TMW - 3-15-2011 at 12:27 PM
We came by Coco's place last Friday on our way to San Felipe and he was not there. The man taking care of his place said Coco was in Guerrero Negro
having his leg fixed. I understand they cut the bone wrong and have to re-cut it. He said Coco should be back in about three or four weeks.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. He does need wire. He wants 12 gauge romex but I think it sould be for outside use since that's where he's
running it.
John M - 3-15-2011 at 02:53 PM
Thanks for posting about Coco, TW - always good to hear the most recent news though it may not necessarily be great news.
John M
Sweetwater - 3-15-2011 at 04:36 PM
We went through Coco's Corner twice in the last two weeks. Buy a Coke, leave a sticker and an extra donation.
Best to Coco and thanks to his buddy for taking care of the Corner in his absence.
Oggie - 3-15-2011 at 05:45 PM
If he is using th2 12-2 outside it should be type UF direct burial cable.
Phil S - 3-15-2011 at 05:56 PM
Best of recovery to Coco. I remember a trip to his place one trip years ago. Nomads said, "take oranges" to him when passing through. So we did.
But we didn't get an offer to 'sign' his guest book????? spent maybe 10 minutes visiting with him. Memorable trip. Must have been at least 8 years
TMW - 3-15-2011 at 06:58 PM
Phil if you get there again ask him to sign it. He may have just not thought to ask you or didn't have a blank one to sign as the old one may have
been full. Doesn't matter Coco likes everyone to sign his guess book. I've signed it a couple of times and other times didn't sign since I go by 2 or
3 times a year.