bajacalifornian - 6-8-2011 at 03:11 PM
Yesterday, driving about town, I came upon a dear friend & fishing partner, Agustin Davis. He is a local bait guy many may recognize, who casts
his net for sardines.
I found him near the bottom of an arroyo, with standing water that rises and falls with the tide, through an underground river. An abundance of sea
grass is thriving that only flourishes in the presence of a mixture of salt & fresh water. Turns out it is an ideal nursery for shrimp.
A few weeks ago, Guti planted by bucket loads millions of shrimp larvae, gathered near the marina. Today, he is feeding the babies. Present in
profuse numbers of one inch & more, they come to their food.
Guti does not worry about "what ifs". He knows the summer heat may kill his project, or a September hurricane will wash it out to sea. He is content
to tend his shrimp and accept the outcome. Should he find success, we'll be fishing with live shrimp in Loreto, as we do in Lopez in the fall.
MikeYounghusband - 6-8-2011 at 08:23 PM
Totally cool my friend
Von - 6-9-2011 at 07:06 PM
Really cool! Good luck i hope hes succesful :-)
Loretana - 6-10-2011 at 02:59 PM
Hey Jeff,
Now I know why that heron is always standing there.
Everybody loves shrimp!!
Marc - 6-13-2011 at 06:36 AM
Let us know how it turns out.
bajacalifornian - 6-13-2011 at 02:17 PM
Loretana . . . they've been making short field landings there. Been watching at feeding time. U2 me. Where & when. Mid day sun, from the bank
at the water's edge, inch and a hafers reflect their body's . . . time for a photo. I wanna play with it, for an image to share.