
Help fix my route from El Rosario to Punta San Carlos to Catavina

C4C - 4-20-2011 at 08:13 PM

We've got a seven day ride planned thru Baja coming up and I'd like fix up one of the days routes that runs from El Rosario down to Punta San Carlos and then back up to Mex 1 to end up in Catavina (below is the route)

Right now there is too much Mex.1 slab and I'd like to know if anyone can suggest a more off road route from Punta San Carlos to Catavina

Maybe someone knows a good ride on the north side of the hwy or ??

David K - 4-20-2011 at 08:20 PM

Yes... but I haven't personally been on it, Neal Johns has been on part of it... From the San Carlos fish camp... head back north to a large farm and turn east... follow that valley around to the south again, and climb up to the top of the San Carlos Mesa... then drive northeast to the San Fernando copper mine area and out to Hwy. 1 at El Progreso. See it all on Google Earth. That road to the mesa from San Fernando/ El Progreso is shown on your map.

David K - 4-20-2011 at 08:22 PM

You can catch the old main road by Rancho Sonora... off the El Marmol road and take it to the Cataviņa painted cave area on Hwy. 1. Another Nomad wanted to do the same thing, less pavement. See the thread Old Mill to L.A. Bay, HERE:

[Edited on 4-21-2011 by David K]

TMW - 4-21-2011 at 10:52 AM

Kacey Smith has a motorcycle route from El Rosario to Catavina in her guide book. It's 120 miles and comes out just south of Rancho Santa Ines on hwy1. Her route stays south of hwy 1 all the way.

TMW - 4-21-2011 at 11:01 AM

The 1989 Baja 1000 used a trail north of hwy 1 at KM103 maybe 3or4 miles in that went east and around coming into Guayaquil from the north. From there they used the road and wash north of hwy 1 to Catavina. Some of that may be fenced off now. Kacey Smith also has routes from Puertecitos to Catavina and El Rosario some were the Bill Nichols trails and they could be matched for a trail north of hwy 1 but I think it would be longer.

C4C - 4-21-2011 at 08:56 PM

Thanks for the suggestions

Would anyone have any GPS tracks to share...?