
Hotel or Shower in Santa Rosalillita

TMW - 4-27-2011 at 08:25 AM

Is there a hotel or any place with showers at Santa Rosalillita? This is the place on the pacific that has a turn off south of Punta Prieta.

I seem to remember someone on this forum mentioning there was maybe a B&B there.

David K - 4-27-2011 at 08:31 AM

Yes Tom, Shari just posted this on the Santa Rosalillita (Rosaliita sic) thread:

posted on 4-27-2011 at 07:50 AM

Beside the store on the beach side in the middle of the village is a little, clean and has lots of hot water...good bed and a view of the beach and can see guys peeling off a cool wave that is the result of the marina breakwater...something good came out of the fiasco.

It is only like 10 mnutes off the highway and a great place to stop and spend the night if you cant make it to GN in daylight..very very quiet and pretty bay...there is a store but the restaurant isnt open any more but the hotel lady will make food for ya....I give the hotel a thumbs up!!!

and....they are honest...I left my laptop was hiding behind a closed curtain when we checked out...and they had it saved for me...Juan's uncle picked it say hey to tio Martin Arce when you are there.

TMW - 4-27-2011 at 08:37 AM


BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 4-27-2011 at 12:49 PM


is there a phone number or website/email address ?

i've always wanted to stop and surf fish there.

i thank you in advance,


any updates on this hotel?

Whale-ista - 1-25-2015 at 12:12 PM

I'm considering stopping here on return north- anyone have an update on the status of this "hotelito" in Rosalillita?


Estrella - 1-25-2015 at 12:30 PM

Ditto, for our trip south a week from today. How far from Catavina is it? Would be great to have a viable option between driving in the dark to GN or staying at the Pink Palace or the very expensive but beautiful Hotel (what ever it's name is this season) or camping in Catavina. All is good because of the surreal beauty that is Catavina but sometimes your wheels just want to roll on through...

willardguy - 1-25-2015 at 12:48 PM

there were no rooms available last year when we tried sooooo......have a back up plan!

Estrella - 1-25-2015 at 01:03 PM

Stopping in Catavina it is! Beautiful beautiful place...

David K - 1-25-2015 at 03:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Estrella  
Ditto, for our trip south a week from today. How far from Catavina is it? Would be great to have a viable option between driving in the dark to GN or staying at the Pink Palace or the very expensive but beautiful Hotel (what ever it's name is this season) or camping in Catavina. All is good because of the surreal beauty that is Catavina but sometimes your wheels just want to roll on through...

The Three area accommodations:

HOTEL MISION CATAVINA (add an accent to the o and a tilde to the second n) 'Hotel'

CABANAS LINDA (add a tilde to the first n) 'The Pink Place'

RANCHO SANTA YNEZ (also spelled INES with accent on e). 'The bunk house'

David K - 1-25-2015 at 03:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Whale-ista  
I'm considering stopping here on return north- anyone have an update on the status of this "hotelito" in Rosalillita?


'Hotel (Motel) Maru' is the name, run by Rafael and Maru Ojeda (reported on Nomad).

satmike - 1-25-2015 at 03:46 PM

Stayed there about a month ago. Only 4 rooms and 3 were full when we were there, so beware. Clean quiet after the fireworks stop, but that was pretty early.

shari - 1-25-2015 at 05:30 PM

you have to phone a relative in GN and they call them on a radio to make a reservation...spanish only. If you want, I can call for you. 615-157-0263 is the number.

Bajahowodd - 1-25-2015 at 05:56 PM

Maybe I'm dense, but how does Cativina become an alternative to Santa Rosalittita? They are hundreds of miles apart.

Estrella - 1-25-2015 at 06:12 PM

We "once" passed through Catavina hoping to get to GN before dark. It did not work and I HATE to drive in the dark, especially that lonely stretch of Baja Highway. This could be a great option and we would get to see a part of Baja we have never seen before we continue our southward journey.

shari - 1-25-2015 at 06:16 PM

We often stay there if we leave Ensenada late and wont make it to Gn before dark...that stretch of road between Jesus Maria and GN is treacherous...real real narrow with lots of cows and pulling into Rosalillita is a great option and only 10 minutes off the highway....Maru is cheap and clean and on the beach which is nice if you have a dog or need to stretch your legs...but be aware that the beds are small...not even queen size but real comfy. There is no restaurant so bring food with you.

Estrella - 1-26-2015 at 09:54 AM

Thanks Shari. How long does it usually take to get to the turn off after passing through Catavina? I can't pinpoint it in my memory.

shari - 1-26-2015 at 10:17 AM

it is about half an hour or 40 minutes past Catavina I think.

KurtG - 1-26-2015 at 11:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
Maybe I'm dense, but how does Cativina become an alternative to Santa Rosalittita? They are hundreds of miles apart.

