
Corvina on a full moon with pic.

baitcast - 1-21-2011 at 11:50 AM

The full moon we have had reminded me of some of the best Corvina fishing we ever had in Gonzaga and BOLA.

Once we discoved this fact we never missed the opportunity to be on the beach that time of nite pitching top-waters,Spooks and poppers in that order and the Corvina loved them in the spring and fall and the summer but to a lesser degree.

Just find a stretch of sand that they are known to frequent tie on a spook with a dark or black body or at least a dark belly pitch it out there and walk the dog,even if you miss seeing them hit it you will probably hear the take ton of fun.

Sometimes they just seem to be missing it a lot if that happens either speed it up or slow it down, if that happens put on a popper same colors,be prepared to hook something very large from time to time because at nite those larger guys move in very close.

In the earlyer days 60,s thru 70,s there were alot of sharks in Baja Norte and those guys would grab a hooked corvina and head south :lol:

If you never have tried top-waters be prepared to miss alot to being with,never swing at what you see but what you feel,wait!

And last if your near larger rocks,those guys like top-waters to :rolleyes:

[Edited on 1-21-2011 by baitcast]

[Edited on 1-23-2011 by baitcast]

Oggie - 1-21-2011 at 02:21 PM


In BOLA would you find corvina at the sand spit?

Skipjack Joe - 1-21-2011 at 02:41 PM

Is this good surface fishing only on a full moon or does it work any night?

baitcast - 1-21-2011 at 03:25 PM

Igor my man any dark nite works but harder to deal with useing those baits and a baitcaster like I used,spinning reels will work a popper ok but not a spook.

Another way thats works is a coleman lantern which will attract bait-fish and all kinds of critters,when using one of them you must leave it in the same spot longer for the convention to start.

For the spook to work best pray for flat water and a incoming and high tide.

Oggie I never did fish the sand spit but I,ve heard thy were there so I,m sure this would work just fine,in BOLA the best Corvina fishing is in the south end at the estro mouth and sometimes in the La Gringa area,over all Gonzaga is better for Corvina the best spot was at the mouth of the estro on an OUTGOING TIDE, I should have mentioned a outgoing tide at the estro in BOLA also.
After thinking about it I think full moon is better but I don,t know why.

[Edited on 1-21-2011 by baitcast]

Skipjack Joe - 1-21-2011 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by baitcast

Another way thats works is a coleman lantern which will attract bait-fish and all kinds of critters,when using one of them you must leave it in the same spot longer for the convention to start.

We did that when we were younger at Pt. Escondido. That was so much fun. We would go out in a small rowboat with the light and after a while you could stuff 'buzzing' right below the lamp. There would be these miniature shrimp with transparent bodies blasting from one end to the other. The bigger fish eventually came around and we would catch jacks right below the lights.

Making bait is a similar pleasure but not really as much fun. The dock at Pt Escondido would be lined up with snowbirds at night with their colemans on. People used the opportunity to socialize as well.

Paulina - 1-21-2011 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
The full moon we have had reminded me of some of the best Corvina fishing we ever had in Gonzaga and BOLA...

I love it when baja memories are sparked. I also love it when those memories are shared.

Your story inspired Igor into sharing his Pt. Escondido memory with us and made me think about one of my own.

Back when the town lights of Bahia would go off at 10 pm we would take an underwater light out on our panga. We would put that lamp down in the water and watch for the mysteries of the deep to come up to the boat. Then we would jump in too!

The best nights were when the bioluminescence was going off. When the fish would come up to the boat we'd turn the light off and jump in. The darkness contrasted with the green glowing objects flashing by was creepy.

We were young.

Thanks again for sharing your memories and for waking mine up.


baitcast - 1-22-2011 at 01:01 PM

My need for a proof reader is more apparent as I grow older:rolleyes: O-well

"We were young"

Yes those were the days,no need for sleep,sleep was something that we did when we found time for it,for a quick run to BOLA drive all nite fish a day and a half and drive all nite then work all day then collapse,then do it all over again when we found time:lol:

Memorys of nite runs to Gonzaga in the 60,s on that god awful road only to get blown away in a westerly then laugh all the way home.

Then a vacation with the family how different those were:lol: a nice leisurely pace going and coming,we learned so much about Baja from PaPa Fernandez who became our friend and mentor,my kids speak of him often.

My ticker has gone sour,my hip hurts,can,t hear so good,so I reminisce,I also love it when folks tell the storys of days long since gone in all things Baja.
One more thing who ever coined "the golden years" needs to have his ass kicked.

wessongroup - 1-23-2011 at 05:54 AM

Thanks for sharing .... and glad to see you still kicking... was getting a little worried ...

best bumped sticker " The Golden Years Suck"... hang in there, should be warming up for that hip in a few more months... as for the ticker... just remember those evenings drinking "san miguel" playing cards ... or shoveling asphalt into a Hydrogen bomb crater.. what duty...

baitcast - 1-23-2011 at 04:21 PM

Nice late nite corvina,got several like this guy plus a few smaller fish.