

BajaBlanca - 5-13-2011 at 07:39 PM

Today I had a group of teens come by - ready to work cleaning up litter along the beach area near the old cannery .. at the end they could choose clothes and shoes so graciously donated by 4 Baja lovers and a professional skateboarder called Spanky.





and the BEST part for both them and me !!!!!


Thanks so much Baja Nomaders for helping me impact the lives of these kids ... now everyone wants to help me clean up ... jeez, i have been looking for helpers for years now !!!

However, after such a long day yesterday with the doggies, can I be perfectly honest and say that I really just wanted to stay home today and rest up !! But it ain't often I get 4 willing and able and fast picker uppers ...


surfdoc - 5-13-2011 at 08:34 PM

Sooooo Awsome Blanca!!! I'm going to contact my friend Jesus at the Surfhut and see if he'd donate a monthly challenge for here in Asuncion!!!!!!!!!!

Cisco - 5-14-2011 at 12:00 PM

Blanca I am confused. I contacted the consul in San Diego and was given a list of things permitted/prohibited to bring down and find no used clothing period, or toys from China allowed.

Educational toys are allowed although they are not sure if made in China applies there.

In the distant past I would load the van with stuff and never had a problem.

Whats the dope?


Rumrunner - 5-14-2011 at 04:29 PM

Just put the used clothes in a suit case. Been inspected many times at the border, never had a problem.

Bajatripper - 5-14-2011 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Cisco
Blanca I am confused. I contacted the consul in San Diego and was given a list of things permitted/prohibited to bring down and find no used clothing period, or toys from China allowed.

Educational toys are allowed although they are not sure if made in China applies there.

In the distant past I would load the van with stuff and never had a problem.

Whats the dope?


Here's how I understood it: Blanca decided to do a good deed and asked for donations to carry it out. She didn't do the research needed to dot her "i's" and cross her "t's," she just did it and ignored the red tape--and for that, she has a clean beach and has inspired civic-mindedness in her community.

Did she (or those who provided her with the means) violate any laws? Possibly, but I think that in this case, the spirit of the intent is more important than the spirit of the law.

As for used clothes being illegal to import into Mexico, that is my understanding, too. That said, when was the last time you visited a "segunda" (second-hand store) down in these parts? A visit to one would likely convince you that many, many people are violating that same law for profit. It's quite obvious that Mexican Customs isn't all that concerned about it. I wouldn't think that a little flexing of such laws is anything to get worked up about.

And concerning toys made in China, I can't imagine what definition they use for "educational," since the majority of the toys for sale in La Paz are Chinese.

So keep those van-full of used clothes and Chinese toys for donations a'commin. If they question you about it at the border, tell 'em Bajatripper said it was OK:lol:

Cisco - 5-14-2011 at 05:11 PM

I have not had a problem so far either but it's like the FMM, if you don't have it and need it you're screwed.

Was amazed at the list of stuff they sent me and the do's and dont's they have shown, lot's of things I have been doing wrong the last 40 years or so I guess.

Thanks for the uplift there Bajatripper, I will let them know if it comes up and will get back to you regarding which impound lot you need to visit to guard my vehicle while I'm gone.

Bajatripper - 5-15-2011 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Cisco
I have not had a problem so far either but it's like the FMM, if you don't have it and need it you're screwed.

Was amazed at the list of stuff they sent me and the do's and dont's they have shown, lot's of things I have been doing wrong the last 40 years or so I guess.

Thanks for the uplift there Bajatripper, I will let them know if it comes up and will get back to you regarding which impound lot you need to visit to guard my vehicle while I'm gone.

You are right, of course. Mexico has some heavy rules on the books, but it's nice that they have lax enforcement.

I don't know if you've noticed, but over the last couple of years there has been a move to replace and reassign the "old guard" border customs agents with young, professional, college-educated agents in an effort to stem some of the corruption at the nation's ports of entry. I've seen these folks in action a few times and they do seem quite competent, yet have shown zero interest in most of the items on the list you got. What they are most interested in catching are people importing high-value electronics goods and illegal weapons. This is most likely a case of knowing their "customers" and being aware that most Americans aren't likely to go into the used clothes business. Perhaps if I were a Mexican I would get searched with a different focus in mind.

BajaBlanca - 5-15-2011 at 11:40 AM


The clothes are all NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the shoes are all NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The skateboards are all NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

see the boys holding the BOXES of shoes ??? That was the best part of all - everything was new !!! You can't beat that !!!

Bajatripper - 5-15-2011 at 11:49 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

The clothes are all NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the shoes are all NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The skateboards are all NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

see the boys holding the BOXES of shoes ??? That was the best part of all - everything was new !!! You can't beat that !!!

Sorry, Blanca, but we were involved in a bit of a thread hijack. I was responding to Cisco's post, which included the item on used clothes. Again, sorry, and congratulations on your efforts up that way.

[Edited on 5-15-2011 by Bajatripper]

BajaBlanca - 5-15-2011 at 11:57 AM

Cisco - out of curiosity - could you post the list of do's and don'ts you were given ?

Cisco - 5-15-2011 at 02:58 PM

Blanca. Received your u2u (my first, thank you).

I had e-mailed the consul in San Diego after reading in forum that the military stops were getting a little "iffy" about clothing and toys coming in and they responded promptly. I have "Donaciones version ingles.pdf" but do not know how to post it.

If I had an e-mail address I could attach it I think, or, instructions on how to post here. It is eight pages in pdf format and very informative.

BajaBlanca - 5-15-2011 at 05:36 PM

I wonder why in the heck they would ban toys from china ? any thoughts on that one ??

Cisco - 5-15-2011 at 06:12 PM

Blanca. Tried to cut and paste but does not work with pdf format so here’s what’s up.

Permitted items:

#21. Toys not coming from China.
#22. New clothes and new shoes not coming from China.

Not permitted items:

#5. Used clothing.
#6. Used shoes.
#7. New shoes from Asian countries.


briantroy - 5-15-2011 at 11:12 PM

Damn, I have a a bunch of zapatos from Mongolia.

BajaBlanca - 5-16-2011 at 10:28 AM

I can't get the information onto Baja Nomads either, Cisco, it just won't paste ... but those are some very crazy laws and I bet they change week to week, to boot. thanks for sharing !!

Bajatripper - 5-16-2011 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Cisco
Blanca. Received your u2u (my first, thank you).

after reading in forum that the military stops were getting a little "iffy" about clothing and toys coming in and they responded promptly.

Anyone experience the military giving a hoot about anything other than drugs and guns?

Baja Bucko - 5-16-2011 at 11:29 AM

You know...just pack the stuff like it is YOURS...suitcases etc.

When I cross going south I am loaded w mule packing gear and saddles, and alllll of the camping stuff and food for weeks...PLUS stuff that the cowboys are waiting patiently for...chavindas, saddle pads, leather conditioner, salt blocks, and the bunches of books in Spanish for the kids and goods for the mtn rancho the bags of dog food for Kim in ER and things Andy S. needs to send down to the San Franciscos.

Instead of a totally organized truck ie order going in is order to be dispersed/removed I now have to mix things up a bit to make it all look like it is for my personal use. When asked I tell 'um I'm camping for months...the dog food is for my son's dogs in San Ignacio if asked and the only flac I have gotten (knock on wood) so far is the EMPTY gas container that SMELLS like it has gas in it....youhoo-its EMPTY. So the border guys seem to focus on that can lately...

Now this next trip will be a project of disguise....I have orders for 12 (!!) saddle pads, 6 chavindas....and I will have to disperse those in the truck in a manner that makes them not so obvious that there are more than a couple.

I bring used clothing packed in suitcases and small personal-type duffle bags and if friends are flying down and I have their gear..........

Of course, what is a sweet little woman like me doing traveling alone in I not afraid??? (I've heard THAT alot!!!)

That's my story and mileage may is ridiculous to NOT share our "wealth" because we are afraid of losing a bag of clothing or school supplies. PAY IT FORWARD!

Gotta love it!

Mulegena - 5-16-2011 at 01:37 PM

Pay It Forward.

one of those good old rules Mama Nature gave us a looonng time ago...

Thanks, Blanca, Bucko, and Everybody.

DianaT - 5-16-2011 at 02:35 PM

The one thing I was surprised to see was the new shoes still in the new shoe boxes. We take down lots of things for others, but when the items are new, all packing is removed and the items are packed as if they are used and are for us.

The parking lots at the local Big Box Stores around here in IB and Chula Vista are full of packing material ---- most people do not want to head south with "new" items. It can be a red flag. Brand new is GREAT, still packaged as brand new---not so good at the border. :biggrin:

[Edited on 5-17-2011 by DianaT]

Bajatripper - 5-16-2011 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
I wonder why in the heck they would ban toys from china ? any thoughts on that one ??

In an effort to put a little research behind my opinion, I visited the local Walmart here in La Paz this afternoon and checked on the country of origin on ten toys selected at random. Of the 10, eight were made in China, one was made in Thailand, and one, a tricycle, was made in Mexico. I won't bother looking up the tennis shoes as I'm sure the results would be similar with regards to most of them being made in Asia.

I guess what we have here is another example of that "free trade" we hear so much about. Free, so long as you own a multinational corporation, that is.

BajaBlanca - 5-17-2011 at 08:40 AM

The shoes were brought to us by fantabulous baja nomader 4debaja, she had no problem at the border and I am so glad they were in the boxes, it just made the giveaway so much more fun .... some of these kids, I am positive, have never gotten brand new shoes in their lives. they are the youngest in their familes of 5 or 6 kids.

Sooooo fun being santa claus in May


DianaT - 5-17-2011 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
The shoes were brought to us by fantabulous baja nomader 4debaja, she had no problem at the border and I am so glad they were in the boxes, it just made the giveaway so much more fun .... some of these kids, I am positive, have never gotten brand new shoes in their lives. they are the youngest in their familes of 5 or 6 kids.

Sooooo fun being santa claus in May


Really happy she had no problem and I am sure it was very special to have them in the new boxes. :yes::yes:

Eli - 5-18-2011 at 06:34 PM

Bajablanca what a wonderful thing Ya'll did! You must be mighty proud!

Regarding importation laws from China ect., you can import, but my understanding is the importation tax involved is in the multi-$$$$0's. Something to do with competition in labor cost?

BajaBlanca - 5-19-2011 at 01:47 PM

yes, I think you are right Eli - my neighbors tell me Nuevo Leon is big on making shoes ... I just didn't know.

this Saturday we have a group of about 15 bikers coming from Guerrero Negro to stay overnight for the Sunday La Bocana mountain bike races .... and for free rooms they will be helping us clean up the entrance to La Bocana .. yowza .... this is gonna be great !!