
More Spectacular than We Dreamed--Thanks Shari

Pstreet1 - 3-2-2011 at 11:43 AM

We were a little earlier than Shari this year, but she helped us make our arrangements, and they could not have been better.

Our day with the whales was spectacular. A mother and her baby spent well over 30 minutes with the boat, allowing each of us to touch both of them. Our pilot radioed another panga to come share the experience, and both Mom and Baby refused to have anything to do with the other boat; they stayed with us. In fact, when our pilot tried to back us out of the area quietly, they came along. When he went up to speed to take us back, they came along quite a way. We have 500 pictures of Mom and Baby: all show the edge of the boat and the fact that they were right by us, under us, spouting and getting us wet, basically enjoying us as much as we were enjoying them. We absolutely loved it!
(I'd insert pictures, but I don't know how.)

woody with a view - 3-2-2011 at 06:54 PM


vgabndo - 3-2-2011 at 10:10 PM

Pretty life-altering stuff.:bounce:

woody with a view - 3-3-2011 at 06:50 AM

agreed. whale snot in my face was something of a novelty for me, totally unexpected, and i bet the whales do it on purpose.....:lol:

shari - 3-4-2011 at 09:01 AM

thanks so much for sending me your photos...they are spectacular. I am sooo glad you had a wonderful experience. We were there yesterday and it was enchanting as always. The calves are getting sooooo big and playful these days...cant wait for next week to go with Baja Bernie!!!