The turn off to Rosalillita is about 85 miles south of Catavina and then 9-10 miles out to the town. Not "hundreds of miles."

rdrrm8e - 1-26-2015 at 11:55 AM

Maybe a long read, but this should give you some info:

willardguy - 1-26-2015 at 12:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
Maybe I'm dense, but how does Cativina become an alternative to Santa Rosalittita? They are hundreds of miles apart.

I don't know how you snuck this one pass the Kman but it appears as long as you throw in a bunch of "L"'s "T"'s and "I"'s your good!:lol:

David K - 1-26-2015 at 01:33 PM

Historically the spelling has been Rosalillita. I don't know of any other Spanish name with two i's together: Rosaliita?
Like Santa Ynez vs. Santa Ines, it may be one that is okay either way?

That doesn't give a pass to Guerro instead of Guerrero Negro, Puertocitos instead of Puertecitos, or Alphonsina's instead of Alfonsina's, however! LOL

bajabuddha - 1-26-2015 at 03:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by KurtG  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
Maybe I'm dense, but how does Cativina become an alternative to Santa Rosalittita? They are hundreds of miles apart.

The turn off to Rosalillita is about 85 miles south of Catavina and then 9-10 miles out to the town. Not "hundreds of miles."

Still, to put it into drive time perspective, that's a lot of slow, bad road south of Catavi-n-a and about 2 hours of driving.

Ateo - 1-26-2015 at 03:35 PM

There is a shower in Santa Rosalillita. It's called the Ocean.

MMc - 1-26-2015 at 03:52 PM

Stayed at the hotel in Nuveo Rosarito 2 weeks ago on the inland side as you come into to town from the north. 300nm per night, clean rooms. They might also do showers as they are kinda of truck stop.
We tried to get into Maru but it was sold out for the night, we went back to the highway and a bit farther south.

shari - 1-26-2015 at 09:09 PM

good to know there is an option to Maru...gracias there a sign?

MMc - 1-27-2015 at 07:56 AM

Yes, It's painted along the wall "Cactus Hotel". The cafe next door runs it. It's kinda like a truck stop. When we were there the ABC bus changed drivers and grabbed some coffee, used the WC.

woody with a view - 1-27-2015 at 08:18 AM

And don't forget to ask for " burritos pollo del mar" at the cafe.

Bajahowodd - 1-28-2015 at 05:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  
And don't forget to ask for " burritos pollo del mar" at the cafe.

Pollo del Mar seems an oxymarooon.

[Edited on 1-29-2015 by Bajahowodd]

[Edited on 1-29-2015 by Bajahowodd]

OK. I give up. I have tried three times to edit this to oxymarooon. What gives??

I'm done. Oxy marooon.

Oxy m-o-r-o-n
Doug, WTF??

[Edited on 1-29-2015 by Bajahowodd]

[Edited on 1-29-2015 by Bajahowodd]

[Edited on 1-29-2015 by Bajahowodd]

willardguy - 1-28-2015 at 05:59 PM

tuna burrito? chicken of the sea

woody with a view - 1-28-2015 at 06:00 PM

lobster burritos to-go!

they know what you will be asking for.

shari - 1-29-2015 at 08:22 PM

Juan & I were at a funeral in Nuevo Rosarito that lasted for 2 days so we stopped in at that hotel there to get a room but they were full so we headed down to Rosalillita to Hotel Maru...20 minutes away and were happy to get room #1 which is a double with nice beds.

I asked Ms.Maru if the rooms were rented long term and she said NO NO NO and the 4 rooms are available...she mentioned her business was hurting and could use more guests. The room was freshly painted but no more tv and she was choked that people had been stealing everything, towels, remote control, movies and even sheets!

So she is open for business and will even cook for you if you ask her. She also said they had internet but I couldnt get it to work. The direct number is 664-134-6234 but sometimes the system is down so you can call a GN # who calls them on the radio..615-157-0262 and please tell her Shari sent you.

I will do a separate post on the funeral when I get home...I am in GN for the night hoping to schmooze with some whales tomorrow morning...if it stops raining...sheesh!

ridge - 1-30-2015 at 07:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by shari  
...I asked Ms.Maru if the rooms were rented long term and she said NO NO NO and the 4 rooms are available...she mentioned her business was hurting and could use more guests...
Pue[s] ya me voy entonces; mejor que se la avises ;D
...she was choked that people had been stealing everything, towels, remote control, movies and even sheets...
...So she is open for business and will even cook for you if you ask her. She also said they had internet but I couldnt get it to work. The direct number is 664-134-6234 but sometimes the system is down so you can call a GN # who calls them on the radio..615-157-0262 and please tell her Shari sent you...
Hecho y derecho.

I'm getting a little old for the surfing, camping, and cooking dinner thing...

shari - 1-30-2015 at 07:13 AM

i forgot to add her email last is

i will be adding some pics I took when i get home from our whale watch today so stay tuned!

