[Edited on 4-20-2011 by Bob H]Iflyfish - 4-20-2011 at 07:11 AM
Cool video Bob
IflyfishinblissfulignoranceofmyraptorsIflyfish - 4-20-2011 at 07:14 AM
These images are so crisp and clear. Looks like these guys hunt in teams, now that is amazing! Beware the mouse.
We have hawks that sometimes frequent out back yard and all the other birds, squirrels etc. vanish. This has gone on for days at a time. They took two
of our Koi and now we don't name our fish any more!
IflyfishfornamelessfishOsprey - 4-20-2011 at 08:16 AM
While hunting quail along the Colorado river, we would often be accompanied by two or more Harris hawks that would stay on high and a short distance
behind us as we walked thru the cactus and scrub country. As we walked, the rabbits would run before us, the hawks would corral and capture one, stash
it and go right back on station to do it again and again as we flushed them. Rusty shoulders? Harris Hawk.Mexitron - 4-20-2011 at 10:16 AM
Really nice photos of a beautiful bird!Von - 4-20-2011 at 07:13 PM