

Lista - 4-18-2011 at 08:54 PM

8.1 miles of nicely graded road, well, semi-graded road from the end of the pavement to the turn off to Los Delfines. amazing. I didn't make it any further south than that, but they looked busy working!

On a side bar, my neighbor passed away while I was there, sad and interesting all at once. The police from Puertecitos came first and declared him dead, (it took 3 hours) and then the police from San Quintin had to come and retreive his body. (10 hours, they came from the south) the showed up in a single cab pickup and asked if we had big black garbage bags.... we didn't so they wrapped his body in a blanket and put him in the back of a pickup. Life aint easy in Baja, nor death, I guess....I cut my trip short and went back to the US, stayed a few days in the desert sun and today I am in MT and it is snowing..Ya never know what life is gonna throw at ya!

AmoPescar - 4-18-2011 at 09:00 PM

Where's the pictures?

Miguelamo :?:

CortezBlue - 4-18-2011 at 09:28 PM

So, if you were penning a novel, your ending leaves everyone confused?

So in my mind, I am seeing your friend driving away never to be heard from before??

I want to know how you got the body out of Mexico?

David K - 4-18-2011 at 09:46 PM

This is in the post: "...the police from San Quintin had to come and retreive his body."

Lista - 4-20-2011 at 06:41 AM

The police notified his friend in the US, she was listed on his lease, and asked her to notify the family. He has a mother that is 94 and a few other family members that he hadn't spoke to in years. The police told me that his family has 15 days come and get the body or he will be cremated and thrown out. If and when that happens, all of his things will be property of the landlord.

PS thanks for changing my topic, I'm still a little lame at this.