
Calexico West Pedestrian Border Crossing?

mrfatboy - 6-2-2011 at 01:03 PM

Could somebody do me a favor and point out where the pedestrian border crossing entrance is for Calexico West?

If you are "internet talented", grab the pic, draw on it and repaste in this thread if you could. Otherwise, describe to the best of your abilities :) :lol:


sancho - 6-2-2011 at 03:05 PM

Not internet talented to that degree, I have driven BACK
thru the Old Mexicalli Crossing many times. But I assume
you are referring to crossing into Mexicalli from Calexico . I believe
both crossings into Mex/ and out of Mex, are located
in the Building ADJACENT to the US Customs Inspection
Booths, just to the South/southeast. I remember a below ground
stairway and a street level entry, at any rate it should
be easy to find as it is the only Building there

[Edited on 6-2-2011 by sancho]

mrfatboy - 6-2-2011 at 03:12 PM

yeah, i couldn't quite figure it out while I was in line Monday. I did see a line of people to the right just before the car crossing but that didn't make sense to me because I was not sure how they got over there.

I also saw people getting out their car in the Sentri line right where there is a break in the barricade for motorcycles. Those people went out to the main street and headed to the mexican border crossing and then disappeared.

There is nothing obvious in the google maps link either.

Bajafun777 - 6-2-2011 at 03:18 PM

You enter Calexico on Imperial Avenue and just keep going South on it .until you get to 2nd street which is an intersection with a fourway stop light. At the Stop light turn left on Second Street and go 3 blocks turn Right which will bring you to 1st street. You will see plenty of parking in a large parking lot or if you use the metered spots know they are only good for 2 hours unless you have a handicap sticker. You then just walk West up 1st street past the Ellis Department Store e and all of the dicscount stores (like 99cent stores) until you come to the big Immigration/Customs building. Just watch the people walking through the turnstiles going into Mexico. You can do the same and presto you BE IN MEXICO,LOL. Note, when you come back you will have to walk down the stairs to get into line to come back in. If you have a Sentri you walk all the way up front and then go through the turnstile to get back into the USA. If you have a cane and disabled again just walk all the way up front as you do with the Sentri. Don't think you can be polite when getting into the turnstile just GO FOR IT!! Care & Travel Safe "No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

mrfatboy - 6-2-2011 at 03:41 PM

I need to teach you guys how to grab and pic, draw on it and repost. :)


Am I correct that you just follow Cristobal Colon to the US border building and then it's easy?

bajalou - 6-2-2011 at 05:17 PM

I believe that the two buildings in the red circles are the entrances to the tunnel under the USA bound traffic.

Haven't walked through there for a few years.

mrfatboy - 6-2-2011 at 06:08 PM

OK, now it's starting to make sense. There is a tunnel involved. I saw the people standing in line in the "upper red circle". I didn't know how they would get there.

thanks a lot.

And congrats on being "internet talented" :bounce:

David K - 6-2-2011 at 07:43 PM

Entering America via a tunnel is not all that uncommon! :O:lol: