
Northern Neighbor - Canada

Pompano - 2-18-2011 at 05:00 PM

I love going to Canada. I have a lake cottage in far north Canada and a US home on a river that is the US-Canada/Ontario border, so I make about a zillon trips a year to that country.

I came across some interesting facts that somehow escaped my attention this last half-century. I will share them with you now..cuz I ain't got a blessed thing better to do right now. (I'm waiting for the tardy GasPasa truck from Sta. Rosalia...:rolleyes:)

Interesting Facts About Canada

Canada perhaps is the only country in the world that is rarely in the news for any controversial issues. It is known to be a peace loving and one of the most preferred countries to migrate to.

Following are a few fun facts about Canada, that make this country stand apart from the rest.

• An unusual fact about Canada is its name origin, it comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, kanata, which means village or settlement.

• An interesting fact about Canada is that it's the world's second largest country areawise (including its waters), and fourth largest in land area.

• It also has the longest coastline in the world, about 243,000 kms in length.

• The country shares the world's longest common border with the United States of America, which is also the only unprotected border in the world.

• An interesting fact for kids, is that Canada is widely believed to be the home of Santa Claus.

• The belief that the North Pole is owned by Canada is false. No country owns the North Pole.

• Canada is also the largest producer of a refreshingly sweet dessert wine called Icewine.

• It features in the list of top five world's producers of gold, copper, zinc, nickel, aluminum, and natural gas.

• A funny fact about Canada's city of Montreal, sometimes called The City of Churches, is that it has more churches than houses! (Well, I don't believe this one at all!)

• Canada is also home to the world's smallest jail, located in Ontario. It is only 270 square feet.

• It also has the highest tertiary education enrollment in the world, which includes locals as well as international students.

• Toronto is the largest city of Canada, with a population of more than 5 million people. Toronto dwellers hold more university degrees than any other big city in the world.

• Despite being a really big country, it has the fourth lowest population density in the world, with only three people living per square kilometer! Almost half of the population in Canada were born in other countries. The USA is fast catching up.

• Here's a weird fact about Canada, it produces so much energy, that it provides it to the US too!

• The Ice Hotel in Quebec, known as Hotel de Glace is created every year using 400 tons of ice and 12,000 tons of snow. It melts away every summer and is recreated every winter.

• Canada has just one desert in British Columbia, towards the southernmost corner of the Okanagan Valley in Osoyoos.

• The desert is only 15 miles long, with over 100 rare plants, and over 300 rare animals. It is also the only desert in the world that has a long boardwalk, for people to walk on!

• Canadian winter temperatures fall below freezing point, with snow covering some parts of the country for nearly six months!

• In 1883, the baseball glove was invented in Canada.

• Many inventions including basketball, the electric light bulb, the electric range, the electron microscope, the telephone, standard time, the television, and the zipper, and the first snowmobile were invented in this remarkable country.

• The Niagara Falls, one of the largest and most popular waterfalls is in Ontario.

• Half of Canada is covered with forests, which should not be surprising, considering one-tenth of the world's forests are here. It is also home to the polar and the grizzly bear.

• Canada has two national sports; Lacrosse as the country's national summer sport, and Ice Hockey as the national winter sport. Its citizens invented the game of Lacrosse.

• Canada is also known to have the highest quality of life in the world, according to the United Nations Human Development Index.

Well, there you have it..all you really wanted to know about Canada, our trusted ally to the North. Now, where the hell is that gaspasa truck?

toneart - 2-18-2011 at 05:09 PM

You forgot to mention Health Care. :o:rolleyes:

mtgoat666 - 2-18-2011 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
• Many inventions including basketball, the electric light bulb, the electric range, the electron microscope, the telephone, standard time, the television, and the zipper, and the first snowmobile were invented in this remarkable country.

are you sure? perhaps you are stretching the truth on a couple of those claims.

canada does have pretty money.

[Edited on 2-19-2011 by mtgoat666]

Pompano - 2-18-2011 at 05:18 PM

Oh yeah..Canada's great Health Care system...where most folks die long before the treatment begins..or a doctor is even seen, let alone treats anything. I know too many who elect to head south..and get it looked after in sunny Arizona durning the annual winter migration.

Been there, done that.... Tony...but I know your heart is in the right place.

Pompano - 2-18-2011 at 05:20 PM outside your casa and look for that damnable truck!!

Gaucho - 2-18-2011 at 05:37 PM

I did a bunch of traveling (back-packing) after I graduated college. I was gone a long time, over 2 years and pretty much went everywhere. I ended up with some really close friends who were Canadian and traveled part of the time with them. Had some Canadian roommates when I ended up in Australia.

That being said, the Canadians would bash the States more than any other group of people I met in my travels. More than anybody! It made me so mad I made it my mission to dispell their hatred of Americans. The only reason I cared was because 90% of these people had never even met an American face to face and were just doing what they felt was expected of them.

I know there are alot of Canadian Nomads and I mean no disrespect. Had this not been a personal experience I wouldn't have written it.

toneart - 2-18-2011 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Pompano outside your casa and look for that damnable truck!!

It was here about an hour ago, Roger.

Barry A. - 2-18-2011 at 05:50 PM

Roger------------add CANADIAN WHISKEY to the list of wonderful things. :lol:

------I have travelled extensively in British Columbia--------by far the friendliest people I have ever encountered, in general. I have seldom heard any USA bashing from any Canadian folks.


Bajahowodd - 2-18-2011 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
Oh yeah..Canada's great Health Care system...where most folks die long before the treatment begins..or a doctor is even seen, let alone treats anything. I know too many who elect to head south..and get it looked after in sunny Arizona durning the annual winter migration.

Been there, done that.... Tony...but I know your heart is in the right place.

Fox News afficionados aside, Canada's health care system is not very different from the health care systems found throughout the industrialized world.

Sure. One can complain about specific aspects, but the bottom line is that such systems provide for all of their citizens. And, those with greater means, are more than welcome to avail themselves of private alternatives. That's the unreported dirty little secret about Canada. Folks with wealth can still buy whatever level of health care they feel they need.

The dark, dirty secret about the debate in the US, is that it is overwhelmingly the health insuuers that provide the misinformation about this issue. Who in the world can feel comfortable that a for profit company should be granted the right to tell you what treatment you can have?

I dunno. I just cannot get my head around the alternate idea. We spend untold trillions of dollars on foreign wars that basically enrich the friends of the people in power. But, somehow, those same people in power have been able to convince the rank and file Americans that somehow, having free and total access to heath care is somehow bad.


Pompano - 2-18-2011 at 05:58 PM

Nor I, Barry..and I count my Canadian friends and acquaintences in the hundreds...literally. Perhap the experience Gaucho speaks of comes from that most sophomoric person.....the ones in their twenties..full of rebellion in every form...and little experience in life's lessons. Hell, I knew everything when I was 21and just graduating college. I got dumber, thank God.

bajaguy - 2-18-2011 at 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Roger------------add CANADIAN WHISKEY to the list of wonderful things. :lol: Barry

Alberta Springs 10 year old Rye............smooooooooth :lol:

Gaucho - 2-18-2011 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
Nor I, Barry..and I count my Canadian friends and acquaintences in the hundreds...literally. Perhap the experience Gaucho speaks of comes from that most sophomoric person.....the ones in their twenties..full of rebellion in every form...and little experience in life's lessons. Hell, I knew everything when I was 21and just graduating college. I got dumber, thank God.

You hit the nail on the head Pompano. We were all 23-24 years old and thought we knew most everything. Again, I ended up with some very close Canadian friends by the end of my travels.

Barry A. - 2-18-2011 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Originally posted by Pompano
Oh yeah..Canada's great Health Care system...where most folks die long before the treatment begins..or a doctor is even seen, let alone treats anything. I know too many who elect to head south..and get it looked after in sunny Arizona durning the annual winter migration.

Been there, done that.... Tony...but I know your heart is in the right place.

Fox News afficionados aside, Canada's health care system is not very different from the health care systems found throughout the industrialized world.

Sure. One can complain about specific aspects, but the bottom line is that such systems provide for all of their citizens. And, those with greater means, are more than welcome to avail themselves of private alternatives. That's the unreported dirty little secret about Canada. Folks with wealth can still buy whatever level of health care they feel they need.

The dark, dirty secret about the debate in the US, is that it is overwhelmingly the health insuuers that provide the misinformation about this issue. Who in the world can feel comfortable that a for profit company should be granted the right to tell you what treatment you can have?

I dunno. I just cannot get my head around the alternate idea. We spend untold trillions of dollars on foreign wars that basically enrich the friends of the people in power. But, somehow, those same people in power have been able to convince the rank and file Americans that somehow, having free and total access to heath care is somehow bad.


2 things, Howard:

#1---it's not that it is "bad", it is that NO COUNTRY can afford it, for long.

#2------Insurance companies don't tell people what they can, and cannot have, in the way of treatment-----they just tell them what they are willing to pay for------you are welcome to get any treatment you want if YOU pay for it, and don't ask the tax payers to.


Pompano - 2-18-2011 at 06:16 PM


Even though I meant this to be 'just a fun thread about our good northern neighbors' I will delete/change it if any more political junk is posted.

Keep it fun.

Pompano - 2-18-2011 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by bajaguy
Originally posted by Barry A.
Roger------------add CANADIAN WHISKEY to the list of wonderful things. :lol: Barry

Alberta Springs 10 year old Rye............smooooooooth :lol:

Can you believe it...? One of my favorite c-cktails is Canadian rye and ..gulp..Ginger Ale! Hey..I never said I was a conosewer.

Skipjack Joe - 2-18-2011 at 06:48 PM

If Canada is so great then why are they all coming to baja. That's what I want to know.

bajabass - 2-18-2011 at 07:36 PM

I would venture a guess that there are more Californians relocating than Canadians. I being an ex-Californian, living in La Paz now, have made several Canadian friends in quite a short time. For several years I traveled to Vancouver and Toronto for work. Some of the nicest people, great food, and party places galore! Beautiful country. If you hunt, heaven on Earth. Great fishing, even through 4 feet of ice. Having grown up in Michigan, it is just too darn cold 6 months out of the year!!;)

Leo - 2-18-2011 at 07:39 PM

The WEATHER skipjack? Or to meet all those gringos from the States, guess not.

cabo3100 - 2-18-2011 at 07:50 PM

Well you forgot how good the beer is , the sockeye salmon, the water fresh out of the tap, oh yeah nice cops, shall I continue. Oh I will, my father had a stroke at 83 in the system for 4 months went to pay the bill they charged me 85 bucks for an upgrade to his walker which I requested. Not Bad EH

cabo3100 - 2-18-2011 at 08:03 PM

Hey the Canadian dollar is par with the Greenback.

mojo_norte - 2-18-2011 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
I love going to Canada. I have a lake cottage in far north Canada and a US home on a river that is the US-Canada/Ontario border, so I make about a zillon trips a year to that country.

Curiosity questions...

How is Canadian border immigration?

How many miles do you put on your RV per annum ?

Howard - 2-18-2011 at 08:14 PM

Canada has Canadian Geese. Much nicer than American Geese.

Is there really American Geese?

Lista - 2-18-2011 at 08:35 PM

I alway see a big sign on my way home from Baja that says Rigby Idaho, home of television......

but then of course, there is also "free taters for out of staters" sign..
some interesting info--

Rigby is most famous for being the "birthplace of television", a title the city can attribute to a high school student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Farnsworth drew up his first blue-prints of a television while he was a Jefferson County resident. Later he invented the vacuum tube television display. Original tubes from Farnsworth's early experiments were on display at the Rigby High School for many years. They are now held by the Jefferson County Museum in Rigby. A section of the former Yellowstone highway, passing through the community, has been named in Farnsworth's honor.

