
Abreojo Halibut Fishing

Cochi - 5-14-2011 at 07:34 AM

Has anyone gone out recently or is it too early? We are in Chivato and would like to plan a trip over to the other side. Seems a few years ago, but I recall someone fishing out of pangas and not for tuna. Info would be appreciated. dave

Mike99km - 5-14-2011 at 07:51 AM

Big white grubs, The bigger the better.

white grubs

Cochi - 5-14-2011 at 07:58 AM

I assume you are talking Storm jigs to use. Ok, these could be used from shore but what about a boat?

Russ - 5-14-2011 at 08:50 AM

Welcome back. I was just over there with Pam, George, Steve, Mike & Karen. Stayed at Campo Rene. Steve & Mike walked out to the mangroves and did well on yellow & white scampi. The only place I thought looked good for surf fishing was about 1/2 mile before you get to the mouth of La Bocana on the Obreojos side or the mouth of Bahia San Ignacio. Les & Blanca will have the up to date report on their side of La Bocana. Come on by.

Miles and Miles of very flat beach with no holes/structure to hold fish.

[Edited on 5-14-2011 by Russ]

bajamedic - 5-14-2011 at 09:10 AM

OK, I am drooling right about now. The rides, the trip, the time spend with friends, the fish, the play time, the location, should I go on? JH

Great info!

Cochi - 5-14-2011 at 10:05 AM

Thanx Russ, I will be down to talk. In other words, "go get your feet wet, and the adventure will happen." Now that I think of it, the Aguilara(sp) Bros. , Les and Blanca, and Valentine and Edith connections. A boat will be had, and the surf fishin of course. Better pack the kayaks too!

Russ - 5-14-2011 at 10:37 AM

Here's proof that doo doo happens

tripledigitken - 5-14-2011 at 10:55 AM

Nice trip Russ.

Time for a 5 point harness set up!!!!?????

yellowklr - 5-14-2011 at 12:17 PM

I spend allot of time Halibut fishing in La Bocana BCS.......If I could pick one month to catch Halibut I'd fish July. My first trip normally isn't till the end of August and it is still excellent but I've found the fish are smaller. Its not uncommon to have 40 fish days off the beach.....I like the 2 oz Krocs that I can really get out there.......
If you have any questions I'm glad to help

[Edited on 5-14-2011 by yellowklr]

Curt63 - 5-14-2011 at 12:34 PM

Awesome Russ! Thats what a lot of my trips look like , but we're on quads.

Russ - 5-14-2011 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by yellowklr
I spend allot of time Halibut fishing in La Bocana BCS.......If I could pick one month to catch Halibut I'd fish July. My first trip normally isn't till the end of August and it is still excellent but I've found the fish are smaller. Its not uncommon to have 40 fish days off the beach.....I like the 2 oz Krocs that I can really get out there.......
If you have any questions I'm glad to help

[Edited on 5-14-2011 by yellowklr]

Thanks for the tips. I usually fish 8 & 10 # setups so I use lighter Krocs, 1/2 to 5/8 oz. or a 1/2 to 3/4oz egg sinker c-rig with sandcrabs or swimmies (soft plastic). I do have the heaver set ups (15 to 20#) but didn't bring them this trip.


woody with a view - 5-14-2011 at 06:24 PM

were the medics and lifeflight responding for those poor cervezas?


[Edited on 5-15-2011 by woody with a view]

luv2fish - 5-14-2011 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Cochi
Has anyone gone out recently or is it too early? We are in Chivato and would like to plan a trip over to the other side. Seems a few years ago, but I recall someone fishing out of pangas and not for tuna. Info would be appreciated. dave

yellowklr - 5-14-2011 at 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Russ
Originally posted by yellowklr
I spend allot of time Halibut fishing in La Bocana BCS.......If I could pick one month to catch Halibut I'd fish July. My first trip normally isn't till the end of August and it is still excellent but I've found the fish are smaller. Its not uncommon to have 40 fish days off the beach.....I like the 2 oz Krocs that I can really get out there.......
If you have any questions I'm glad to help

[Edited on 5-14-2011 by yellowklr]

Thanks for the tips. I usually fish 8 & 10 # setups so I use lighter Krocs, 1/2 to 5/8 oz. or a 1/2 to 3/4oz egg sinker c-rig with sandcrabs or swimmies (soft plastic). I do have the heaver set ups (15 to 20#) but didn't bring them this trip.

5/8 Krocs are great if its not windy.....You will lose a fair share because there are lots of rocks in the areas we like to fish in Bocana.
If you go back let me know I have a friend that lives in Bocana that is a surf fishing Guro and would be happy to show you his spots.............

shari - 5-15-2011 at 07:39 AM

I talked to a fisherman yesterday who told me that the cooperativa would begin halibut fishing next week in San Hipolito &'s a big fishery... I hope some will escape to make it down to mouth is watering already! The south swell next week will most likely push some down our way. June/july are excellent halibut months here.

mtgoat666 - 5-15-2011 at 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Russ

i know you won't like this comment, none of you baja fishermen will.
that is not a halibut.
it's another type of flounder.
true halibut are found only in cold north atlantic and north pacific.
there is a taste difference.

shari - 5-15-2011 at 07:53 AM

nah...I dont mind in the least being wrong or confused...happens all the time...I happily stand corrected.... thanks sr.chivo...flounder is good eating too...maybe even better than true halibut.

I always wondered about that...could it be possible that some are halibut and some are flounder? Being in a transition zone, we do get some northern cold water species here as the cold current is present this time of year.

mtgoat666 - 5-15-2011 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by shari
nah...I dont mind in the least being wrong or confused...happens all the time...I happily stand corrected.... thanks sr.chivo...flounder is good eating too...maybe even better than true halibut.

I always wondered about that...could it be possible that some are halibut and some are flounder? Being in a transition zone, we do get some northern cold water species here as the cold current is present this time of year.

well, some people are excused for calling it halibut, as it's common name is "california halibut." it's just another flounder. does not taste same as classic halibut of cold north water.

people think halibut sounds fancier than flounder. truth is that some flounder are quite good.

shari - 5-15-2011 at 08:02 AM

maybe we'll just stick to the mexican name...lenguado...I like their style...leaves wiggle room. When I ask a local what a certain shore bird is, no matter what the bird, they usually answer...serapico...which to them means all those shorebirds with longish bills of which there are several species...keep it simple works for them!

BajaBlanca - 5-15-2011 at 10:08 AM

Now that the coop has decided not to net the lagoon - we expect that the LENGUADO will be bigger and more plentiful in the lagoon itself.

Les says you can fish the lagoon all year long but the big ones come back in in June - Juanchys went shorefishing a couple days ago and caught a 27 pounder right where the pangas launch !!!

Juanchys is also a good shore fisherman and loves going out with company.

Les sometimes fishes right in front of our home - his eyes are peeled on the birds and once they start their "dive into the water show" ... I know I'll hear the words "I'll be back in a minute" flying out the back of the quad as Les races towards the ocean.

Listen to Derek about details, he is one of our visitor experts !!


yellowklr - 5-15-2011 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
Now that the coop has decided not to net the lagoon - we expect that the LENGUADO will be bigger and more plentiful in the lagoon itself.

Les says you can fish the lagoon all year long but the big ones come back in in June - Juanchys went shorefishing a couple days ago and caught a 27 pounder right where the pangas launch !!!

Juanchys is also a good shore fisherman and loves going out with company.

Les sometimes fishes right in front of our home - his eyes are peeled on the birds and once they start their "dive into the water show" ... I know I'll hear the words "I'll be back in a minute" flying out the back of the quad as Les races towards the ocean.

Listen to Derek about details, he is one of our visitor experts !!


GREAT news about no netting the Lagoon.......!!!! That should make it very interesting
27 Pounder......NO PICS?
Yeah Juanchys is a great guy to go surf fishing with. My first time in Bocana we went for an hour and must have caught 20 fish, I couldn't believe it!!!!

[Edited on 5-15-2011 by yellowklr]

dtbushpilot - 5-15-2011 at 08:57 PM

I've caught lots of halounder in Asuncion.....or were they flounderbut? Whatever....they don't call me the halounderbut whisperer for nothing...:bounce::bounce:.....dt

[Edited on 5-16-2011 by dtbushpilot]

Paulina - 5-15-2011 at 09:27 PM

Here's a nice La Bocana Lenguado that Dern pulled up, er, out of the box a few summers ago.


dtbushpilot - 5-15-2011 at 09:31 PM

Ouch! that hurts, guess I need some "whisperer" lessons from Dern......Wait a minute, did he catch it or just pull it out of someone elses box?.....dt

Skipjack Joe - 5-15-2011 at 09:31 PM

My gosh, that's a whopper. I've never seen them that big in the lagoons.

Paulina - 5-15-2011 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Ouch! that hurts, guess I need some "whisperer" lessons from Dern......Wait a minute, did he catch it or just pull it out of someone elses box?.....dt

No worries dtbushpilot, Dern didn't have to whisper anything in this fishes ear. It was part of the co-ops catch that day. Who couldn't pass up a photo op with that bruiser?


dtbushpilot - 5-15-2011 at 09:54 PM

Thanks paulina, I needed that....makes me think I may be "still in the game" really is important to us "older fishermen" to think we are still relevant.....dt.

baitcast - 5-16-2011 at 07:26 AM

When fishing the beach and you want to catxh halibut you must target them as with any other fish to incease your chances.

Having never fished that area I have no first hand knowledge but Buts are Buts anywhere on the beach and will respone to the same stuff anywhere,using a 1/4# or 3/8# blue/chrome or green/chrome Kartmaster will work under most conditions and as a bonus will catch most anything on the beach,will out-distance a krock by a mile,just work it till you feel the throb.

I have always had the most luck on sand,K/M caught fish as follows :biggrin: