
Where can i buy a fishing license on Sunday in los barriles or La Paz

1anadromous - 5-14-2011 at 03:20 PM

Where can i buy a week fishing license on Sunday in los barriles or La Paz????Thanks in advance if you can answer this question!

bajabass - 5-14-2011 at 04:38 PM

Tailhunter's in La Paz. I'm pretty sure the mini-super attached is open 7 days.

willyAirstream - 5-15-2011 at 07:32 AM

You can also buy online, takes 5 minutes and you print out your license ( and make a spare copy)

BajaBlanca - 5-15-2011 at 09:50 AM

online is a breeze - click on the American flag to do it in English ...

jeffg - 5-15-2011 at 10:56 AM

In Los Barriles you can get a weekly license at the pharmacy next to Bancomer. Not sure if they're open Sunday, but I would think so. The 1 week cost is about $28.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-15-2011 at 12:04 PM

in los barriles, if the pharmacy isn't open, you can buy licenses at palmas de cortez, playa del sol and martin verdugos.


1anadromous - 5-15-2011 at 12:41 PM

Thanks everyone, but I still have a problem. I paid, i chose federal waters and there is a link to view my lic. but i am getting a (http 404 not found) message when i click the link. the Lic is there I just can't view it or print it! Damn..may have to go without it on Monday.

willyAirstream - 5-15-2011 at 12:50 PM

you will get an email with a pdf attached. Print that, if the link continues to be bad. the email will also contain your lic. number.

1anadromous - 5-15-2011 at 01:14 PM

The only email I received is one that takes me back to sign in and then I get the confirmation number and a link to view license also the date range that the lic. Is good for. I have not received an email with pdf or license number. I am wondering if the web site is down!

1anadromous - 5-15-2011 at 01:16 PM

Thanks willyairstream.

willyAirstream - 5-15-2011 at 02:45 PM

Yes, the site could be down. You do have adobe acrobat reader, correct? I don't know what could be wrong.

1anadromous - 5-15-2011 at 03:10 PM

I have adobe in the latest version. also tried it onb another computer! Hmm.I think the site is down. thanks though

1anadromous - 5-17-2011 at 07:06 AM

Just for future reference! We purchased our week fishing license online Sunday with plans to fish on Monday! With that mentioned we were finally able to access and print our licenses on Tuesday morning! So unfortunately, we had to purchase a day license on Monday. All that I can see is that the mx gov waited until they received payment from the credit card before we could view the PDF and download the license (prior to this I checked if payment was was soon as it cleared we checked and sure enough were able to print license). In the future, I would avoid buying license online expecting immediate printing. It all worked great if you purchased well in advance of your trip. This is the stuff that happens to laid back gringo type. Thanks for all your help! John

willyAirstream - 5-17-2011 at 07:16 AM

Sorry for all your hassles. It is strange as I have assisted at least 8 people here, using credit or debit cards and they all went thru immediately. Maybe, they changed the policy? Hope you caught some fish!!

1anadromous - 5-19-2011 at 10:09 AM

The website I used was

To tell you the wije forund the site and i do not think we looked for an alternative site. Thxs for the help. My wife mentioned that there were multiple sites that all directed her to the same site:)

willyAirstream - 5-19-2011 at 10:19 AM

just for the record , and search engines, I think you have a typo - should be a "home" page, but now goes to the server default page

link for licence is


Russ - 5-19-2011 at 06:39 PM

Worked in 20 minutes for me and I got 3 licenses.

BajaBlanca - 5-21-2011 at 11:09 AM

someone needs to try it on a Sunday .....

willyAirstream - 5-21-2011 at 11:17 AM

Even Mexican Databases don't care what day of the week it is :D:D:D it all works automagical.

and Russ, it isn't like a fishing raffle, the more licenses you buy, the better your odds for catchin fish, one is enough. :D:D:D;);)

ps - one of theses days, I'll get some oil to you!

Russ - 5-21-2011 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by willyAirstream
Even Mexican Databases don't care what day of the week it is :D:D:D it all works automagical.

and Russ, it isn't like a fishing raffle, the more licenses you buy, the better your odds for catchin fish, one is enough. :D:D:D;);)

ps - one of theses days, I'll get some oil to you!

But you can put more rods out and that MAY improve your chances.

BajaBlanca - 5-21-2011 at 12:07 PM

automagical is a great term !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad that Sunday makes no difference .... I always thought it did .... living and learning .... :biggrin:

shari - 5-21-2011 at 12:20 PM

I seem to remember not being able to do it on a sunday either...some e-bank stuff just wont work on sundays.

Sirena - 5-21-2011 at 02:18 PM

We sell permisos seven days a week at our place on the Malecon.

comitan - 5-21-2011 at 02:41 PM


I posted a request about restricted fishing areas around La Paz, could you enlighten us as to where the areas are.

willyAirstream - 5-21-2011 at 02:58 PM

contact these guys, they will know
and great pics here from 2008

I'm not affiliated.

[Edited on 5-22-2011 by willyAirstream]

Pescador - 5-23-2011 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by willyAirstream
You can also buy online, takes 5 minutes and you print out your license ( and make a spare copy)

Before you promote sending all of the license money to Baja California Norte, please read all of the information on the Dorado forum. All of the money that is collected in Mulege or Santa Rosalia stays here in the area, so anytime that you help someone buy a license online, you are taking money out of the resources we need locally.

Russ - 5-23-2011 at 10:34 AM

I don't disagree with keeping the funds in the area you purchase your license (s) but jeez it so easy to do it online. I almost never go to SR anymore, it's such a hassle to get stuff done in there. Wouldn't it be nice if there could be away to purchase your license at the captains meeting of the tournaments you enter?

willyAirstream - 5-23-2011 at 11:34 AM


Where can i buy a week fishing license on Sunday in los barriles or La Paz????

for the search engines
Thanks , he isn't in the tourney but, In Mulege you can buy a lic at Sr Gecko restaurant ( he does it online). Are there other places in Mulege? and where in Santa Rosalia?

[Edited on 5-23-2011 by willyAirstream]

Sirena - 5-23-2011 at 11:46 AM

Originally posted by comitan

I posted a request about restricted fishing areas around La Paz, could you enlighten us as to where the areas are.

Been trying to get the official map for awhile and last week when we bought a bunch of bracelets they just gave us the camping maps for the reserve? Mejor que nada ... as soon as I get the official, current information, I will post up unless someone gets it to it quicker.

And ditto on purchasing your permisos in the area you fish. (At least the state). One of the many reasons we agreed to sell them officially for Fonmar here in La Paz. Hopefully some of this money will trickle down to where it needs to go....

Pescador - 5-24-2011 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by willyAirstream

Where can i buy a week fishing license on Sunday in los barriles or La Paz????

for the search engines
Thanks , he isn't in the tourney but, In Mulege you can buy a lic at Sr Gecko restaurant ( he does it online). Are there other places in Mulege? and where in Santa Rosalia?

[Edited on 5-23-2011 by willyAirstream]

Okay, this has been gone over a lot. Of course it is easy to buy online, but if you look that site is from Ensenada and all the money goes up north.
Anyway, here is the informationa and a photo from Bob Frambes (from Conception Bay) about what you need and where to go.

Russ - 5-24-2011 at 09:30 AM

I've added to Bob's photo a bit

? Fishing License.jpg - 48kB

Pescador - 5-25-2011 at 03:53 PM

Course, as Russ knows, you go to ABC office supply and get 3 copies of the right form, come to this office, he types up everything for you, you pay here, and then go to the PESCA office on the Malecon to get your actual license. Egads, it takes a long time and a lot of work to do the "right" thing. Only benefit I can see is that I have become friends with the guy that types stuff up and Martin, who is the head of Conapesca.

Russ - 5-25-2011 at 03:57 PM

Last year they didn't send me to the PESCA office on the Malecon. Got it all done there in town.