
Road from Mikes to Concepcion/observatory locked gates

astrobaja - 3-5-2011 at 10:46 AM

Hi all,

I've already informed many off road groups like Wide open etc, but I'll post it here too. Tommorrow a locked gate will be put in at our entrance at the observatory road. Later in the month another one will be at the north end of the ranch towards Mikes. There will be contact info posted on each gate, if a tour wants permission to pass they should contact ous via our website. Sorry its come to this but the actions of a few have forced us. We have had small time growers and one local rancher who is constantly trespassing. This should not impact the tours which are quite respectful. We may however not allow car tours to come through during peak fire season, the risk from one lit cigarette is too great.

sorry for the inconveniance

TMW - 3-5-2011 at 11:01 AM

Mike if we would happen to be in the area is it possible to walk up to your place from the observatory road? Sometime when I'm in Baja I'd like to stop by but I don't always know when it may be.

BajaGringo - 3-5-2011 at 11:06 AM

Sorry it came to this Mike but I support you 100%. In fact I doubt that I would have shown as much patience as you have up until now...

astrobaja - 3-5-2011 at 11:08 AM

Tom, its a pretty long hike 6km of a lot of up and down! We do not plan on keeping the front/observatory rd gate locked all the time, but the one towards Mikes yes. Best to send an e-mail even if its just an approximate range of dates, then I'll keep the gate open for you!

Hook - 3-5-2011 at 01:29 PM

An atypical DavidK map, showing the general area and the new gates would be very helpful.

DENNIS - 3-5-2011 at 01:59 PM

WOW...The disrespect must be getting bad. Hope the growers don't become an even worse problem for you, Mike.

Hey, Mike.....not to change the subject, but if you ever need any leg-work down here in town, feel free to ask. I know it's time consuming to hunt down anything here, what with traffic and all.

TMW - 3-5-2011 at 07:55 PM

Thanks Mike. After the SF250 I may head your way. I'll email you from San Felipe if I do.

David K - 3-5-2011 at 09:43 PM

Hi Mike... I don't blame you at all... You have done a lot of hard work on the land so that your guests will enjoy themselves and you can have a fun life on the mountain.

So, no surprise visits from Nomads... an RSVP will be requested!

David K - 3-5-2011 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Hook
An atypical DavidK map, showing the general area and the new gates would be very helpful.

Until I know where the gates are (Mike you can u2u me or post the GPS of the gates), here are two of my older maps that have Concepcion on them:

This 1978 AAA Map shows Rancho La Concepcion (Baja Dark Skys/ AstroBaja)... but not the newer access road from the south, off the observatury road:

This map is from the 1972 edition of Camping and Climbing in Baja... It shows Concepcion and the Observatory road... but misplaces Mike's Sky Rancho a bit too far east. It should be about where 'San' is in Arroyo San Rafael:

[Edited on 3-6-2011 by David K]

TMW - 3-6-2011 at 11:25 AM

Mike's gate is at or near KM68 on the observatory road. Old sign said R. LaJolla. I assume Mike has put up a new sign with R. La Concepcion on it. It's approximately 12 miles from the Rancho Coyote sign (KM49). On Google Earth the gate is at 30-58-47 x 115-38-58.

[Edited on 3-6-2011 by TW]

astrobaja - 3-6-2011 at 11:59 AM

Thanks for that Tom! Yeah its around km 67. something. We have a new sign up this is what it looks like:

Anyhow thanks for the vote of support everybody, bit of a bummer we had to do it, but like I said we are going to mix up leaving it locked at the main observatory turnoff just to people don't figure out when we are not at home.
Dennis it was'nt any one incident, just kind of a enough is enough, the one rancher thinks he can do as he pleases on other peoples land, so to that we say no more! The growers are the lowest on the food chain usually one or 2 sometimes coming in by mule. We heard high powered rifle shots last summer in late summer. Turned out the military rousted a couple growers above us towards Cienega De Soto. We saw a small fire as they burned the mota! I called the park forestales and they were down within a half hour, they stayed a while to make sure the fire died down.
I will post the gps coordinates when the north end gate is up.
Thanks for the maps David!
Chava and the boys are out at the km 67 entrance right now, welding it together, they have a little fire going with rabbit and chicken, I love how the Mexicans have an imprompto BBQ just about anywher they go!;D

TMW - 3-6-2011 at 01:20 PM

I like your sign.

BajaGringo - 3-6-2011 at 02:29 PM

My dogs love it when Chava and crew show up for projects at the house. They know there will be lots of tasty leftovers whenever they are here working...