
Baja Run 2011 – Day 2 & 3, February 5-6, Guerrero Negro

Barbarosa - 4-18-2011 at 10:54 AM

The coffee was on as we got moving fairly promptly the next morning. We bid adieu to Hotel Jardines and headed just down the street to Mision Santa Maria, formerly Desert Inn / La Pinta. The breakfast there was well recommended and lived up to expectations, even if service was a bit slow for our large party. There was some occasion for quite a number of most lovely and beautifully dressed young senoritas to assemble there which proved a very nice photo op. or 2.

In no time we had rolled through El Rosario. Should have stopped for gas (though our tanks were down only 1 gallon), but I knew we really couldn’t pass up the gas cans on the side of the road at either Cataviña or The Junction. Besides, buying gas down there is an important Baja ritual, at least for me.

And thus, we headed south onto that wildest and wooliest (well, most remote) segment of the peninsula.
I was impressed with the road coming into Cataviña, remembering it as some of the poorest pavement, with large numbers of substantial potholes. In fact, on this trip we observed no areas along the entire peninsula with notably really hazardous potholes. Another striking change (along the entire highway) is the remarkable amount of current major road construction, particularly major bridges over the arroyos. And excellent detours; what a great improvement that is! The days of the vado as substantial obstacle appear to be over, or at least numbered. The major thoroughfare has really been tamed.

Our stop at Cataviña was brief. But advance communications with the Hotel Mision Cataviña (formerly Desert Inn) to secure reservations had proved pretty problematic, due to the remoteness and the very recent change of ownership. I stopped in to meet the new Manager, Marcial, and confirm our reservations for the return leg.

And we decided that it wouldn’t hurt to “top up our fluids” while we were at it. (And ensure that the fridge was adequately stocked.)

As we rolled out to the south, we noted that (again) the Federalie checkpoint was not in operation. The road south of Cataviña has a very pecular characteristic which will be addressed during the return leg (which is when we observed it).

It was mid- to late afternoon when we rolled into Guerrero Negro and one of my old favorites, The Malarrimo Motel, well before dinner time and with lots of daylight left. (Advancing the clocks would help us on that for most of the rest of the trip.)

This is probably a good time to bring up something I omitted about Ensenada. We were arriving in Guerrero Negro on the day before Election Day. This proved to be a big deal, even to us Gringos. I’d been forewarned that there would be absolutely no alcohol sales the next day, Sunday, with no exceptions anywhere in town. (I had been told no sales after noon on Saturday, but that proved to be false.) Turns out we could have purchased a stash of booze that day, but we didn’t rely on it. One of the things that had prolonged our riding day (into the night) previously was a major stop at CostCo in Ensenada to stock up. That seemed to take forever.

We could afford ourselves a single layover day on the entire trip, and I elected to spend it here, allowing for a Whale Watching Tour (most excellent!) for those interested (half of the couples). Then we retired to Malarrimo for the afternoon. Alcohol was banned at the bar and at the tables out front, so we set up Party Central outside our modular rooms. I don’t know how I could forget to pack some co-ax cable. But we cobbled some together from a couple of rooms, got a TV outside, and settled in for The Super Bowl. I don’t remember who won (or who played).

I remember before Malarrimo brought in the modular rooms. They’re now pretty long in the tooth. But they were ok. It was a nice leisurely stop. Our one and only layover day.

OK folks, I have a small dilemNa. I seem to be setting a record for posts with zero replies. Now maybe (hopefully) there's some folks who are finding a bit of enjoyment here, but you couldn't prove it by me. I ain't whining. It's just that I don't put these here for my personal reading pleasure. (I already know the story). So if there's them whats want somemore (like some who had requested a trip report?), might be nice for me to get some indication. Or not. I'd even listen to criticism, as long as it was constructive. It's still a work in progress..

TMW - 4-18-2011 at 11:05 AM

Barbarosa why would anyone reply to someone who doesn't remember who played in or won the Super Bowl. The biggest sporting event in US history, maybe the world. Think Cheese and Steel and you'll remember. Hint the cheese won.

All kidding aside, I enjoy reading your post. Also remember Nomads also like pictures.

Barbarosa - 4-18-2011 at 11:08 AM


Before we left home, there was a post here from (IIRC)

They had mentioned leading a caravan (10 RVs) heading north, and I figured we'd cross paths on this day. We didn't see many caravans and only saw one that day. I believe we had just rolled south from El Rosario.

They'd asked folks to wave. We did. They did. I imagine it was probably them.

Needless to say, I was pretty shocked to see the news on their website.

Barbarosa - 4-18-2011 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by TW
Barbarosa why would anyone reply to someone who doesn't remember who played in or won the Super Bowl. The biggest sporting event in US history, maybe the world. Think Cheese and Steel and you'll remember. Hint the cheese won.

All kidding aside, I enjoy reading your post. Also remember Nomads also like pictures.

Points well taken. Esp the first one. (Not to get too overly serious here, but there's a piece I omitted (relating to the StupidBowl). There I was, deep in Baja with rather significant responsibilities and pointed the "wrong" direction and that day my father died. It was fairly sudden and he was very elderly, had had a very fine and good quality life and it faded very quickly. Not great timing for my wife and myself but neither was it a great tragedy. (Too bad we couldn't be there for my mom.))

Regarding pix, I know full well that they're worth more than 1,000 words, and these pix are worth many many times more than my words. I'll post the link again (in case others have missed it or not associated it). One more time:

mtgoat666 - 4-18-2011 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Barbarosa
OK folks, I have a small dilemNa. I seem to be setting a record for posts with zero replies. Now maybe (hopefully) there's some folks who are finding a bit of enjoyment here, but you couldn't prove it by me.

So if there's them whats want somemore (like some who had requested a trip report?), might be nice for me to get some indication. Or not. I'd even listen to criticism, as long as it was constructive. It's still a work in progress..

perhaps add some pictures to tell the story. the pics should tell the story.
in summary: fewer words, more pictures

Barbarosa - 4-18-2011 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

perhaps add some pictures to tell the story. the pics should tell the story.
in summary: fewer words, more pictures

Remember book of old, with all the pix stuck in at one place? Think that. <g>

TMW - 4-18-2011 at 11:33 AM


Mike99km - 4-18-2011 at 12:24 PM

I love this report! Please keep ti coming.

fandango - 4-18-2011 at 09:08 PM

what a great trip. amazing to get people together from so many different parts of the country. that makes it really fun when it all comes together.

excellent tirp report. you write well, hurry.

Keeep the Narrative Coming!

Borregoman - 4-19-2011 at 02:05 PM

I"e already checked out your pictures, so I don't feel the need to have you post them in this narrative. Some here would rather look at pictures then read the story....must be from those early Playboy days....:P

David K - 4-19-2011 at 02:36 PM

Great report.. Thank you!!:bounce:

Frank - 4-19-2011 at 02:42 PM

Keep typing ya crusty old pirate. ;D Posts like yours is what keeps me coming back.

Barbarosa - 4-21-2011 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Borregoman
I"e already checked out your pictures, so I don't feel the need to have you post them in this narrative. Some here would rather look at pictures then read the story....must be from those early Playboy days....:P

Yeah, I forgot. People don't read anymore. <g>

Playboy's th' cause? [best Johnny Carson voice] "I did not KNOW that."

(Been outta town a coupla daze. Will try to get another one out for thems what read.)

BajaBlanca - 4-21-2011 at 08:21 AM

thoroughly enjoyable read.