

John M - 6-13-2011 at 08:07 PM

According to the article "ridge" posted:

CBP Commissioner Alan Bersin, who was also present at the hearing, stated that the Border Patrol today consists of more than 20,700 agents, more than double its size in 2004. According to CNN, Bersin implied that the rapid hiring spree in the past years may have come at the cost of hiring less qualified agents who may be more vulnerable.

"Less qualified" is common-speak for "we've lowered the standards for hiring."

I saw the same thing in the police department when they were on a court imposed hiring system. Since there were not enough women applicants meeting the 5'8" height requirement the court decided 5'2" was tall enough. Then when that did not bring in enough applicants then any height standard was eliminated.

Did quality of police service suffer? Yes.

Although those in charge of evaluating such matters found empiracal data to support their position that service was in fact better.

Unfortunately their position was not located on the city streets at 2:00 a.m.

Rapid hiring does not have to result in hiring less qualified agents.


[Edited on 6-14-2011 by John M]

Corruptin' Goin' On

MrBillM - 6-14-2011 at 09:17 AM

In the words of Claude Rains, "I'm SHOCKED" !

For those of us who have a deep-seated devotion to the premise that Mankind is pure and honest, the revelation that there are those who would go astray in pursuit of monetary advancement is almost incomprehensible.

My Faith is truly shaken.