
IV Analytical forum for the dorado iniciative

flyfishinPam - 6-23-2011 at 02:13 PM

the iniciative to commercialize the dorado, removing its protected status will take place tomorrow morning in Cabo San Lucas at Playa Grande. I stayed up all night preparing the group that I sent this morning, they're on the road now.

The foro starts at 9am tomorrow (Friday the 24th), please think good thoughts as what I've heard the diputados on the fisheries committee are split 50/50 on this.

Loreto will be represented by Linda Ramirez, Alejandro Magaña, and Margarito Romero. I am paying their expenses to make the trip all I got were promises from the government no money to back them up. Each presenter will be given about 5 minutes to speak. I set up a slide show to go along with Linda´s ponencia and it will kick ass. Vince Radice of San Carlos will present video of the sperm whales being rescued last week, and also the humpback rescue off Loreto last February. Right before the video they'll spread out the net that was taken off the humpback. I understand all of this will be captured on video and will be available online likely this weekend. Linda will read the ponencia over the radio when she returns, and I will record it and put the audio to the images slide show.

Please wish them luck!

[Edited on 6-23-2011 by flyfishinPam]

Paulina - 6-23-2011 at 02:46 PM


I wanted you to know that I appreciate you.

Thank you times a million,


Cypress - 6-23-2011 at 03:05 PM

flyfishinPam, Good luck!!!;D

flyfishinPam - 6-23-2011 at 04:09 PM

An interesting read in Zeta de Tijuana

Pesca ilegal

La lucrativa ruta del marlin y el dorado de Baja Sur a Estados Unidos

A raíz de una exportación mayormente hacia el país vecino, ambas especies están en peligro, pese a que su explotación está muy restringida por el gobierno norteamericano y mexicano. Sin embargo diez mil toneladas de estas y otras especies protegidas han logrado llegar a la Unión Americana para ser vendidas. Empresas sonorenses, sinaloenses, además de funcionarios de gobierno son señalados como los principales beneficiados de esta práctica nociva.

the full story is here

Russ - 6-23-2011 at 04:24 PM

Thanks ! Pam

Johannes - 6-23-2011 at 04:24 PM

Pam. Hope the presentation will be a success.

shari - 6-23-2011 at 06:43 PM

got all our fingers, toes and eyes crossed hoping for positive results from your presentation you have worked so very hard rock.

flyfishinPam - 6-24-2011 at 09:35 AM

I just started getting rushes of great positive energy and I am sending it their way. Maybe I am feeling the vibes of my compañeros presenting now! I can't wait to see video of that net getting unfurled in front of everyone in the room. We will know the result of the meeting later today, then there will be a vote in the house of reps.

Paula - 6-24-2011 at 09:44 AM

We are on the edge of our chairs waiting for the news, Pam!

Thank you SOOOOOOO much for your hard work!

Paula and Don

Osprey - 6-24-2011 at 02:32 PM

Just read the latest, June 20th, edition of Gringo Gazette's southern edition (Los Cabos).

I guess there is no charter fishing businesses anywhere around there because there was no mention of the Dorado or Not meeting today in Cabo San Lucas.

I suppose that means that no matter what is decided today and later in D.F., won't be posted in future editions since the editor/owner doesn't seem to think it newsworthy.

flyfishinPam - 6-24-2011 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Just read the latest, June 20th, edition of Gringo Gazette's southern edition (Los Cabos).

I guess there is no charter fishing businesses anywhere around there because there was no mention of the Dorado or Not meeting today in Cabo San Lucas.

I suppose that means that no matter what is decided today and later in D.F., won't be posted in future editions since the editor/owner doesn't seem to think it newsworthy.

I think it may be a personal beef the owner of that newspaper has against Vince Radice. GG posted a video he and a French production company made on the GG video website, without their permission. She was asked to remove it and she refused, finally vimeo yanked it due to copyright violations from their complaint. Its a personal thing I am sure, but then again this may not be news since GG is really onto the pulse of Los Cabos and Southern Baja. Nevermind nothing to see here folks. :lol:

Osprey - 6-25-2011 at 07:42 AM

Pam, we are waiting with sardines on our breath. Tick, tick, tick..... didn't anybody in he meeting call you back?

flyfishinPam - 6-25-2011 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Pam, we are waiting with sardines on our breath. Tick, tick, tick..... didn't anybody in he meeting call you back?

Minerva called me this morning and although it sounds like they did a great job with the presentations, our reptilian shapeshifter mo-fo diputados will likely vote for the iniciative. sounds like it was a set up. i am waiting for my crew to return from Cabo they should be back any time now. more later.

shari - 6-25-2011 at 05:04 PM

well THAT sucks....doesnt surprise me in the least...just disappoints modo viejo