
Trip 6/20-6/28

Frank - 6-30-2011 at 12:21 AM

We got out of town on Monday, hit the border around 10am. Tourist permits, and we were down the road. Easy drive to El Rosarios' Baja Cactus Pemex, we tanked up with 130 gallons of diesel. The road is still rough 20-30 miles out of Catavina, but they are working on it.

Guerrero Negro was the overnighter with the late start. Hotel Cowboy is clean, priced right and you can get dinner right in front and the food is great.

The next day we drove out to check out the Hacienda Hotel in Punta Chivato. Imagine having a private villa on the point at Punta Chivato. The gal who was running the place makes sure that your every need is taken care of. She made dinner and breakfast for us and served it out on the patio overlooking the Conception Bay. Kids had a great time roaming the beach. I caught a few triggers and a cabrilla from the rocks out front. The wind was up but died at sunset. The A/C in the room was turned on at night so you can sleep. We woke up to wind, which was howling after breakfast. Too rough for the little Gregor.
Some shots of the hotel.

Nate chillin....

Birds from the chase loungers out front

We move on to the East Cape. Some sights along the way.

Nate and Jamie

San Bartolo fruit stop

Verdugos is where we stay, it’s got just the right mix for us, and it’s like coming home.

Nino is our skipper

Windy the first 3 days, so we spent them on the beach, out exploring, and chillaxing. Fishing hard the next 2 days with Nino.

Jamie with her first fish ever, a Ladyfish.

Fishing Day 1, the wind has died to calm.

We buy sardinas and some macks/jacks from the bait guys and head north towards the shark buoys. Just outside of the boat anchorage in front of the hotel, Nino spots a lone bull dorado. Im hooked up, 10 minutes total elapsed fishing time.

The Ocho Ocho is hot with Tuna.

We got as many as we wanted and put the big marlin jigs out. We were still getting hooked up on the tuna. Speed way up, still cant keep them off. Total was 1 Dorado and 13 Tuna. The others were released.

Fishing Day 2

Just Nate and I on the boat, the girls want to relax on the beach. No more Tuna. We decided to fish for reef donkeys and roosters.

Greg was out in his new Panga.

Hooked up on the yoyo iron. Buttoned down the drag and kept cranking....cranked some more, added some more drag by thumbing the spool. Amber Jack comes to the boat, and gets crossed off the bucket list of fish still to catch. Imagine a yellowtail on steroids, wider body and more "fin surface" for more power, great fighting fish.

Nate looses another AJ at deep color. ADD sets in so we move on to fish for roosters.

South of the Punta Arena lighthouse we slow troll sardinas and a larger bait.

I hooked our first follower, such a great visual take. Dorsal fins out of the water, leaving a wake. Chasing and catching the bait out of the water, give it a quick 5 count and hit it hard.

Next fish was Nates. We knew he was big, just by the hole it had made when it finally caught the bait.

Nearly spooled the PG 440.

While Nates is fighting his fish I hook 2 more.

Nate is hanging tough, learning to thumb the spool to get a little more drag when he can get away with it. Short pumps. Finally got it in.

All Roosters were quickly photographed and then fully revived for a clean release. 1 of the medium units needed a moving boat to come back but I knew it was going to make it when it bit me LOL.

Enough Roosters Nino... it won’t get any better than that. Lets got chase Marlin.

Look familiar?

Less then 1 hour later we get a bill in the spread. A quick bait and switch and we are on. This damn fish will not jump for us. We tried everything, slack line, some quick pumps of the rod, thumbing the spool, no jumps for our cameras. Tough fish, lots of power, but they get like that when they dont jump and tire themselves out. Clean release.

We get a shot at 1 more Dorado, a nice bull but shakes loose at the boat. We call it an early day and head back in, its just past noon. I need a nap LOL

One hell of a trip.
The drive home was uneventful. You can drive to Tecate or you can sit in line in SY or Otay. We make a easy drive to Tecate, crossed in 25 minutes.

This was my 11th year driving down in a row. Every year is different, but all have been a blast. Ive had nothing but fun and adventure every time. When things get bumpy its just part of the trip, smile and deal with it. Or dont and just stay home.

A smile goes a long ways down south, so does a good attitude. You know where Ill be....


bill erhardt - 6-30-2011 at 12:39 AM

Frank.....That's a great report on a great trip! I'm not surprised that you will be coming back.

tiotomasbcs - 6-30-2011 at 03:04 AM

Thanks for sharing! Your fotos really captured the moments. What a day fishing in LB! Looks fairly warm, no? Keep Smilin, Amigo. Tio

capt. mike - 6-30-2011 at 05:18 AM

biggest roosters i have ever seen!!! wow!!!

woody with a view - 6-30-2011 at 05:28 AM

good job getting it done....

baitcast - 6-30-2011 at 07:11 AM

Wonderful posting,great pictures,and that stud your boy got WOW!!!!!!!!! Who took the pic,s?
This made my morning THX

nbacc - 6-30-2011 at 07:26 AM

great pics!!!!!!!!!!!

torch - 6-30-2011 at 09:52 AM

great trip report. The pics make me want to plan a trip with my boys. 130 gal of diesel ?

Frank - 6-30-2011 at 05:39 PM

Thanks everyone, I thought we could use a trip report on here. To answer some questions..

My son and I both grabbed the cameras whenever we had a free hand. We shoot slot of sports and were hoping for some cover shots.

I have a 100 gallon transfer tank in the bed of the truck, so we can carry a total of 140 gallons. The tank was installed back when diesel was at the $5 mark. El Rosarios pemex is the only one I feel gives you a honest liter.