rate.
We won't be able to stop it. All we can hope to do is suppress it to a comfortable point. That might be...... if you break a law, you pay.

Welcome to BajaNomad, by the way.

Anyone got a story?

Lee - 3-14-2011 at 04:28 PM

B - U - M - P

dtbushpilot - 3-14-2011 at 04:54 PM

Drove through Southbound yesterday. Stayed in the middle lane, went slow, stopped at every intersection whether it had a stop sign or not. No problems, I did see a cop going the other way but he didn't turn around....dt

bajacalifornian - 3-14-2011 at 06:30 PM

With sons in La Paz, I pass through fairly often. Constitution is confusing with two way center lane and frontage on either side. Stop where you need to, flow with traffic. No problem.

JumpJoey - 3-15-2011 at 01:01 PM

Originally posted by bajacalifornian
With sons in La Paz, I pass through fairly often. Constitution is confusing with two way center lane and frontage on either side. Stop where you need to, flow with traffic. No problem.

I am happy for you that you`ve had no problem in Constitution however , there are many of us who stop where we need to and flow with traffic and still get singled out for a very blatant shakedown. And I am damned sick of it.

Bajahowodd - 3-15-2011 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by JumpJoey
Originally posted by bajacalifornian
With sons in La Paz, I pass through fairly often. Constitution is confusing with two way center lane and frontage on either side. Stop where you need to, flow with traffic. No problem.

I am happy for you that you`ve had no problem in Constitution however , there are many of us who stop where we need to and flow with traffic and still get singled out for a very blatant shakedown. And I am damned sick of it.

If I am reading you correctly, your last incident was over a year ago, right?

I wouldn't fall asleep while driving through there theses days, but given all of the reports from last year, it does appear that by and large, there has been a vast improvement.

The past few times I traveled through Cd. C, I took the center lane, drove VERY slow, and on those intersections lacking an operating traffic light, stopped completely, and scanned for any pedestrians. Maybe I was overdoing it, but if I saw a pedestrian in the street, even far across from where I was, I waited for them to complete crossing. Slow going, of course. But no one molested me.

Phil S - 3-15-2011 at 06:27 PM

If you get puller over "stay in the car"!!!!! I know. There are those that will get out for some reason???? Can't argue about a seat belt violation if your out of the car. It doesn't happen to me, but I would stay in the vehicle with seat belt on. Then let him tell me I didn't have my seat belt on????? But I do have to admit, as others have. It is very confusing with that vehicular directional thing. When I went down in Nov. & back mid December, I played it safe, and drove slow, and stopped when needed.

dtutko1 - 3-16-2011 at 06:18 AM

Passed through yesterday at noon. No police in site. Stopped at each intersection, no problems.

gallesram - 3-16-2011 at 03:12 PM

This is a really common occurence on the mainland; I got pulled over in Acapulco last week almost daily going into town to buy supplies for our place. I would be in a pack of cars going down the highway and I would see the transit police literally stare at me going the other way; the next thing I knew, he had pulled a U-turn and was weaving between the cars to pull me over. Each time I stayed in the car, spoke only English and was clearly mad at being stopped. I never paid one peso to any of them. In total, I was pulled over 5 times, and I never paid anything. The same thing has happened to me in CC twice, and each time I did the same thing (only English, stayed in the car, appeared mad and didn't pay anything). The problem is, it makes no difference if you obey the traffic laws, since if they want to pull you over, they'll pull you over. I have tried everything I can think of to not stand out (wear a hat, don't wear a hat, rent a white car versus a red one, etc.) but none of it works. Frankly, I come down to Baja to get away from the stress of life up here, and being pulled over by a policeman in a foreign country is stressful, regardless of whether someone is innocent or not. So now, I just drive over to the road that parallels the main highway to the east about 4 blocks, and I never see any cops over there. Someone mentioned that in a previous post and it has worked for me (it's the road with the huge divider in the middle). If I do get pulled over, I'll use the same technique and hopefully it will work.

BajaBlanca - 3-16-2011 at 04:25 PM

We drove thru CC a little over a week ago and we did not see any cops. I was ready with camera on hand, with phone numbers in hand. I fully agree with gallesram: they know you are gringo from a a mile away and they most definitely single us out


extremely unnerving and most frustrating when you are doing everything right...everyone knows I paid up in Mexico City ..but it will take YEARS for Les to get over it !! He was so upset over the whole ridiculouslness of it all.

on another note:

[Edited on 3-21-2011 by BajaBlanca]

fishabductor - 3-19-2011 at 09:46 PM

i drove thru issues ....middle lane 5km/hr under to be safe. I saw plenty of cops..they saw me... I drove right on thru town and then punched it and made up for lost time...;D

[Edited on 3-20-2011 by fishabductor]

monoloco - 3-20-2011 at 04:42 PM

I also drove through yesterday behind a group of motorcyclists that ran every stop sign and didn't get hassled.

Iflyfish - 3-21-2011 at 11:33 AM

These reports are indeed good news. We learned a lot from our extensive discussion of Police Extortion in CC.

We learned to drive very, very slowly, stop at every stop sign and stop if there is even a question of a pedestrian THINKING about crossing a street. We also learned to stay in the car, be calm and ask to go to the station to resolve any issue and let them know you have all the time in the world.

We don't know how this has happened, our Social Networking, local citizens taking on the corrupt cops, our developing an effective strategy that most of us agree upon??? The good news is that reports of Police Extortion on the only highway linking North and South Baja and the loss of gringo dollars to local merchants has abated, at least somewhat.

Regardless of the cause for this reduction I think that Nomads should take a moment to reflect upon the power of Nomads and what a vital link this is to all of us.



BajaBlanca - 3-22-2011 at 03:31 PM

well put.

gallesram - 3-23-2011 at 10:14 AM

Thanks for the welcome Baja Blanca. This is such a great site; very helpful to stay on top of what's going on down in Baja which always makes a trip go more smoothly. By the way, I got nailed in Mexico City, too, and mistakenly paid a mordida. Never again (within reason)!

BajaBlanca - 3-24-2011 at 10:44 PM

sorry you got nailed too, I very much regret paying but at the time, it just seemed like the best thing to do .....

this really is an amazing site - the two trips we have taken around Mexico - one to copper canyon and this last to the mainland for 6 weeks were infinitely enhanced by all the advice everyone shared.

now if I can just find the rock art in Catavina HAHAHA

Bajatripper - 3-26-2011 at 12:49 PM

We drove through CC twice last weekend with no problems, either. On the return trip, we were in the center lane and had a police truck paralleling us on the right. At no time did he show any interest in us or the US-plated SUV we were in.

BajaBlanca - 3-26-2011 at 05:46 PM

things may be a-changin' after all ....

DENNIS - 3-26-2011 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
things may be a-changin' after all ....

Probably are. That means they'll be back to normal soon enough. Keep your wallet handy.

Bajahowodd - 3-26-2011 at 06:11 PM

Or not. Just seems to me that this forum, alonf with others, really produced a change there. Perhaps I'm just dreaming, but...

Lee - 5-24-2011 at 05:09 PM

Anybody driving through CC with anything to report?

Jim/Liisa - 5-24-2011 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by byaneyelash
It's still happening. We were stopped on the morning of Jan. 6, only 2 blocks from south end of town.

We spent the night in Constitucion in a nice hotel, roughly US$45, ate about $15 worth of tacos, then $10 breakfast and gas for $20.

I made the mistake of getting in the outside lane. A cop who stopped someone else got in his truck and followed our rental car for a short distance then turned on the lights. I got out and he says I was not wearing a seatbelt. I DON'T Drive WITHOUT A SEATBELT!!! I apologized, but he wanted to write a ticket and requested my driver's license and I held it up so he could see it. He tried to take it but I didn't release my grip, so he insists we go to the station. Fine, we go to a substation on the northeast end of town.

I tried to explain to his superior, and added that I write for newspapers and the internet and will tell others what happened. They didn't care. After 20 minutes and 315 pesos, we were on our way. At least I didn't hand over my money to the cop.

My girlfriend kept my camera around her neck and let the video function run while we're at the station. I'll post a few snippets after I figure out how to do that.

Leaving town, we laughed at how many other drivers we spotted who weren't wearing seatbelts and ran stop signs.

On the other hand, walking one night with friends in Santa Rosalia, a young fellow taps me on the shoulder and hands me a 20-peso bill I had dropped on the sidewalk.
And the day after the stop in Constitucion, a motorcycle cop in La Paz slowed down beside us and pointed at the rear passenger tire to let me know it was low.

Considering the stop in Constitucion was the worst thing that happened, aside from the wind that kept us from fishing and snorkeling 2 days, it was not enough to keep me from returning to the Baja. But I doubt I'll stay in Constitucion again.

You should have stayed in the car with your seat belt on, ya think?
He got you there..

[Edited on 02-05-2011 by Jim/Liisa]

BajaBlanca - 5-24-2011 at 05:34 PM

CC cops at it again - that's the pits.

Roberto - 5-24-2011 at 06:43 PM

(stating the obvious) Folks - that's the system. Figure out how to deal with it. You are NOT gonna change it. Whatcha think, Dennis?

DENNIS - 5-24-2011 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
(stating the obvious) Folks - that's the system. Figure out how to deal with it. You are NOT gonna change it. Whatcha think, Dennis?

I think efforts would be better spent in trying to get Mexicans to be on time and quit having so many babies.
Lemme know how those efforts turn out. :lol:

Mulegena - 5-24-2011 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd

The past few times I traveled through Cd. C, I took the center lane, drove VERY slow, and on those intersections lacking an operating traffic light, stopped completely, and scanned for any pedestrians. Maybe I was overdoing it, but if I saw a pedestrian in the street, even far across from where I was, I waited for them to complete crossing. Slow going, of course. But no one molested me.
You did everything correctly-- culturally and legally.
Since Hurricane Jimena, or another tormenta before, the lights haven't been working in Constitution, but ya' can't blow by the intersections. Ya' gotta come to a full and complete stop at each and every intersection whether there's a functioning stop light, stop sign, pedestrian or billy goat OR NOT, you still have to stop.
And don't forget, everybody wears a seatbelt.
And you NEVER get out of your car if you're stopped by a cop.
And NEVER, EVER pay a mordida to a cop, ever.
This protocol was explained to me by a local Mexican citizen. Its how they handle things.

Lee - 5-25-2011 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Mulegena

And you NEVER get out of your car if you're stopped by a cop.
And NEVER, EVER pay a mordida to a cop, ever.
This protocol was explained to me by a local Mexican citizen. Its how they handle things.

Too many absolutes here.

The Mexican citizens know the protocol for scams? For gringoes? Right.

Better to call Dennis and get real time protocol.

For those of you who think there's logic in this demonstrating your seatbelt is fastened, be prepared to justifiy your innocence for the charges of speeding, running stop signs, or traffic lights -- while pointing out that your seatbelt is fastened.

It's a scam folks. I'll take my chances arguing the scam face to face than sitting in my car passively.

Pretzel logic.

DENNIS - 5-25-2011 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Lee
For those of you who think there's logic in this demonstrating your seatbelt is fastened, be prepared to justifiy your innocence for the charges of speeding, running stop signs, or traffic lights -- while pointing out that your seatbelt is fastened.

Yeah.....I don't get the US mindset. We, some anyway, cling to the belief that reality will rule in these cases. That right and wrong will find their proper level and that the police need a real reason to pull them over.
Will you ever get it, folks? The "real" reason is in your wallet. The procedure is highway robbery, pure and simple. The police officer isn't wrong or confused about your infraction. There was no infraction. You know that, and he knows that. You have to start dealing with reality from that point on.

wessongroup - 5-25-2011 at 09:12 AM

property taxes ?

mtgoat666 - 5-25-2011 at 09:25 AM

It sounds like the police in Cd C are being vigilant about policing the streets. I bet they have safe streets, with low or zero pedestrian fatality rate. More power to them! Over zealous policing of traffic infractions is a small price to pay for the lives saved!

1bobo - 5-25-2011 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
It sounds like the police in Cd C are being vigilant about policing the streets. I bet they have safe streets, with low or zero pedestrian fatality rate. More power to them! Over zealous policing of traffic infractions is a small price to pay for the lives saved!

Oh yes. Safety above all else!

DENNIS - 5-25-2011 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by 1bobo

Oh yes. Safety above all else!

:lol::lol: Yeah......these guys are really just a bunch of Boy Scouts working on their Business Merit Badge. :lol::lol:

Frank - 5-25-2011 at 12:43 PM


That right and wrong will find their proper level and that the police need a real reason to pull them over.
Will you ever get it, folks? The "real" reason is in your wallet. The procedure is highway robbery, pure and simple. The police officer isn't wrong or confused about your infraction. There was no infraction. You know that, and he knows that. You have to start dealing with reality from that point on.

Ah thats the game isnt it? You just summed up the whole experience Dennis :biggrin:

BajaBlanca - 5-25-2011 at 02:13 PM

well .... I think you can't just throw in the towel and give up....we must try to fix the problem (and I am soooo guilty of getting absurdly nervous and paying up when we were on the mainland ...)

I think it was great that byanbeyelash tried to do the right thing by going to the station.

and is this close enough to la paz for the new mayor to be informed and perhaps do s/thing about it ?????

Baja161 - 5-26-2011 at 12:06 PM

You know I have driven thru Cd C on 30 different trips up until 2005 and P-nched 1 time and he gave us the option to go to the station it was easier to pay but at the time I was pretty peeed cause 29 trips before that never had an issue. But we did roll a car one year outside of town and they really took great care of us so you just take your chances......:bounce:

Lee - 7-4-2011 at 01:34 PM

No one? That is good news!

LICENCIADO MIGUEL ANGEL VILLALEJO, the Director of the police in Constitution,

BajaBlanca - 10-25-2011 at 07:17 PM

this thread had the names and phone numbers ....

613 100-1910 cell phone number but someone should call and double check that this guy is still in office since gvt has changed.

[Edited on 10-26-2011 by BajaBlanca]

Sparetimewanted - 10-31-2011 at 08:21 PM

Just drove through north and south in the last week. Went 5 mph less than the speed limit and stopped at all stops. No problems.

UnoMas - 10-31-2011 at 10:26 PM

So does that mean you went 15mph all the way through town? Guess you would be safe from a speeding violation:lol::lol:

UnoMas - 10-31-2011 at 10:28 PM

Oh sorry that would mean 10mph:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bajahowodd - 11-1-2011 at 03:48 PM

Drove through town twice recently. Not a cop in sight. Of course, I did it on a Sunday. They may all be in church. This is a very devout region. Stopped at a Pemex near the South end of town, and their convenience store was chained closed at 2PM. Fact is, that Insurgentes doesn't allow alcohol sales on Sunday