
Mexico’s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth

DENNIS - 2-12-2011 at 10:45 AM

This is a bit lengthy for a cut 'n paste:

Woooosh - 2-12-2011 at 11:27 AM

This info has been out there since the original claims and I think we beat it to death on a previous thread. It was all about twisting statistics, again. But enough US guns are used by the cartels to make Mexico's point. And the US consumption of drugs is the other side of this. Tit for tat with no solutions.

One recent State Department disclosure I found very interesting was the debunking of the myth that the US Gov't trained the Zetas. The US Gov't cross-checked the list of known Zetas against the 5,000 Mexican Military the US paid and participated in the training of and found only one match. My Mexican family was very surprised the USA had trained 5,000 troops down here- I think most Mexican would be too. My family still thinks more Zetas were trained by the USA than just one, and they are likely correct. Because this is just stats too: Mexico stating the number of TRACEABLE guns and the USA matching the number of KNOWN Zetas.


"Since 1996, U.S. Embassy Mexico
City has maintained an electronic database of all Mexican
military trained with U.S. funds. These records show that the
USG has trained nearly of 5,000 Mexican military personnel,
including members of Mexico's Special Forces (GAFEs).
Several prominent members of the Mexican cartel Los ZETAS,
notorious for violent attacks, previously served in the
Mexican military's special forces units. Rumors have long
circulated suggesting that U.S.-trained members of the
Mexican military have become ZETAS. The Embassy actively
vets GOM security officials selected for participation in
U.S.-funded training programs for involvement in human rights
abuses or other criminal activities. The U.S. also sponsors
training activities, exercises, and exchanges that promote
human rights within the Mexican military. Separately, the
Mexican Government has proposed legislation to increase the
penalty for GOM military personnel implicated in organized
crime activities. The Embassy conducted an extensive
cross-check of our database of Mexican military officials who
participated in U.S.-funded training programs against lists
of known members of Los ZETAS. The comparison of databases did not produce any hits. However, intelligence from other sources yielded the name of one individual was reportedly trained by U.S. forces, retired from the Mexican Military, was forcibly recruited into Los ZETAS, and was later
implicated in a plan to assassinate former Mexican Deputy
Attorney General Jose Luis Vasconceles."

[Edited on 2-12-2011 by Woooosh]

Bajafun777 - 2-12-2011 at 01:33 PM

Dennis & Woooosh, Well unfortunately stats don't lie but those gathering the data and the manner they do this DO LIE! Thus, the spider web is always catching something,right?LOL Sad thing is these drug cartels and monies they pour out to those doing these bad & terrible things makes one not want to trust anyone if you are in law enforcement.

I had a past school friend that worked for the Yuma Sheriff's Department that was killed when he and another agent walked in on an undercover agent of theirs taking drugs from the locked evidence safe. I have also known agents in Mexico that had their own partners set them up for being harmed or killed, so one just never knows what buys another person's honor and ethics!!

Countries do the same thing in coloring the stats to hide another trail back to the their back yard. Better to be pointing the finger at someone else than having to really assess what is going wrong in your world. God forbid, that Countries actually try to truthful and helpful to each other in dealing with not only the drug cartels but the trade regulations & immigration issues between countries which are also causing problems.

So, I guess the moral to this story is trust nobody while working in drugs or gangs in and around law enforcement. Further, never voluteer any information that gets them looked at, especially if it can be traced back to you. If it traces back to you it might make for a short life, so to speak!

Sad thing here is Mexico has such terrific people and I have made so many friends over the years down in Mexico, friends who just want to live and let live. They do not want the drama and death that is going on down there and are just as eager as we are to make it go away. However, we all know that "Money talks and Bullchit walks" in this world, so death will always surround drugs and other illegal enterprises. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

Cypress - 2-12-2011 at 01:45 PM

Machetes, spears, stones? A society at war with itself will have no winners.:no:

DENNIS - 2-12-2011 at 02:57 PM

Oh well....I was just tryin' to liven the place up a bit. It's been kinda dull lately. Nothing like the good ol' days when I could start a war with most anyone here and people thanked me for it.
Peaceful worlds are boring. :)

Bajahowodd - 2-12-2011 at 03:22 PM

Just seems to me that aside from certain nervous NRA folks, this report really helps nada. It falls into the category ow just how pregnant a woman is, or when did you stop beating your wife. How's that, Dennis?:lol:

DENNIS - 2-12-2011 at 03:40 PM

Yeah....thanks. Much better now.

drarroyo - 2-13-2011 at 07:09 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
This is a bit lengthy for a cut 'n paste:

when are you leaving?

durrelllrobert - 2-16-2011 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh

One recent State Department disclosure I found very interesting was the debunking of the myth that the US Gov't trained the Zetas. The US Gov't cross-checked the list of known Zetas against the 5,000 Mexican Military the US paid and participated in the training of and found only one match.

if the US cross checked the list of ICE agents against the list of US citizens trained in Mexico the would find a helluva lot more than 1 :lol::lol: