
La Ultima Baja Grande 4WD - Days 4-7 [BOLA/Cataviņa/El Rosario/Golden Triangle]

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:10 PM

Our crew rolled into the Bahia de los Angeles.

After getting our sole nights' accomodations in order (since it was too hot to set up camp) Leidys and I went for a drive around BOLA for some exploring.

We happened upon our very own portion of paradise - with a view!


The BOLA Museum

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:16 PM

At dusk, we decided to check out the Museum in town. It was closed, but the mining equipment outside was able to be viewed.

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:27 PM

Later that evening, we stopped by the Pemex station near the Glorieta (roundabout), and paid for our Motel. These fishermen drove up, asking if we wanted the catch of the day from the bed of their pickup truck.

Leaving BOLA

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:31 PM

After a comfortable night's sleep at Costa del Sol, we prepared for a long day. Little did we know, that this would be a 13 hour day - including 7 hours spent off-road!

Leidys was all smiles in this picture, but by the end of the day, her back would be in nudos.:no:

$6 Gas in Chapala

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:36 PM

This poor man deserves an inexpensive syphon hose to save his health.:!:

I had paid him $6/gallon in order to top off before reaching Cataviņa. The other guys filled their mini cans, storing them inside of their Jeeps where the fumes bothered them to no end!

Our Gasolinero:no:

Rancho Santa Ynez

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:42 PM

After discussing Rancho Santa Ynez's accomodations with David K, I decided to see exactly what was offered in this remote rancho in the Valle de los Cirios. A woman watering her plants quickly put down her garden hose and put on an apron. She proved to be the restaurant cook and a darn good one!

Parked at the Rancho

Leidys filled up on Huevos Rancheros - her only meal until 8 p.m. that night.:lol:

Jerry sat down and took a break before the arduous trip into the backcountry.

"Mission Impossible" Strike's Back!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:46 PM

It wasn't that the trail was any more difficult than it normally is. It was that I was driving on an improvised shock pin holding the right rear of my Jeep suspension in place. My cooling system was sort of working, and the other two Jeeps were waiting for the perfect moment to give us all grief.

I noticed that the cactii were all green as if rains provided sustaining waters to these desert flora.

I was about to do battle with the rocks!:bounce:

Jerry following closely behind.

The Battle Has Begun!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:53 PM

The Sea of Cortez - Punta Final (from the Mission Santa Maria trail)

As I snapped this photo, a call went out over the CB radio that something was wrong. Jerry was turning back to go for help - his Fuel Pump was malfunctioning. But, he was stuck, because Aaron had just blown a bead on his tire, and would have to change tires.

I told Leidys that we would snap some fast pictures, and leave the swamp area of the Mission trail - 1 mile from the Mission, and return to help our stranded friends.

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:55 PM

Jerry needed to be pulled up the series of waterfalls along the trail. Here, his Jeep is nudged into position to be towed.

Aaron drove in front.

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 07:57 PM

The drive back was a frantic one with Jerry dueling with his fuel system to stay operable. This fuel pump problem had been an ongoing one for his 2000 Wrangler.

Leidys and I were able to take our time returning to the Highway. But, as nightfall came upon us, our pace picked up...

Returning North

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 08:19 PM

At the Los Pinos Pemex, we were able to get some cash in order to add some gas to the tank.

We were amazed at the volume of agricultural operations in this area.

The turnoff to the Sierra San Pedro Martir Park

I plan on taking Leidys to Rancho Meling in the future.


Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 08:24 PM

Leidys was intrigued by the Colleges in the Ensenada area.

She was also impressed by the Military buildings near our Motel where we stayed one night.

But, the most impressive in this city was La Bufadora!:bounce:

My Parents had taken me here over the years, so I thought Leidys might enjoy this sidetrip.

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 08:29 PM

Leidys told me that this visit to La Bufadora made her feel so happy! I thought it was little more than a tourist trap, but after sitting through "Mission Impossible" with me 1 day earlier, I felt it was her turn to have some breathtaking moments.

Although, it felt like I was already stuck back in San Diego (by the number of tourists we walked with to this attraction), Leidys said she felt like she was in Las Vegas!:o She meant this as a compliment.:lol:

COLOMBIA en Playas de Rosarito!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 08:33 PM

Traveling up Hwy 1 into Rosarito Beach, we spotted some Colombia flags on the free road, so we took the first exit at the AM/PM, and going South a short distance, we happened upon this new Colombia restaurant!! Juanes played on the soundsystem, we dined on Colombian food in Baja!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 08:36 PM

The shredded Chicken Arepanos were OUT OF THIS WORLD! At 30 Pesos each, I ate 3. You have to try them with the Cilantro salsa!

Leidys had Bandeja Paisa - She said it was amazing.

Welcome to TIJUANA!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2011 at 08:43 PM

Visiting friends in Tijuana was a must. Chris was the first fourwheeler that I tackled Mission Impossible with (along with Jeeper Brad Green). So, we had to visit him and tell him about the trip.

The neighborhood kids are now grown up, and are all teenagers. So, we checked to see if they remembered us. Thanks to Facebook, the answer is "Yes".:lol:

New Puppies!! :bounce:

Raquel and Michelle let me play with their new Pooch. This doggie was only 4 weeks old!

Raquel now goes to a local University, while Michelle is now in Secundaria.

Miguel has one of the sibling Puppies

...That's all folks!

David K - 5-4-2011 at 09:22 PM

Very nice! I would like to try that Colombian food!!

TMW - 5-5-2011 at 09:14 AM

Wow that was an adventure. Great food, beautiful weather and good friends make for a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing.

Ken Cooke - 5-5-2011 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by David K
Very nice! I would like to try that Colombian food!!

The food was great. Those Chicken Arepas resembled shreded Chicken inside of Pita bread with a Cilantro sauce that was incredible. This restaurant definitely was the icing on the cake with regard to our vacation.

David K - 5-5-2011 at 06:35 PM

I am ready, let's go! Hey... where is CG in your photos? Did he play his Didge at all! What a great night around the campfire at Mision Santa Maria last may!!!

You want to see pictures of THAT guy?

Ken Cooke - 5-5-2011 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by David K
I am ready, let's go! Hey... where is CG in your photos? Did he play his Didge at all! What a great night around the campfire at Mision Santa Maria last may!!!

We went that afternoon to Smart & Final in Soler for some quality TIJUANA Beer! I brought back two bottles...on ice, btw.

After spending time talking, we traveled to the border area where we could hand in our Visas and get our Passports stamped.

David K - 5-5-2011 at 08:02 PM

Seriously? You drove to the border area to turn in your 7 day free FMMs? What was the reaction from the agent? Did he say you were the first one to go to that trouble? Stamp your passports? Why? Just wondering...

[Edited on 5-6-2011 by David K]

Ken Cooke - 5-5-2011 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by David K
Seriously? You drove to the border area to turn in your 7 day free FMMs? What was the reaction from the agent? Did he say you were the first one to go to that trouble? Stamp your passports? Why? Just wondering...

[Edited on 5-6-2011 by David K]

The woman at the border said that turning in the 7 day free FMM was a serious matter and that it was mandatory that we turned it in - in order to have our Passports stamped, etc. Because Leidys is a US Resident, she doesn't like to play around with rules and regs. I did this mainly for her since I have to be responsible and help her stay within the law with regard to her immigration.

AmoPescar - 5-5-2011 at 10:30 PM

Hi Ken...

Glad you and Leidys had such a great adventure. Great pictures, descriptions and story!

The comida Colombian looked very tasty. I'd like to try it sometime.

Take Care, Miguelamo :yes: :tumble: ;)

Ken Cooke - 5-8-2011 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by David K
I am ready, let's go! Hey... where is CG in your photos? Did he play his Didge at all! What a great night around the campfire at Mision Santa Maria last may!!!

Visiting in Tijuana last weekend, Leidys and I had a chance to catch up with my good friend (and Nomad) Chris 'CG' Glass in Soler, Tijuana.

Chris ran the 'Mission Impossible' Trail with me back in 2005 as a sort of pre-run for the challenging Baja Grande 4WD runs that I have operated ever since.

Baja Grande update

Ken Cooke - 5-8-2011 at 06:40 PM

Rincon Colombiano is now on Facebook! Here's proof! Leidys and I made it on their Facebook page.:lol:


Marc - 5-8-2011 at 07:24 PM

Great trip. Thanks Ken for the photos.