
Magdalena Bay Fishing Questions

Lobsterman - 1-18-2011 at 09:02 AM

My buddy asked me if he could tow my boat down to Mag Bay to fish the mangroves as well as offshore. He's got a giant powerful diesel truck. He will take me along if I do not cause too much trouble. I have never been there before but as an avid fisherman it's on my Bucket List. At 64 you never know how many good days you got left to make this adventure. Before I commit there are a few questions I'd like to ask you experts. We plan of going down in Sept 2011 for 2-3 weeks.

1. Lodging: what hotel/motel would you recommend? Being able to keep an eye on my boat from the room is a must.

2. With my Cabo216 which has a 10" draft can I fish the mangroves? What about offshore? I can comfortably fish 40 miles offshore in San Diego. Has 300 mile range.

3. Would hiring a guide be a good idea?

4. How do you guys pay for things, i.e. dollars, pesos, credit cards, debit cards? In the past (last time 2005) I'd just carry down a wad of $20 but these are different times.

Thanks for the replies
retire 9 days,15 hrs, 55 min

Cardon Man - 1-18-2011 at 09:35 AM

10" draft should allow you to fish the mangroves. But fish with caution. If you don't know the channels you can end up pegged on a bar and sitting in the mud until the tide change. Do not follow the charts on your GPS in the bay. They are probably way off and will only increase the likelyhood of getting pegged.
Don't hesitate on hiring a guide! The bay is huge and it's a very tide oriented fishery. Knowing where to be and when and how to get there safely is critical. And if you plan on heading onto the Pacific via the bocas ( eg. Soledad ) do yourself a favor and hire a guide. That's some serious boating there and it can get real dangerous real fast for a greenhorn.
You'll have a blast! Mag bay is a great area.

bajacalifornian - 1-18-2011 at 02:35 PM

Hey Lobsterman . . . congratulations on your retirement! September is a perfect time for your visit. Can be as good as it gets. Shrimp are in season for bait - best you can use. Lodging with parking is available. I've places available you would enjoy. Your boat is fine for the Laguna as well as the Pacific. Plan to hire a guide for reasons Cardon Man recommends. Great guides are available. Your wads of twenties will work but just as well exchange them for pesos. Handy for local markets etc. for a 2-3 week stay. Stay in touch as questions come to mind.

Pescador - 1-18-2011 at 02:52 PM

Ruben Duran is the man you want to talk to for guiding. He knows as much as almost anyone about Mag Bay and is based in Lopez Mateos.

Cardon Man - 1-18-2011 at 04:06 PM

Ruben is a great guide and fisherman. Another is Sergio Garcia ( and his son Roddy. ) All 3 know how to get 'er done and are based at Lopez.

mulegemichael - 1-18-2011 at 04:20 PM

hey amigo....keep in mind september is hurricane season in baja and it can get pretty nasty at times....keep a close eye on the internet as you make your plans cause it can deteriorate pretty rapidly..

desertcpl - 1-18-2011 at 05:21 PM

Pesos. most places only deal in Pesos , when you go off the
beaten path

guide for your first time

dont know about Motels,I always plan on being self sufficient

bajacalifornian - 1-18-2011 at 06:38 PM

mulegemichael is correct. September is hurricane time . . . October, October is the time to come. Ruben is outstanding, especially outside.

woody with a view - 1-18-2011 at 06:51 PM

if you decide to let your buddy take the boat, and you can't make it, i'll fill in for ya!

and congrats on the retirement!

dtutko1 - 1-19-2011 at 08:13 AM

Lopez Mateos has limited accomodations. Plan your trip around the tides. Full and new moons should be avoided as the esteros can be problematic at extreme tides. Nomad Bajacalifornian has a house to rent that you can have your boat in the yard. We stayed there and was totally satisfied w/ his place and knowledge of the area.