Rigby is the birthplace of Larry Wilson, a Pro Football Hall of Fame member who played safety for 13 seasons for the St. Louis Cardinals of the National Football League.

Vardis Fisher, a famous and influential atheist author, is from the rural Annis area near Rigby. He attended and graduated from Rigby High School.

Rigby is also the home of Wayne Quinton, who invented the treadmill and over thirty biomedical devices.

BajaBlanca - 2-18-2011 at 08:53 PM

Pompano, I guess the gas truck finally showed up ..... but i am glad he was late - those were very intresting tidbits about Canada...

Skipjack Joe - 2-18-2011 at 09:44 PM

A&W Root Beer must be big in Canada. We saw them everywhere. So I looked it up. They were started down the road a ways, in Lodi, CA.


We have a Canadian on my team at work. He always finishes his sentences by raising the pitch of his voice. All statements sound like questions. It's really very peculiar. They're not all like that, though. Alex Trabeque sounds normal.

Cypress - 2-19-2011 at 07:12 AM

Other than the "EH" thing, the Canadians I've met and worked with are just like the folks in the US, all sorts, sizes and shapes.;)

Pompano - 2-19-2011 at 07:52 AM

Originally posted by mojo_norte
Originally posted by Pompano
I love going to Canada. I have a lake cottage in far north Canada and a US home on a river that is the US-Canada/Ontario border, so I make about a zillon trips a year to that country.

Curiosity questions...

How is Canadian border immigration?

How many miles do you put on your RV per annum ?

mojo_norte, Canadian Customs are thorough and pretty much like our US agents in the same area...polite, but professional. If you are not breaking any of their entry laws, you will have no problems whatsoever. If you have been convicted of a crime within the last few years, you may be sent back...i.e...a DUI will get you turned back, for instance.

I was only turned back once when I tried out my 'How Canada Really Got It's Name' joke.

How many miles do I put on my motorhome?..odd question for things about Canada? I very seldom take the motorhome to Canada as I use a pickup/fifth wheel//boat combo mostly when Up North. In other travels I suppose I put on 15 to 20 thousand a year?? Could be's one of those things you really don't want to know.

Lista...on that sign in Rigby, Idaho...I've seen it often coming south from my northern home to Baja. Always makes me think of France, Russia, and Germany saying the airplane originated there..rather than at Kitty Hawk. Or french fries in Saratoga, NY race track...or Oysters Rockerfeller at...well, you get the picture, right? :yes:

And on that note, I invented the only diet that really works...Key Lime Pie, beer, and pizza.

captkw - 2-19-2011 at 07:58 AM

ah!! the u.s.a. "the land of the FEE" ..was a great place for a while!!!

Pompano - 2-19-2011 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by captkw
ah!! the u.s.a. "the land of the FEE" ..was a great place for a while!!!

This thread is about Canada.

captkw - 2-19-2011 at 08:17 AM


Pompano - 2-19-2011 at 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Howard
Canada has Canadian Geese. Much nicer than American Geese.

Is there really American Geese?

Howard, wild geese have NO nationality. We could call them 'nomads', I suppose. They are all migratory birds, flying north in summer and south in winter. Some of them fly as far north as the Arctic Circle, and some as far south as Mexico.

There are multiple types of geese from; Canada geese, Snow geese, speckle belly geese, to blue geese and more depending on what part of North America you travel.

About 25 kinds of geese live in various parts of the world. Thirteen kinds of wild geese live in the United States and Canada.

The Canada goose (Honker) is the best-known goose of North America. Canadian geese have a broad white band across its throat and cheeks. It ranges from Labrador and the Arctic Ocean to Mexico.

Honkers that are hatched in Canada are much more 'orderly' than their USA counterparts. :yes: seen in the photo below: a group feeding in a stubble field in Saskatchewan. Ten-hut! By the numbers! Eyes front, wings back!

This makes them so much easier to line up for a group 'shot'. :rolleyes:

Honkers of Manitoba, Canada..with 2 Nomads...a few years ago.

The Honkers below are all USA hatched.

Howard - 2-19-2011 at 10:01 AM

Sr. Pompano

Thank you so much for the lesson on Geese. I am now ready for Jeopardy and if the category on Geese ever comes up, I'm set!

I am sorry for this slight hi-jack but something has been really bothering me for years. "Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?"

The reason I ask this of you as I feel you are all knowing and wise beyond your years. Anyone who is so knowledgeable on Geese can certainly help me on that burning question! :biggrin:

Pompano - 2-19-2011 at 10:33 AM

Howard...I am a direct descendant of 'Karnak the All-Knowing' from the Johnny Carson show.

For instance..I can see that answering your question on American v.s. Canadian geese was a huge mistake. :spingrin:

[Edited on 2-19-2011 by Pompano]

Marc - 2-19-2011 at 12:19 PM

You really must have a lot of time on your hands.

Marc - 2-19-2011 at 12:26 PM

To answer the question the entire world is asking, yes, Canada has an Army, and no, Canada doesn’t know about it. Canadians are known for their peacefulness and politeness in distressing situations, such as during a war or hockey playoffs. The world looks to Canada for international peace-keepers, since they possess no weapons other than snow shovels, and their jovial accent and flannel clothing are comforting.

BajaGringo - 2-19-2011 at 12:38 PM

Here are some more...

Trans-Canada Hwy is the longest national highway in the world, 7604 km

The world's highest tide is in Canada, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia (16.1 m)

USA buys more oil from Canada that from Saudi Arabia

Canada is comprised of six time zones

Marc - 2-19-2011 at 01:35 PM

And let us not forget that Canada is the USA's largest National Park.:spingrin::spingrin:

Barry A. - 2-19-2011 at 01:50 PM

----------and Vancouver, BC is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and a joy to stay in.

BajaGringo - 2-19-2011 at 03:29 PM

In 1999 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that lap dancing was legal...

Pompano - 2-19-2011 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Marc
You really must have a lot of time on your hands.

On my hands, no. I certainly do have lots of time, but never waste a moment.

This is a direct result of having made it that way.

Stay tuned for the next post on how to decoy Canadian honkers using willow blinds. :rolleyes:

Nan&D - 2-19-2011 at 07:05 PM

Honk Honk.
Like you, dear Pompano, us Canadians love to think about Canada.
Especially when we're in Baja!! :spingrin:

Howard - 2-19-2011 at 07:18 PM

"how to decoy Canadian honkers using willow blinds."

I guess we see what we really want to see.

At first I thought you wrote""how to decoy Canadian hookers using willow blinds." I was really waiting for your next post on how to decoy them their girls.

What one little letter will do to the mind.

Marc - 2-20-2011 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
Originally posted by Marc
You really must have a lot of time on your hands.

On my hands, no. I certainly do have lots of time, but never waste a moment.

This is a direct result of having made it that way.

Stay tuned for the next post on how to decoy Canadian honkers using willow blinds. :rolleyes:

I can hardly wait.:lol::lol::lol:

Marc - 2-20-2011 at 07:51 PM

The world sees Canada as America’s dorky half brother, (although Canada sees the USA as a retarded cousin.) Canada and the USA share a common mother, that being England, but while America’s father was apparently Jesus, Canada’s was France. While little brother Canada may not be able to throw the ball as far as its “cool” older half-brother America, Canada can at least find itself on a map (of course, Canada finds itself by locating the USA and going north, much like Mexicans find America by locating Mexico and going north).

