
Propane Refrigerator problema

Cardon Man - 5-11-2011 at 10:23 AM

I have a propane refrigerator that has performed flawlessly for years. However, recently I have had to clean the flue about twice a week. There is a great deal of soot build up and the associated burning smell.
Can any other propane fridge users shed some light on why I'm experiencing this problem? How to cure it?

Propane refer

fishsticker - 5-11-2011 at 11:03 AM

Remove the burner from the refer and take the barrel off the burner unit and take the orifice out and clean it with compressed air., it is dirty and is causing it to have a rich mixture and carbon buildup in the flu and chiminy. DO NOT use a piece of wire to clean it or you will ruin the oriface.

Stiktime - 5-11-2011 at 02:50 PM

The air intake of your burner is restricted causing a rich mixture of air/propane causing your soot problem. U2U me with make and model and I can give you more helpful info for the fix.
Something has made a home in the burner tube !

Cardon Man - 5-12-2011 at 08:00 AM

Excellent advice. Rather than take the burner assembly apart I tried blasting it with compressed air and that helped a lot. No stink this morning. But the flame still doesn't look quite right. Next step is to get the burner tube out and have it properly.