
deer hunting season

astrobaja - 2-1-2011 at 08:39 AM

Just curious, getting conflicting facts on just when the deer hunting season is here in Baja Norte. One local rancher claims its all the way through december, and another hunter I know says it sept/oct/nov. The rancher in question is not terribly honest and I suspect he was poaching on our land.

TonyC - 2-1-2011 at 08:58 AM

season, or not, if he's on your land...seems like it don't matter. make him pay a trespass fee.

TonyC - 2-1-2011 at 09:02 AM

trespass fee. yeah i know i must be smoking, if that's going to happen.

fishabductor - 2-1-2011 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by TonyC
season, or not, if he's on your land...seems like it don't matter. make him pay a trespass fee.

How do you suppose you go about making him pay a Trespass fee?

I doubt there is very little you can do about this guy without opening up a whole case of canned worms, besides fencing your land and politely asking him to hunt elsewhere.

It is his country after all and those deer belong to Mexico, regardless of who's land they are on.

David K - 2-1-2011 at 09:07 AM

The hunter should share the meat!:light:

astrobaja - 2-1-2011 at 09:16 AM

I just wanted to be clear on exactly when hunting season was. He does know that there is no hunting on our property and I do NOT want to get into it with him. He has a reputation for being quite the hot head.

We are getting gates put in at both ends of our ranch and they will be locked during hunting season, case closed!

BigOly - 2-1-2011 at 09:16 AM

He should share the meat or at least invite you to dinner. BYOB

astrobaja - 2-1-2011 at 09:23 AM

I love the taste of venison, but our property is a wildlife sanctuary, he has a ranch that is at least 2000 acres is that not enough for him?

Don't want to have anything to do with the guy!!!!

fishabductor - 2-1-2011 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
I just wanted to be clear on exactly when hunting season was. He does know that there is no hunting on our property and I do NOT want to get into it with him. He has a reputation for being quite the hot head.

We are getting gates put in at both ends of our ranch and they will be locked during hunting season, case closed!

And if he just decides to hop the fence?:?:

TonyC - 2-1-2011 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by fishabductor
Originally posted by TonyC
season, or not, if he's on your land...seems like it don't matter. make him pay a trespass fee.

How do you suppose you go about making him pay a Trespass fee?

I doubt there is very little you can do about this guy without opening up a whole case of canned worms, besides fencing your land and politely asking him to hunt elsewhere.

It is his country after all and those deer belong to Mexico, regardless of who's land they are on.

True that, about opening a whole case of canned worms.

I guess the law "trespass" only apply to us, and I wasn't referring to hunting season or who the deers belong to.

astrobaja - 2-1-2011 at 09:31 AM

Sure its a problem! We own 1200 acres! Most of it is not fenced! And if it was yeah all you do is hop over!

Guess worst case scenario is take him to court, but only as a last resort!

David K - 2-1-2011 at 09:33 AM

Being a neighbor, it may be best to work the issue out over a meal with drinks... (not rushed... Mexican style). He may have been hunting there for years before you bought the land... Let him know your wishes to make it a preserve so more deer will be born there... and then overflow onto his land, where he can hunt them. Rather you want that to happen or not... You can't choose your neighbors, so figure out ways to work with them... Otherwise he could make a mess of things and harass your guests as they travel to or from your place...?

TonyC - 2-1-2011 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by David K
Being a neighbor, it may be best to work the issue out over a meal with drinks... (not rushed... Mexican style). He may have been hunting there for years before you bought the land... Let him know your wishes to make it a preserve so more deer will be born there... and then overflow onto his land, where he can hunt them. Rather you want that to happen or not... You can't choose your neighbors, so figure out ways to work with them... Otherwise he could make a mess of things and harass your guests as they travel to or from your place...?

You go David....orale.

fishabductor - 2-1-2011 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Sure its a problem! We own 1200 acres! Most of it is not fenced! And if it was yeah all you do is hop over!

Guess worst case scenario is take him to court, but only as a last resort!

Good luck, 1200 acres is a whole lot of land. Short of getting guys on horseback patrolling the land, as is done in MT on Ted Turners Property you'd have a hard time knowing if anyone is in there.

