
Back to what I want to write

fishabductor - 3-23-2011 at 09:12 AM

Yesterday I went down with my new 12' Betts cast net after previously having donated a 8' to the rocks, in which I almost got capsized trying to free.

Boy is a 12' net a lot bigger than an 8' net. The net I choose this time around was a Bett's old salt. The previos net was an AHI. The quality of the old salt is awesome. It is a heavy net and takes a toll on you throwing it, especially during the learning curve. a 12' net is a lot harder to throw than an 8' net. But, the resulting catch was 3fold. I filled a 5 gallon bucket in 6 good casts and a dozen tacoed ones. With the 8' net I would be lucky if I got 20 sardines on a cast. with the 12' i was getting 50-70 on a good throw.

There were lots of jacks and roosters milling around chasing bait, but I was there to catch bait and I did.

Pompano - 3-23-2011 at 09:42 AM

Great..sounds like old times to me.

I used to use my throw net 'back in the day' to catch my bait right off my sea wall at high tide. I got fairly good at it and supplied my neighbors with bait for thier fishing trips in our bay. I faintly remember it being called a 'tah-rawn-yah'?..or something like that.

Then a strange thing happened. A local fisherman, an amigo, stopped by and quietly informed me that it was actually a no-nol for a foreigner/tourist/gringo/outlander, americano to use one. He wanted me to be forewarned. To tell you the truth, I knew he had a terrific sense of humor, so I took the legalit of what he said with a grain of salt...but also quit using my throw net so publicly. Hey, it's Baja! :saint:

fishabductor - 3-23-2011 at 09:51 AM

I have heard that before, but I also heard that it was not an issue. This is one of those gray areas, much like the legality of mace, tasers, fishing with 2 rods...etc.

If anyone can direct me to the law on this, it would be greatly appreciated. i may have to give the net to my brother-in-law and have him get my bait for me, the wife couldn't throw it. Hopefully my son will grow up fast so he can have the bait making duties. He has dula citizenship, the lucky boy. I am only a yr away though, can a naturalized citizen throw a net?

I guess I will use mine to catch quail... yeah I know that is illegal too. but he dog is mexican...german mexican.

[Edited on 3-23-2011 by fishabductor]

Pompano - 3-23-2011 at 10:01 AM

fishabuctor...I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this net business..much like all the camping tourists picking up steamers from Playa Requeson. ;D

BajaBruno - 3-23-2011 at 10:10 AM

The net issue is in §4.6.1 of the sport fishing regs, which translates to, nets cannot be used to catch anything, even bait! But, can be used to bring caught fish aboard.

I was practicing with my cast net one day (and making a perfect fool of myself), when a friendly pangero came up and tried to show me the technique. Even with his expert advice I was an abysmal failure, and I decided that buying bait was much less frustrating.

fishabductor - 3-23-2011 at 10:35 AM

Originally posted by BajaBruno
The net issue is in §4.6.1 of the sport fishing regs, which translates to, nets cannot be used to catch anything, even bait! But, can be used to bring caught fish aboard.

I was practicing with my cast net one day (and making a perfect fool of myself), when a friendly pangero came up and tried to show me the technique. Even with his expert advice I was an abysmal failure, and I decided that buying bait was much less frustrating.

believe me it took me a long time to learn. Youtube was a valuable tool in my learning. I would watch a videos on different techniques and then go out and practice them until I found one that worked for me. Now that I am somewhat proficient, I am going to have to call it quits on this activity. I do really enjoy it, and it will be missed.

One day about 5 yrs ago, me and a fishing buddy went out and tried catching lisa's that were thick. After 3 hrs we had 4, 4 stupid fish that ran into our taco'd nets. the local pangaderos(coop guys) watched us the entire time, laughing and drinking. I think we provided entertainmemt for the entire fish camp, after about 3hrs they sent a young man of about 15 over, one throw he had about 50. We dropped the nets and grabbed our wallets. The panga guys have seen me on many occasions and have never said a word to me about it.

I'll just put the net away or give it away to my bro-in-law. I just started really fishing with live bait anyhow, as I finally got to a point where I could catch enough bait to actually fish with. I have practiced trolling/casting exclusively for many yrs so I will just continue doing the same. Bait is a pain in the arse and I have caught more fish trolling. Not to mention it requires me to take a lot more items fishing, such as a bait tank, and a bigger battery, which makes my boat all that much heavier and harder to launch.

I make it a point to do nothing illegal if I can help it, as to not give anyone a reason to hassle me.

[Edited on 3-23-2011 by fishabductor]