
Looking for recipe for papas al horno con al pastor

CurlyGirl - 6-12-2011 at 06:43 PM

We're trying to get our local al pastor place here in Ohio to make the kind of twice baked potatoes we loved at Tacos Erica in San Jose. Anyone have a recipe...or can guess how they make them? I assume there's lots of butter and maybe some sour cream, along with the bits of crispy pork. Any help would be appreciated. We're craving these and can't get back to Baja anytime soon. :(
Thank you!

DENNIS - 6-12-2011 at 08:24 PM ideas. I guess you're gonna have to be creative. Buena Suerte.

Eli - 6-13-2011 at 05:28 AM

In L.B., I doubt my favorite Hot Papa place uses sour cream and I know they use carne asada instead of pastor, but I don't see why you can't substitute both, sound's yummy. Also, what they do add is some canned corn and a few sauteed mushrooms. Than they provide about 10 different types of salsa on the side. Wing it, Twice Baked hot papas can't come out bad, (except maybe for your health, oh well). I love to eat half for dinner and than re-fry the rest next day for breakfast. I think the 2nd day is even tastier.