
Fishing licenses for Baja Sur

boe4fun - 6-4-2011 at 09:40 AM

Hola Amigos, The following appeared in the May 27th issue of Western Outdoor News: "And before you come down if you're anywhere in the state of Baja Sur, don't buy your license online. Baja Sur is the only state in Mexico where a special Marina Resources Fund (FORMA) is set up. This special "pool of funds" allows the licensing money to stay within the state for resource management and funding marine law enforcement, such as gas for patrols. Every area has licenses available locally, usually through your outfitter, so please consider this option when you can." Tight lines.

shari - 6-4-2011 at 10:02 AM

we are currently working on fisheries to be able to buy licenses to have on hand for our clients here in Asuncion so hopefully for this season we can have them available.