
All packed up

jrbaja - 8-27-2004 at 08:21 PM

and ready to wait !

Markitos - 8-27-2004 at 08:35 PM

Go get em Jr !!!!! Take off when the tides right amigo

Packoderm - 8-27-2004 at 08:36 PM

Jr, how much would you charge for a full-length bamboo roof rack for my VW bus? Is there anybody in Rosorito who can weld up some hardware to attach it to the raingutter?

Roof rack

jrbaja - 8-27-2004 at 09:38 PM

I'll give it some thought Pack. I'm bringing some back up with me. Depending on what you want to put up there, you may want to use a smaller diameter. I will bring some just in case.

And yes, I designed the rack for my van including the roof attachments and had it done down here. Still on too!

And thanks Markitos, it's kinda like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders not even thinking about leaving yet.
Somethin was fishy there !:lol:

[Edited on 8/28/2004 by jrbaja]

David K - 8-27-2004 at 10:07 PM

J.R., I LOVE IT!!! That bamboo roof rack is so cool! I think you can start the assembly line (in San Bartolo?)... Good excuse to get to Baja Sur... for business, I need to pick up my roof rack!


jrbaja - 8-28-2004 at 08:01 AM

I already have 4 orders for the racks and maybe one for Packs VW as well. They are very cool and sturdy too.
One of the things I'm doing down south is bringing back more bamboo for these projects as well as some furniture.
San Bartolo Bamboo will be custom designing more items from bamboo than you can even imagine. What a kick, huh!

Germanicus - 8-28-2004 at 09:19 AM

what a great idea!
I'm on my way to construct a rack out of squared 1 inch pipe ontop of my flatbed trailer for to cover it > rain secured.
Looking at that pic > !!what a fool am I ??
(Well, as a matter of fact, it's for the moving trip next year to secure the really good furnitures we own)
But anyway............

Have fun!

JZ - 8-28-2004 at 09:29 AM

Thanks JZ

jrbaja - 8-28-2004 at 10:56 AM

and everyone. Obviously, I won't be able to share any ice cream with anyone this trip but, if any of you happen to see the Baja Bamboo Hauler on the road, we might be able to share some beers .:light:

[Edited on 8/28/2004 by jrbaja]

Packoderm - 8-28-2004 at 11:11 AM

Jr, I like the idea of smaller diameter poles with a gunwale running about 5 inches above the perimeter of the rack. I usually put two two-1/2 gallon gas cans, EZ-Up shade canopy, and stuff like that up on my rack before it was stolen in front of my house a while back. I will be heading south during the X-mas break this year. If a full size rack costs a bunch, maybe I could settle on something smaller, but the full sized ones look so cool. Thank you for giving it some thought.

There are many design ideas with bamboo.

jrbaja - 8-28-2004 at 12:02 PM

I usually recommend taking everything you keep up top into consideration prior to designing. Gas cans are good to have secure at the base which is easily accomplished. Then all you need is a bunji.

The spacing of the cross pieces also depends on what you want to keep up there or if you need a solid flooring in some areas or the entire rack.

Give it some thought and as I said in the U2U, I will assist in any way I can. Thanks for the interest too.
I get a lot of looks and comments, even from the Mexicans!:lol:

Cardon - 8-28-2004 at 04:47 PM

Hey JR, I think Fred and Wilma own the patents to your roof rack design. You may have to pay Fred's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandkids some royalties.:lol::lol::lol:

That's kinda funny

jrbaja - 8-28-2004 at 05:06 PM

because when we started building down south, certain parties were referring to it as "Bedrock".:lol:
And just wait, we are headed even further into the past !!

Don't know if you have seen but, there are a lot more Flintstone like pictures at

I think they are under Baja Bamboo Park

jeans - 8-28-2004 at 06:03 PM

I've seen scaffolding made of bamboo on skyscraper construction sites in Hong Kong.

elgatoloco - 8-28-2004 at 06:57 PM

Bamboo rocks!

The house I grew up in Alhambra was surrounded by a 30 foot tall bamboo 'fence' that my mother had planted.

We are re-modeling our house and we will be installing bamboo flooring. We will also have other accents bambooesque in nature:biggrin:

I want to go Hong Kong. In the interim google will have to do! :lol:

My love for bamboo

jrbaja - 8-29-2004 at 09:15 AM

began in Manila where I saw the same as Jeans. But then, when hiking through the jungle in Mindanao, we discovered this pipeline made of halved bamboo coming from an artesian spring.
It wandered for about 3 miles and ended up in a hut/house. The only house in the hills above Hasaan with running water. Obviously, I never got over it !:lol:

jeans - 8-29-2004 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
in Mindanao, we discovered this pipeline made of halved bamboo coming from an artesian spring.
It wandered for about 3 miles and ended up in a hut/house. The only house in the hills above Hasaan with running water. Obviously, I never got over it !:lol:

Sounds like the Swiss Family Robinson's tree house at Disneyland. Remember the way the water was carried to the top of the tree, then conveyed down through the whole "house" via those half pipes?

I loved that treehouse.... I think they've torn it down. :no:


jrbaja - 8-29-2004 at 04:25 PM

I was pretty sure those Robinsons got the idea from somewhere:light::lol: