
Looking for lodging in a private home at Chivato

Hook - 6-5-2011 at 11:04 PM

I have a small contingent of fisherman from Sonora, Mexico who want to fish the Chivato dorado tournament, June 24-26.

We would be cruising over (WEATHER PERMITTING!!) from Sonora on the 24th to register and then fishing the 25-26. If the weather is threatening, we wont cruise the 80+ miles by boat. So, we are looking for accommodations IN CHIVATO for the nights of the 24-26, if weather allows.

There are four of us. We would be coming over on a 25 Grady and would like to anchor off the launch ramp/hotel area and sleep on shore somewhere. Prefer to be close to the beach/boat or we might consider one of the newer hotels over there. Not the Italian Job. Unfortunately, the new ones dont appear to be within quick access to the boat.

If anyone knows of a resident who is willing to let four fishermen (3 gringos and 1 Sonorese) from San Carlos, Sonora, crash at their place, let us know. Our ages range from 40-57, so we arent partying punks. We're semi-serious fishermen.

We would need accommodations for the nights of the 24-26. We wouldnt be "hanging around the house" at all, as we might be arriving at noon-2pm on the 24th, and fishing the other days. But we would need showers each night of the torneo.

We would depart for Sonora on the morning of the 27th. We'll deal with meals at the local eateries, or would be willing to pay for any meals you can supply, easily. Easily for you, that is. We'll be in fishing mode and will be very amenable. In fact, we are willing to pay a reasonable fee for accommodations, if you so desire.

We could even split up into groups of two, if you know of neighbors who can accommodate. We have cots and COULD sleep outside, but the weather and bugs could make that problematic.

I used to know Mooney Base over there but now he lives over here, so that option is out. Jim and Mary are doing just fine over here, for those of you who remember them. They just headed north.

Let us know by U2U if you know of any accommodative souls.

[Edited on 6-6-2011 by Hook]

capt. mike - 6-6-2011 at 06:01 AM

Hook - i'll email Gene for you.
his place is not fancy - he calls it a "fish campo" but it is actually very comfortable with all the amenities you need.

Russ - 6-6-2011 at 06:48 AM

Mike, That's a great idea! I don't know him. I heard a rumor that he may have some problems with ownership of his lot on the horizon. You might mention that he should get his papers in order.

BajaBlanca - 6-6-2011 at 10:09 AM

Russ, is the hotel Les stayed at - the Hacienda - really too far from the tournament activity area ?

Hook - 6-6-2011 at 11:10 AM

Not worried about getting to the tournament activity area. Worried about being close enough to keep an eye on the boat at night.

Hook - 6-6-2011 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
Hook - i'll email Gene for you.
his place is not fancy - he calls it a "fish campo" but it is actually very comfortable with all the amenities you need.

Thanks, Captain Mike. Spartan accommodations are fine with us.

In fact, I'm bringing a Greek. :lol:

capt. mike - 6-6-2011 at 01:08 PM

sure thing. i emailed Him this am.
we'll see if he comes back.
he might be fishing it too anyway.
if so he might have a full house but in the past he's said i can use it if he's not there. his plane holds 6 guys easy and full gear. it has 8 seats!

shari - 6-7-2011 at 07:09 AM

isnt there a new waterfront hotel in here...raul operates it.

Russ - 6-7-2011 at 08:37 AM

Yes but it's around the point from the boat ramp. It's probably full and a bit higher end than Hotelito.

Originally posted by shari
isnt there a new waterfront hotel in here...raul operates it.

BajaBlanca - 6-7-2011 at 03:38 PM

yup. keeping an eye on the boat is a priority. I get it now.

shari - the new hotel is the hacienda where Les just stayed and I guess you can't see the boats from it ... he loved it tho' - very nice accomodations.

Hook - 6-9-2011 at 08:07 AM

to the top

R2LUJAN - 6-9-2011 at 09:27 AM

Hello Mr. Hook,

You can stay at camping beach for $5.00 dlls a nite .
anchor your boat up to the beach.

Hacienda Hotel you can also anchor your boat in front of Hotel.

Have a nice day.


Hook - 6-9-2011 at 09:29 AM

bobby, give me the link to the Hacienda, again.

Diver - 6-9-2011 at 07:27 PM

Doug/Vamonos - 6-10-2011 at 07:46 AM

You definitely want to be at a place where you can periodically observe your boat. Even if you tuck your boat in tight near the ramp and Hotel PC you can be impacted by a storm from the south, and that is a big boat. I wouldn't anchor it near the camping beach if there is a chance of a storm. At low tide the water won't be very deep and I've seen some very big waves break over the spit by the lighthouse. Of course, all of this is moot if you have decent weather. PC is a beautiful place.

Hook - 6-10-2011 at 08:33 AM

Hi Doug, yeah if there is a better than 50% chance of T-storms from the south, we will not come. I'm kind of assuming that there might be some wrap around swell coming off the hotel point and into the launch ramp area. If it's not too bad, we might rig up a shore anchor and one into the swell.

I cant ever recall seeing waves break over the "hammerhead" point where the light tower is. I guess in a HIGH tide AND a big storm, it could be possible. To the W of that point has always been the best anchorage, IMO.

As you and I both know, the T-storms (or the big wind from their proximity) often arrive at night.

EDIT: just looked, very moderate tides during the tournament.

[Edited on 6-10-2011 by Hook]

Doug/Vamonos - 6-12-2011 at 08:17 PM

Yes, I have seen waves breaking over the lighthouse point and I have beached my boat in the middle of the night on several occasions. But if the weather is nice, no problem. I love PC and miss those days. A lot of fun and great friends made over the years. Take some big anchors and lots of heavy chain. Anchor up tight behind the lighthouse is the best spot. But you have a big boat. That kind of changes the game...

Terry28 - 6-12-2011 at 09:12 PM

If it was my boat, someone would be sleeping on don't want any uninvited "guests". just saying...

Russ - 6-13-2011 at 06:41 AM

The launch ramp has been mostly unusable the last 3 days. High tides and swell from the south. Waves breaking over the short jetty next to the ramp. Swell is big again this morning and closer together. I'll get a report from the ramp in an hour or so. I've been told that Bobby Luhan, owner/manager of the ramp has repaired the rough spots and built a new fish cleaning station with water there.