
Help us SAVE LA BAMBA!!!!!

conquestkm - 3-2-2011 at 07:01 AM


Please don’t delay!

It’s “March Madness” at La Bamba. . . and it could be our last.

Please don’t delay. We implore you to help us – today!

As you all know, we have been in the process of applying for our liquor license for many months now. To make a long story short, we have been cut off at every pass. Our paperwork has been intentionally delayed. We have been asked for bribes. We have turned to everyone we know at the government level to ask for help and they have been very nice. . . and so far . . . we still have no license.

If we do not receive our liquor license before mid-March, we will have no choice but to close the restaurant permanently at the end of the month. We’ve put everything we had into La Bamba, heart, mind and money -- and now and we cannot continue to operate “in the red.”

We ask that you join us in an e-mail campaign immediately. We need as MANY e-mails from our customers as possible. If you're a duo or more (more than one in the house) please send an e-mail form BOTH of your accounts. We have TONS of loyal customers and we want that to show! Please “CC” me on your e-mail if you can so that we can keep count, too! We are hoping that if the city sees the tremendous amount of community support we have, perhaps this will help to expedite the process and get our license in our hands.

Say what you feel. Write in english - wirtte in Spanish - just PLEASE write today! If you don’t like to write, I’ve attached below something that you can “cut and paste” into your e-mail. Please make the subject line read “Restaurant La Bamba”.

Mayor Javier Robles

Sec. General Catalino Zavala Marquez

C.P. Roberto Carlos Perales Sanchez

Antonio Ruiz Cuevas

Arq. Sergio Sotelo Felix

Lic. Hector Huerta Suarez

Lic. Cautencio Cordero Victorio

If you want to cut and paste:

I’m writing in support of Restaurant La Bamba. I understand that there is a pending issue regarding their liquor license, and I want to offer my support for them as a very valuable part of the community. They have been an integral part of Rosarito for three and one half years and run a very honest, high-quality business that any city should be proud to support. Please resolve this issue for them and allow them to open their bar. Without it, we may lose them, and I will lose one of my favorite places to eat!

Thank you all for your generous love and support! We can only hope that we'll be here to serve you for years to come. . . .

-- Susan and William, and the entire staff at La Bamba

La Bamba 1950's Style American Diner
Km 29.5 Boulevard Popotla
Playas de Rosairto, B.C., Mexico
Phone: 661-100-2560

mcfez - 3-2-2011 at 07:10 AM

I dont have a clue about this place....

How bout some pictures and maybe a little history/profile?

Being in the Club business for years....our ABC licenses were always delayed. Every time. We finally learned this and got better prepared for the "grand openings". We didnt do ads or openings till we got the confirmation of approval

Dave - 3-2-2011 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by conquestkm
As you all know, we have been in the process of applying for our liquor license for many months now. To make a long story short, we have been cut off at every pass. Our paperwork has been intentionally delayed. We have been asked for bribes. We have turned to everyone we know at the government level to ask for help and they have been very nice. . . and so far . . . we still have no license.

I would try the bribery route with the new administration, specifically your councilman because even with preliminary approval the process could take a minimum of 90 days. I'm very familiar with the licensing process at city hall having gone through it with several different entities...Some successful, some not. I'm also familiar with La Bamba's predicament as I considered purchasing the business a few years back.

Bottom line is that if your landlord or councilman doesn't want you to get it...there's NO WAY.

Good luck.

garynmx - 3-4-2011 at 07:21 AM

Never liked the place anyway. Prices way to high and food not that great.

krafty - 3-4-2011 at 08:51 PM

Food has always been consistently fab for us-will get some email off manana-best of luck!