
Rancho Grande boat launch

yakyak2010 - 5-5-2011 at 10:14 AM

Heading for Gonzaga Bay Monday the 9th, does anyone know if the boat launch at Rancho Grande is finished or have they decided not to build it? Also are the bad effects of constuction at the camp any better?

David K - 5-5-2011 at 06:10 PM

The prefered launch seems to be across the north end of the runway from Alfonsina's Motel... into the back bay/ lagoon... the dirt is a firm surface (like the runway) and easy to drive on in the water. Of course, high tide is a must!

I think Papa Fernandez' has a launch ramp of sorts?

mcfez - 5-6-2011 at 07:02 AM

Originally posted by David K

I think Papa Fernandez' has a launch ramp of sorts?

They do. A good spot to stay at. Secured.

dizzyspots - 5-6-2011 at 02:05 PM

Ditto...that's where we launched last time...before I put ont the big beach launch wheels...easy little motor back south across the little land spit between Alfonsina's and the island...when the tide is UP
wish we could have gone with you...didn't get to the White Mtns either

Oct 1 thru 6 is our next shot (too hot in summer)

cj5orion - 5-7-2011 at 06:10 AM

rancho's "boat launch" is still a pile of rocks gathered up on the runway.
Alfys is the usual,papas as well

we'll have wind Sun-Mon