
Mexico (Baja Included) & Egypt

Gypsy Jan - 1-31-2011 at 03:23 PM

OK, I am cautiously sticking my toe into the waters of political discussion here, so here goes...

On the Today Show this morning, Hoda Kotb was asked by Kathie Lee Gifford for her take on the recent events in Egypt. (Hoda is a native-born American with Egyptian-born parents.)

Hoda paused, looked up and drew a deep breath. The she replied that the people of Egypt are so laid-back that, "If you spill a bag of oranges on the sidewalk, everyone around will rush to help you pick it up." and that "There are many, many small traffic collisions on the streets in Cairo and when that happens, both drivers roll down their windows and say, 'Malesh' (sp?) which means, 'Don't worry."

That conversation brings me to thinking about the people of Baja. Yesterday, we were talking with a Mexican friend about our Baja mechanic's plan to redo our car and he said to tell our mechanic that what he was doing is "chice nada (sp?)", which means using ingenuity and inventiveness to solve a difficult problem.

When we are asked by people, "Why do you live in Mexico?" the first, easy answer that springs to mind is the people. The people who are friends, the people who have helped us and the people we have met that work hard and creatively, day in and day out, to make a better life for their family and the future of their country.

Despite the negative events that have happened in such amount and force in Mexico, I think the good spirit of the Mexican people will endure and prevail and I wish the same future for the good people of Egypt.

[Edited on 1-31-2011 by Gypsy Jan]

artistlily - 1-31-2011 at 03:41 PM

Well Said.

sanquintinsince73 - 1-31-2011 at 03:54 PM

That conversation brings me to thinking about the people of Baja. Yesterday, we were talking with a Mexican friend about our Baja mechanic's plan to redo our car and he said to tell our mechanic that what he was doing is "chice nada (sp?)", which means using ingenuity and inventiveness to solve a difficult problem.

"Chicanada"....which means exactly as you said, ingenuity and inventiveness. For example running a wire from point "A" to point "B" to bypass point"C" just long enough to get you to a mechanic.

UPDATE! Egyptian Army Says It Will Not Fire on Protesters

Gypsy Jan - 1-31-2011 at 04:18 PM

Another thing I recall from the Today Show, Hoda said, "The Egyptian people distrust the police - they think that they are corrupt and uneducated, but they look up to the military, believing that they are disciplined and fair."

From my experience, I think the attitude in Mexico is the same.

motoged - 1-31-2011 at 04:34 PM

I would rather be in Baja than Egypt any day....especially now.

Scary times over there....the mid-east just might make 2012 predictions a bit more believable:O

Meanwhile, back at the taco stand....:coolup: