
New kind of terrorists in Baja

Osprey - 8-2-2011 at 10:01 AM

Problems with the Tea Party

Well, Biden and others have got me all shook up. Even way down here in Mexico we occasionally see some people walking up from the beach who are looking very suspicious to me. They’re not Arabs by the look of them but they could be those new terrorist Tea Partiers. Most of them have backpacks so naturally I’m concerned.

First the dogs get after them if they come too close to the gate but I have found some ways to make em’ move right along.

First I put the dogs in the house so it looks like they are trained to kill and I don’t want trouble. I don’t have an electronic bullhorn so I made a megaphone of sorts from one of the dog’s plastic trauma collars and some tape.

I stay back on the patio well away from the street.

“Hey, you, what’s in the backpack?”

I don’t expect they’re gonna say C4. “Skivvies, razor, passport and socks.”

Then I have them stay put, open it up and when I’m convinced it’s Okay I let them leave. Maybe I’m being overly cautious but they are not going to walk the streets and highways of Mexico wearing those funny three cornered hats and carrying muskets.

As to them holding me hostage, well they would sure be wasting their time – I don’t know a soul who would do anything but laugh at a ransom note.

Not all of these people look like terrorists – not all of them are young guys in shorts and Tshirts and sandals. I’ve seen more than my share of fat, pink old ladies with big sun hats – the husband carries the dreaded backpack. I’m thinking these people are focused and serious; why else would they come way down here to scout out people, places and things to bomb? Are they stumbling over each other up there in the U.S.? Need new territory?

Can’t be easy for them to transport explosives across the border. Mexican farmers don’t use ammonia much because they can’t afford it so mostly all they could buy down here is what we use, goat poop. Then we could smell em’ coming from way down the block.

All I can say is “God Bless Biden and the libs for waking me up. Now I’m on full alert.”

Woooosh - 8-2-2011 at 10:08 AM


bajajazz - 8-2-2011 at 11:08 AM

If this is supposed to be funny I'm afraid I've lost my sense of humor.

krafty - 8-2-2011 at 11:20 AM

Osprey, Baja is safer just knowing you are on the lookout-thanks for the laugh!

Osprey - 8-2-2011 at 12:48 PM

You're welcome Krafty. If you don't think Tea Party people as terrorists is not a hoot, you must be taking your politics, whatever they are, waaay too serious.

Tea Party and terrorists were paired, mentioned, coupled thoughout the media for their involvement in the default debacle for the last few days.

yakyak2010 - 8-2-2011 at 12:58 PM

I used to think Tea party people were just people who voted different than Pelosi but now I understand from the press corp that they are terrorists and/or child molesters. I feel much safer now that I know the truth.

lord of the rings

mtgoat666 - 8-2-2011 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
You're welcome Krafty. If you don't think Tea Party people as terrorists is not a hoot, you must be taking your politics, whatever they are, waaay too serious.

Tea Party and terrorists were paired, mentioned, coupled thoughout the media for their involvement in the default debacle for the last few days.

well, the hobbits did their best to destroy government without proposing a replacement, isn't that terrorism? destruction to make a point? :!:

i suppose hobbits will be happy with cutting govt spending at a time when cutting of cash flow will just cause second dip in recession. odd things make hobbits happy. :(

wonder when the hobbits will learn that you spend in a recession, and in the boom time use the surplus pays down your debt? :?:

hope us rich enjoy our low tax rates as we watch the recession cut our income :lol::lol:

thankfully our low tax rate will allow us to stay safe and secure in latest model mercedes as we drive by the homeless encampments that take over our streets :bounce:

yakyak2010 - 8-2-2011 at 01:28 PM

this hobbit (child molester) drives a 1996 Ford Ranger. The only billionaires I know hire the likes of a lot of Nomads

krafty - 8-2-2011 at 02:36 PM

Twarnt, sir, and I use the term very loosly, you are an iddeiooootttttt

twarnt - 8-2-2011 at 03:47 PM

Originally posted by krafty
Twarnt, sir, and I use the term very loosly, you are an iddeiooootttttt

1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
2. any person who thinks he has a 100-year land lease in Corona Del Mar, Baja Calfornia.

1. fool, half-wit; imbecile; dolt, dunce, numskull.

Ahem...attention nuubie

vgabndo - 8-2-2011 at 04:24 PM

You have prodded a man who does not deserve it. Hang around a bit and you'll likely learn who here has traction, and who has but one fully inflated tire in the sand. If you must pick; pick on them. Others may be more defensive of our cyber pal Osprey.

Welcome to the board. Peace love and fish tacos

krafty - 8-2-2011 at 04:52 PM

Gracias Vgabndo, my point exactly.

luv2fish - 8-2-2011 at 05:06 PM

It's back, Jenny Neveready is back. This time as twarnt. :fire::fire:

mtgoat666 - 8-2-2011 at 05:11 PM

Originally posted by vgabndo'll likely learn who here has traction, and who has but one fully inflated tire in the sand.

get with it, dude. if you do a search there must be over 400,000 previous threads about tire traction.

DK says a fully inflated tire has poor traction in sand, he said it over 200,000 times, so it must be true.

Udo - 8-2-2011 at 05:30 PM


You have a way to wake up the Nomad version of TEA PARTIERS.

Thanks for the warning. Now I now what not to wear when i'm your way this coming December.

motoged - 8-2-2011 at 05:34 PM

Twarnt is surely a pseudonym for a guy who should use his real name: "Taint":

taint -
Noun: A trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance: "the taint of corruption".
Verb: Contaminate or pollute (something)


[Edited on 8-3-2011 by motoged]

Udo - 8-2-2011 at 06:40 PM

I agree, motoged.

drarroyo - 8-2-2011 at 07:10 PM

Osprey, I salute you
Birradiablo, I salute you


Udo - 8-2-2011 at 07:35 PM

Who is Birradiablo, Dr. Arroyo?

woody with a view - 8-2-2011 at 08:26 PM

you guys are hilarious!

don't you know politicians are killing the US? who cares what side you or they are on. nobody and everyone is WRONG!

if you think you have all the right answers, think again, and again. then look in the mirror.....

at least Osprey has the quick wit to bring it all together so i can laugh TKT through my nose......:spingrin: