
Asuncion fiestas start this week!!!!

shari - 8-8-2011 at 07:22 AM

town is abustle with preparations for the Traditional Fiestas which start on Friday and kick off with the surf competition at Los Chorros playa and beach sports here at the town beach, and the sign in for the fishing tournament on Saturday.

Also on Saturday are horse races, rodeo and beach events...dances to live bands are every night as well as the midway with rides for kids and food booths.

Sunday are more horse races and rodeo and off road races...the new T-shirts for this event are cool!!!

Sunday is the cabalgata and parade of the virgin of Asuncion through town and she gets a trip to the island too!!

The water is now 70 degrees and yesterday's fishing reports from locals sussin out fish are that the yellowtail have arrived in the area!!!! Looks like we will have a good season and tuna sooner than we expected...wooo hooo.

standingwave - 8-8-2011 at 07:42 AM

Sure looks like a great time coming up for all you folks in BA. Say hi to George and Sandra for me, eh...

boe4fun - 8-8-2011 at 10:35 AM

Can't wait! See you all on Wed. afternoon. P&S

Dominica - 8-9-2011 at 02:10 PM

Wising I was there! Next problema....have a great time all.

surfdoc - 8-9-2011 at 08:37 PM

WOW........getting busy.. Have to take the back road home as my house is on what will be the Midway...........


jakecard - 8-9-2011 at 09:49 PM

Now that you mention it, the Midway would be a great place to pick up chicks during the fiestas. It's so close to home . . .

Oh, my bad. You just recently got married, didn't you, Stan?

To a tamale girl, I think you said? (Good score, by the way.)

Anyhow . . .

Best regards,


Shari, is that you?

Howard - 8-10-2011 at 06:40 AM

The women in the poster at the beach for Friday, the 12? :biggrin:

See you in October

shari - 8-10-2011 at 07:17 AM

Oh Howard...I didnt think anyone would recognize me with my new "extensions"!!!

by the way, you were the topic of conversation around the Nomad fire last night....tiotomas hosted a BBQ to which a whopping 8 Nomads attended...dali dali and his buddy from Loreto are the new kids on the block this week and wanted to know where you parked your rig when you are here.

They say they are here to escape the heat but perhaps the midway chick action is drawing in those nomad hombres...wiley airstream has also graced us with his presence and he makes a mean scallop potato dish!!!

when I saw this rig pull up, I knew we'd get along fine...this baby wins the prize for best baja wheels yet!

tiotomasbcs - 8-10-2011 at 07:24 AM

Reventon!! I'm on it, whatever it is?! Blonde? Lots of hot Morenas so no need for blondes,no? I think Shari is going to enter her pickup and go for gold in the Off Road Race---outa her way! Nice group of Gringos & Nomads assembling for the Fiestas. Arriba Asuncion! Tio

shari - 8-10-2011 at 07:34 AM

reventon means blowout!!!! bring it on...gonna be a party!

willyAirstream - 8-10-2011 at 09:08 AM

The Willys feels right at home ( as do I) in your campsite. 100 ft to the beach - perfect! Let the party begin!!

woody with a view - 8-12-2011 at 05:00 PM

it must just be me, i like that white tundra with the shell in the next to last foto. why aren't i there?