Fencing 1200 acres would cost a pretty penny. Fencing 5 acres wasn't cheap in it self!!

astrobaja - 2-1-2011 at 09:43 AM

Fishabductor: true, impossible to patrol 1200 acres (plus who would want to do it all the time) But you certainly would hear gunfire!

Anyway we are working with CONANP to get our property officialy declared a nature preserve so that in the future if we have issues we can inform the authorities and they can go have a "talk"

Anyhow just wanted to know the dates for the hunting season, anyone actually know?

fishabductor - 2-1-2011 at 10:08 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Fishabductor: true, impossible to patrol 1200 acres (plus who would want to do it all the time) But you certainly would hear gunfire!

Anyway we are working with CONANP to get our property officialy declared a nature preserve so that in the future if we have issues we can inform the authorities and they can go have a "talk"

Anyhow just wanted to know the dates for the hunting season, anyone actually know?

I can't remember exactly. It seems to me that people just go out and hunt when they are hungry, as most people in mexico hunt illegally, given that being in possessing of a gun already puts them on the wrong side of the law.

Most nationals can't afford to pay $5000 pesos to obtain a deer license, in addition to be legal you have to join a Club and that costs roughly an additional $15,000 pesos. For the cost of the opportunity to try and get a deer you could buy 4 cows!!!

fishabductor - 2-1-2011 at 10:11 AM

I think the Nature preserve idea is a great one that can only help the park. Plus it will allow the authorities to help with your current problem.

sanquintinsince73 - 2-1-2011 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by fishabductor
Originally posted by astrobaja
Fishabductor: true, impossible to patrol 1200 acres (plus who would want to do it all the time) But you certainly would hear gunfire!

Anyway we are working with CONANP to get our property officialy declared a nature preserve so that in the future if we have issues we can inform the authorities and they can go have a "talk"

Anyhow just wanted to know the dates for the hunting season, anyone actually know?

I can't remember exactly. It seems to me that people just go out and hunt when they are hungry, as most people in mexico hunt illegally, given that being in possessing of a gun already puts them on the wrong side of the law.

Most nationals can't afford to pay $5000 pesos to obtain a deer license, in addition to be legal you have to join a Club and that costs roughly an additional $15,000 pesos. For the cost of the opportunity to try and get a deer you could buy 4 cows!!!

I agree Fishabductor. Who was there first anyway? This guy has probably been hunting there for years, maybe even his grandparents. I'd be pi$$ed if moneybags came down, bought my old hunting grounds, and now all of a sudden I can't hunt anymore.

astrobaja - 2-1-2011 at 10:21 AM

Who was there 1st? The Kiliwa and Pai Pai's!!!!! Who says he can't hunt anymore he has a HUGE ranch!!! Give me a break!!!

fishabductor - 2-1-2011 at 10:38 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Who was there 1st? The Kiliwa and Pai Pai's!!!!! Who says he can't hunt anymore he has a HUGE ranch!!! Give me a break!!!

Remember that the forbidden fruit is always the juiciest!

I fish on the south edge of a national park, and I salivate over the thought of fishing in the park, I know it must contain all the Dorado, Marlin and Wahoo in the SOC!

Pompano - 2-1-2011 at 08:39 PM

Like Jorge just said, 1500 acres is a tiny bit of ground to any deer. They would wander over that in a heartbeat....and most other critters, too, including quite a few hunters that I know.....;)

A protected park is the answer. Good luck...or good venison!

astrobaja - 2-3-2011 at 08:03 PM

Thanks for the info on the dates Don Jorge! David K's suggestion about having a chat was good in theory, but this person is not too honorable so I'll pass!
Back in Ontario Canada the concentration of deer was probably 10X's what it is here, most likely because the food sources are not nearly as rich. We see maybe a total of 10 in a year, so yeah I expect they have a huge range!

fishabductor - 2-3-2011 at 10:42 PM

When my wife and I visited the park about 6 years ago we saw a lot of deer probably 20-25, one group was at least a dozen strong. It was also cold as hell ans we weren't prepared. We froze our ...well you know whats off. It is a beautiful spot though.

The quail were also extremely thick on the drive up. There were coveys 100 strong.