
Fishing Los Barriles

BajaJeeper - 1-31-2011 at 05:13 PM

I have never fished around Los Barriles and would like to do so. I am interested in coming out when the bite is hot (as it was for much of last year). Partial to tuna but enjoy it all. Can anyone recommend some good boats/guides to go out on? My Spanish is very weak so some english would be a plus. I would likely be with one other fisherman, perhaps two. We would be coming up from San Jose so would probably want to find a motel/hotel the night before so we do not have to leave home at 3am. I am here a month or two at a time all during the year, so this is really a long term interest.

Also I would like to find someone I could contact that can give an impartial report on what is happening fishing wise.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

dtbushpilot - 1-31-2011 at 05:19 PM

I like Verdugo's, basic boats, good captains, good price, not a bad place to stay too if you want to be on the beach and don't mind basic accommodations. I'd be happy to share a charter with you if I'm there when you are, u2u me. Best times are when it's hot.......dt

captkw - 1-31-2011 at 05:23 PM

it's slow rite now,,, be aware verdogo's is packed tighter than that can of sardines in the pantry

bajafreaks - 1-31-2011 at 06:00 PM

You don't have too much to chose from as far as guides/charters go. Rancho Leonaro is good but a little pricey. I like Theresa at the east cape r.v park she has two boats, awesome and awesome two. Vergugos is worth looking into as well. The los Barriles hotel in town is a good place to stay, the prices are good and its right in the middle of town and about a 5-10 minute walk to the beach.
As for fish reports, theres a lot of nomads that can help in that department, just ask.

[Edited on 2-1-2011 by bajafreaks]

acadist - 1-31-2011 at 06:29 PM

Have had great times at Verdugo's