
You haven't lived Part III

jrbaja - 8-16-2004 at 09:04 AM

You haven't lived until you have gone into unknown parts of the mountains, eaten fresh deer meat, caught wild tilapia, and eaten tamales and enchiladas made from homegrown ingredients by the local indian inhabitants.
While listening to 45 records on a hand cranked phonograph. :lol:
Pictures at

bajalera - 8-16-2004 at 01:51 PM

Absolutely, JR!

And don't nobody go rainin on this-here second parade of JR's sweet cuddly positive and sort of inspirational side by bringin up any goll-dang i*e ch*sts.


Thanks Lera

jrbaja - 8-16-2004 at 02:29 PM

but actually, I was thinkin it's kinda boring around here when I'm not stirring up some kinda Bull ya base!:lol:
I'll think of something antisomething to stir the pot with though. hahahahaahaha
I know, how about Tucker telling Debra her dates were wrong when he picked up the hitchhiker in Santa Rita, "south of El Centenario".
Strange things happen in those deserts, eh Tucker?

See ya soon.:

Very funny JR!

Debra - 8-16-2004 at 02:36 PM

:biggrin::biggrin: My dates could have very well been wrong, no calender or watch in Baja!

And sorry to "freeze out" JR's 'cuddlyness' Lera, but, I really had to know about 5 day ice!

[Edited on 8-16-2004 by Debra]

Shure nuff o' great traveller

Tucker - 8-16-2004 at 03:01 PM

El Centenario is south on the road from Santa Rita.

The food you describe is similar to what we had as kids, a function of being poor. The food is better, no preservatives, sugar etc.

And we had a hand-cranked Victrola, kerosene lamps, outhouses, see-through walls and all the other things that are great when it's not you having to endure it.

[Edited on 8-16-2004 by Tucker]

Don't know about the dates Debra

jrbaja - 8-16-2004 at 03:03 PM

what I'm pretty sure was wrong though, is the location of Santa Rita:light:
But nevertheless, no big deal.
And yall kin "freeze out" my posts anytime, I'll be chowin on Mangos real soon!:lol:

Better quit smoking those mango's

Tucker - 8-16-2004 at 03:12 PM

Are you sure

it was the 21st you picked up the hitch-hiker? On Wednesday the 21st I picked up a young man in Santa Rita (south of C. Constitucion). Seemed very spiritual, only food I had was pretzels, he crossed himself when I gave him some. He was headed to San Jose with no money. We didn't talk much, my van was limping so bad I was a little uptight. I let him off in El Centenario and gave him a hundred pesos. He placed his hands together and bowed. To bad I didn't ask his name.