Puckdrop - 2-21-2011 at 12:05 PM

Pompano I am going to write my Prime Minister ( Steven Harper ) for those of you who didn't know we actually have one or knew his name and ask him to apoint you as our Baja ambassador. Another little un-known fact about Canada, and this will make all you Red White and Blue's happy. The national anthem O- Canada was written and composed by an American:wow:

toneart - 2-21-2011 at 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Puckdrop
Pompano I am going to write my Prime Minister ( Steven Harper ) for those of you who didn't know we actually have one or knew his name and ask him to apoint you as our Baja ambassador. Another little un-known fact about Canada, and this will make all you Red White and Blue's. The national anthem O- Canada was written and composed by an American:wow:

Uh Oh! How, I mean sacripolitical. :o I mean, a maple leaf conspiracy involving our red white and blue? O Canada! You have put over a fast one on us. Someone call Homeland Security. :o:o:light::lol:

Bicho - 2-21-2011 at 12:50 PM

Well, Chester Allan Arthur was born in a small town in Canada, Bedford Quebec there!:lol:

DENNIS - 2-21-2011 at 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Bicho
Well, Chester Allan Arthur was born in a small town in Canada, Bedford Quebec there!:lol:

Thanks, Bicho. Welcome to BajaNomad.

Puckdrop - 2-21-2011 at 02:28 PM

Chester Allan Arthur was a planted cell:o
Besides, Quebec isn't really part of Canada:P

shari - 2-21-2011 at 02:34 PM

hey can tell you're new around here....notice that canucks actually dont respond to these "about canada" threads:lol::lol:

Motoged who is laid up on our patio with a moto injury does add however that basketball was also a canadian invention!!!!

Puckdrop - 2-21-2011 at 02:40 PM

Well Shari, maybe it's time we break our silence:biggrin:
We are all brothers and sisters, you know that:lol:

Skipjack Joe - 2-21-2011 at 02:54 PM

Basketball was invented in the US.

If we follow Shari's thinking then the theory of relativity was a German conribution, as was the atom bomb, and the rocketry in the US space program.

Puckdrop - 2-21-2011 at 02:58 PM

Basketball was invented by a Canadian. Sure glad they got rid of the peach baskets though:smug:

Barbareno - 2-21-2011 at 03:04 PM

By a Canadian living in the US.

Wait till they here the Canadians developed Penicillin. :lol:

Barbareno - 2-21-2011 at 03:06 PM

Fiberoptics. Canada Arm, Sofware for ISS

DENNIS - 2-21-2011 at 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Barbareno
Wait till they here the Canadians developed Penicillin. :lol:

Necessity is the mother of invention. :lol:

DENNIS - 2-21-2011 at 03:15 PM for your life. They're starting to gang up and grumble and you're right in the middle of it. This place could turn into Cairo any minute now.

Barbareno - 2-21-2011 at 03:17 PM

No Dennis...we are a peaceful Nation....check this out...

Puckdrop - 2-21-2011 at 03:29 PM

A tear of joy came my eyes when Tom Brokaw made this peace for the introduction of Canada to all you wounderfull Americans at our Olympic Games one year ago.
PS: We won goal in mens hockey ( sorry Canadains are not suppost to brag ).

DENNIS - 2-21-2011 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Puckdrop
when Tom Brokaw made this peace

Good ol' Tom. Did some ads for Seagrams, didnt he? :lol:

Puckdrop - 2-21-2011 at 03:48 PM

At that time Dennis it was for Canadian Whiskey:lol::lol::lol:

Oso - 2-21-2011 at 04:43 PM

How does a Canadian rock star (they exist) get the paparazzi off of his lawn?

He comes out and says "Please get off my lawn."

Only been there once- Vancouver. Pretty town, very clean, nice museum. Very curious about the Confederate monument at the border.

Teacher: Johnny, why are you late to class?

Johnny: Because I had to fix my own damn breakfast!

Teacher: Watch your language! Now, can you answer this? Where is the Canadian border?

Johnny: In bed with my mom. That's why I had to fix my own damn breakfast.

Marc - 2-22-2011 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Bicho
Well, Chester Allan Arthur was born in a small town in Canada, Bedford Quebec there!:lol:

That's a lot closer than Kenya.