LaTijereta - 12-18-2015 at 09:50 AM

Question.. Is the marina/ ramp open to launch a 25' boat?
On GE the marina walls still look in tack.. ramp is there, but not clear enough to see if there is any activity...

carlosg - 12-18-2015 at 12:08 PM

Good tip, instead of staying in Cataviña I rather go to Santa Rosalillita and enjoy the ocean; but... when driving thru Cataviña do stop at the restaurant across the road from the hotel: great food...

Shari please confirm the phone number in GN:

Quote: Originally posted by shari  
...spanish only. If you want, I can call for you. 615-157-0263 is the number.


Quote: Originally posted by shari for business and will even cook for you if you ask her. She also said they had internet but I couldnt get it to work. The direct number is 664-134-6234 but sometimes the system is down so you can call a GN # who calls them on the radio..615-157-0262 and please tell her Shari sent you...

On our way back from Mulege we stopped at "Mauricio's" in Nuevo Rosarito... it's a MUST stop for any meal...

woody with a view - 12-18-2015 at 02:35 PM

you guys are responding to Shari's post from Jan 2015. her info is incorrect currently. Maru has monthly renters from the village and no rooms for travelers. call and find out for yourself.

the marina in not operational. you can drive onto the hard pack and launch right up against the south jetty like the co-op does. bring an extender hitch.

shari - 12-18-2015 at 03:07 PM

I dont think the marina ramp is usable but the fishermen just launch from the beach there. Hotel Maru doesnt have rooms these days as they are rented out long term to workers there. Sorry, the guerrero negro number WAS is 615-157-0263!

carlosg - 12-18-2015 at 05:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Historically the spelling has been Rosalillita. I don't know of any other Spanish name with two i's together:

..."El que sí sabe, sabe lo que no sabe."

...definitivamente estoy de acuerdo con lo que citas lencho; pero la verdad es que David tiene la razón, pues no pude encontrar ningun nombre personal con "ii" :no: other words David is correct...!!!

Whale-ista - 12-18-2015 at 07:43 PM

when I stayed at Hotel Maru in February this year, en route to meet Shari @Ojo de Liebre, I awoke early to talk w/locals before heading south. They said the marina was silted in, too shallow for boats of any size. It was a source of local jokes.

(Another step of of "Escalera Nautica" gone astray.)

the beach launch area, marina in background

Hotel Maru in subtle colors

[Edited on 12-19-2015 by Whale-ista]

woody with a view - 12-18-2015 at 08:01 PM

once someone finally gets around to making it work, the last thing to do is dredge. why waste money keeping it open when there is nothing to gain. they could also extend the jetty to create a breakwall.

either way, the best man-made wave in Baja will go extinct....

mtgoat666 - 12-18-2015 at 09:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Whale-ista  
when I stayed at Hotel Maru in February this year, en route to meet Shari @Ojo de Liebre, I awoke early to talk w/locals before heading south. They said the marina was silted in, too shallow for boats of any size. It was a source of local jokes.

(Another step of of "Escalera Nautica" gone astray.)

The marina is a joke, true that!

I wish the locals would put up a plaque listing the design engineering firm. That would provide amusement.

I do hope a hurricane washes it away,... Would be nice to give the town back a little old time rustic charm.

David K - 12-18-2015 at 11:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by carlosg  
Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Historically the spelling has been Rosalillita. I don't know of any other Spanish name with two i's together:

..."El que sí sabe, sabe lo que no sabe."

...definitivamente estoy de acuerdo con lo que citas lencho; pero la verdad es que David tiene la razón, pues no pude encontrar ningun nombre personal con "ii" :no: other words David is correct...!!!

Thank you Carlos.
Lencho, I believe I was clear when I said that I don't know of any double i words in Spanish. I wasn't saying there weren't any.

David K - 12-19-2015 at 10:24 AM

The intention is knowledge... knowing how to spell place names in Baja preserves their history, respects the names, and permits finding out more because if you search online for a place using the wrong spelling, you may not find what you seek! :light:

Everything here on the Baja Internet should be done both for good fun and knowledge, I think!

Sometimes original place names do get changed by the local population (who wasn't around when the place got its name). COLONET is one example. AGUA DE CHALE is another. While both these places were originally named for English male names (James Colnett, Charley the Chinaman).

Perhaps Santa Rosalillita will be changed by locals to Santa Rosaliita, some signs are already spelling it the 'new' way?

carlosg - 12-19-2015 at 03:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
...It's the intention which impacts, not the words.

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
The intention is knowledge... knowing how to spell ...
Everything here on the Baja Internet should be done both for good fun and knowledge, I think!...

…en cuanto a tus “tiítas” mi mas sincero pésame porque ni a ellas las pude encontrar en el diccionario de la Real Academia Española: