
Swimming With Fishes

bajainfo - 4-18-2011 at 03:05 PM

Early last week there were a handful of striped marlin caught and released. Locals Buzz and Mary Fedorka caught five nice-sized yellowtail with Capt. Vicente in front of La Ribera less than thirty minutes from the hotel. Then the wind kicked up for a few days keeping most anglers on the beach.

Capt. Marcos's clients caught one nice dorado plus a fat wahoo; not to be outdone Captain Ramon found a wahoo for his group in the same area between the Lighthouse and La Ribera. Filling out this week's catch list were several pompano with even more lost. Not bad for the week before “Semana Santa” (Easter Week), a weeklong celebration leading up to Easter.

Finally, since we have so few trees to hug, the wildlife hanging out in front of the hotels this week was awesome. Out where the boats are anchored, the porpoise and manta rays decided to frolic for several hours each afternoon.

I couldn't resist the opportunity take our panga out and take some photographs. Being in the water as the porpoise and mantas raced by was far more exciting than being in a swimming pool with them.

Hope you enjoy my photos.

Felipe Valdez