
Weather Warming…Fish Swarming

bajainfo - 2-22-2011 at 12:17 PM

Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort Hotel February 20, 2011 report #20111

Last week's fishing action produced pargo, sierra and one quality yellowtail with three additional lost before the bait ran out. With no sardina available all of the fish were caught on larger baits (mackerel) fished down deep. Just a short distance offshore in front of La RIbera.
Eclipse with Captain Alejandro, spending the winter at San Jose marina found good fishing for snapper off of San Luis. At the inner Gordo bank there are plenty of tuna breezing on the surface that are tough to get to take a bait or lure. Flat calm conditions made it easy to see the abundant birds and bait throughout the area. If you are lucky you might even spot a whale or two breeching.

Jorge A. Beltrán from Culiacan Mexico was the only one to land his nice sized yellowtail

Congratulations to Judy Taylor, Granite Bay, CA who landed a nice sized grouper on her recent visit.

Felipe Valdez

captkw - 2-22-2011 at 02:21 PM

wow , everybody I talk to are saying zuch,nada,nothing,why bother and last week I stopped by la playita ponga fleet and they only had 2 or 3 out,,,IT'S SLOW down around the east cape,,,,,,,,and that can only mean one thing,,,,It can and will get better...tight line's and ripp some lip's

LaloinBaja - 2-22-2011 at 02:36 PM

Is it still legal to capture grouper???Just wondering.....Lalo

captkw - 2-22-2011 at 03:19 PM

good question !! I'd like to get the "real macoy on that " .....hhuuummm shoud that be a k or a c

bajainfo - 2-22-2011 at 03:26 PM

In order to catch bottom fish, a single line with up to four (4) hooks will be allowed.

The fishing license allows the capture of fin fish only. The taking of mollusks or crustaceans is not permitted and their capture by anyone is strictly prohibited. Totuava, turtles and marine mammals are under the protection of the Ministry of Fisheries and may not be captured at any time

Cypress - 2-22-2011 at 03:30 PM

Nice grouper!:D

captkw - 2-22-2011 at 03:32 PM

check,,,afirm,,,but that's the rule's,,,,,, not what is the reality out here on the water.......