Originally posted by Iflyfish
Well, I guess that resolves that. I must have been drinking the Koolaide during those days?! Must have been confused along with a whole lot of other
people. Guess the governments hands were clean on that one. Whew!
What Rizzo paints is a picture of how drugs were dealt with. A complicit agreement that territories were divided up and therefore violent
confrontation and competition was kept at bay. Have I misread what he said? I read here a discription of how various players interacted to manage this
highly profitable enterprise.
I read what he is saying as a critique of the current approach to dealing with this issue. I read him as saying that the PRI had a better handle on it
but that was then and now is now and the ballgame changed when Fox and now Calderon decided to do the War on Drugs Dance. Maybe my reaing of this is
wrong. Did I miss something?
Iflyfishsometimesdrinkingkoolaideatthesametimeappartently |