
Fish Report? ..or Boating Report? It's all good.

Pompano - 4-5-2011 at 09:50 AM

Fishing Report – Mulege River to Pta. Teresa

Mulege river boat ramp and dock area is cleaned by Mateo’s wife…many thanks, senora, for your kindness.

For most fishing days on the SOC….It is indeed a blessing for me to launch here in Mulege, rather than from mi casa in Coyote Bay. It saves me about 32 miles of running dead water (no fishing) to reach the end of The Dead Sea (Bahia de Concepcion). It’s 16 nautical miles to run from my place to Pt. Conception….and 16 back.

Here’s a better view of the ramp and dock. A welcome addition for all boaters.

The river estuary can be challenging during low water times. When leaving the dock, head just a couple points starboard and angle towards the lighthouse….to avoid a mudbar or two.

It is usually okay..with depths from 2 to 5 ft at the start. Not much of a problem….if you go slow. Take time to look at the shorebirds on the mangrove islands.

Some sandpipers and plovers.

Some residences at Point Loma have good views of the river mouth…and the fishing fleet leaving the harbor.

There’s El Patron and the lighthouse boat ramp over on the other side of the river.

By the time you get abeam of the lighthouse, the depth is around 5-6 feet …and you’re good to go.

Here’s my harbor pilot showing me the course.

Once outside the estuary…I make for Pt. Conception….that point off in the distance. A short run to that waypoint.

Coming around Pt. Conception and heading south, I come up on old snorkeling and diving holes. Where we once spearfished for grouper and dove for lobster.

The next 17 miles of shoreline is excellent habitat…unfortunately with not too many inhabitants today..:rolleyes:

I cruise past some additions to the area south of Punta Rosa…about 14 miles south of Pt. Conception. A well-populated fish camp with an improved road to the hghway.

I go by some pinto fishermen on a charter out of Mulege……they are at Mateo’s Hole. Also a popular yellowtail rockpile. About 240 ft on surrounding 270ft.

Aboard a Mulege boat…’Mi Mujere’ ..these two anglers have landed a nice yellowtail near the hole. Congratulations, John and Jim.

I pull up finally at Pta. Teresa…about 19 miles south of Pt. Conception. There appears to be lots of bird action…now to test the fish action!

The island of Delfonso is over to the south/southeast….another 5 miles or so. Good yellowtail fishing at the moment on the south end of this island. So I am told by fishermen out of San Sebastian and San Nicolaus.

And also good jurel near Pulpito…where some of the Loreto charter pangas fish. Quite a run north for them…but they have been doing okay.

This boil has my interest…and I get some experimental lures ready…..I plan to try some variety, plus some ultra-light… and HAVE SOME FUN WITH FINS!

First I try some deep-water jigging….and got….what else?.. a few pinto fillets for dinner…got to take of that first, y’know.

And from then on, it was just fun keeping up the birds…

...and catching and releasing lots of firecrackers.

Spotting this frigate on the prowl overhead reminded me that dorado season will be here soon!

I tried all of these various lures in a few different ways. They are all producers...and well worth the small fortunes we pay for them, right..RIGHT?

Keep your eye on your sounder as you cruise the deeper waters offshore at Teresa. This is a really good place to find a slight bump in the structure below...see that little rise on the screen? You can almost bet you're gonna bet some action jigging there..or dropping down a live bait.

Well…as usual….I stayed south way too long…having fun with the small catches and releases……and now I have about 30 miles of head-on waves to contend with!!
Such is the life of a fisherman.

This started out as a fish report, but developed more into a boat trip report…:rolleyes:

Oh, well, anytime on the water is pure fun for Gar!

baitcast - 4-5-2011 at 10:11 AM

Looks like a ton of fun my man,like all those fish getters do I see one of my favorites the spook?

Lauriboats - 4-5-2011 at 10:20 AM

Just another great day!

Cypress - 4-5-2011 at 10:42 AM

Pompano, Thanks for the report and pictures.

yellowklr - 4-5-2011 at 12:13 PM

I'll be there on Friday so please locate all the Big ones by the time I get there!!!!

How do I find "Matteos" Hole?

Vince - 4-5-2011 at 01:25 PM

Thanks, Roger for the fishing report. I'm headed down there on the 25th of April and will see you then and pay my zona federal. Patrick is on his way this AM, will be there tomorrow sometime.

Joelt - 4-5-2011 at 02:03 PM

Thanks for the report. Always intertaining. I'm jelous. Looks like you threw the kitchen sink at them. Going to be down in Chivao a the end of the month. Hope to see you out there. Thanks again and keep the reports coming.