
Baja Import Mail Services

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 04:25 PM

We have established Baja Import Mail Services where you can get your US mail, magazine subscriptions, catalogs, E-bay items, and all online orders delivered directly to you in Baja.

We have been personally using this system since 2007 and have had no problems with our personal mail and packages. We are now ready to offer this service to anyone in Baja.

Please visit the website for all the info

We look forward to working with you!

A big thank you to Baja Nomad and the Members

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 04:32 PM

I wanted to thank Baja Nomad and all the members that helped me by offering there comments and suggestions regarding mail and package service in Baja.

We are ready for business. Check out the new post in the Baja Website section.

Thanks Again!

DENNIS - 8-18-2011 at 04:35 PM

Congrats. It should get a good reply.

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 04:45 PM

Thank you DENNIS, you have been very helpful!

oladulce - 8-18-2011 at 04:51 PM

Thanks Mariz. I'll be in touch when it's time to receive new bank cards, US car registration tags and other time-sensitive US mail. $200 pesos seems very reasonable to have this forwarded mail sent to my local Estafeta office.

Good luck with your business.

Mulegena - 8-18-2011 at 05:13 PM

Hi, Mariz.

First, congratulations and best wishes for success in your new business venture.

You're addressing an area that is of concern to many folks down here: how to get our mail 'n stuff.

Right off the top, got a question: Have you a list of the Estafeta offices in Baja Sur and Norte?
I did a Search on Nomad and looked at the company website and couldn't find.
I'm thinking their location would be a huge factor for folks who live out in the boonies of Baja.

Thanks and again, sending you Baja Best Wishes!

BajaBlanca - 8-18-2011 at 05:24 PM

the new site listing isn't giving us a direct link. i am pretty sure it will if you put http:// in front of the www

at least I think so ....

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 05:26 PM

Thank you oladulce and we look forward to hearing from you!


We have the Estafeta office link in the FAQ. It's the last question on the page. Find it Here

There is an office in Mulege that is not listed on their site.

Thank you

BajaBlanca - 8-18-2011 at 05:29 PM

@ Mulegena, if I understand correctly - your mail gets sent to LORETO and then they can ship it probably via bajapack to any bajapack location which is basically anywhere where the bus stops: guerrero negro, vizcaino, cabo, etc.

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 05:29 PM

I fixed it...Thank you BajaBlanca!

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 05:35 PM

Actually it is all handled through Estafeta. We feel this is the safest and most efficient method. It allows us to insure and track operations. Estafeta operates just like Fedex in the States.

Estafeta serves most areas with home delivery, some in less populated areas will probably have to pick up their mail at the nearest office.

David K - 8-18-2011 at 05:57 PM

Baja is a big place (1000 miles long)... what are your limits?

Mulegena - 8-18-2011 at 05:59 PM

Got That, Mariz. Great!

So for the remote villages of the Pacific central coast, there's an agent in Vizcaino and in Guerrero Negro.

Another question, Mariz. The agent will hold our mail/packages for how long, please? I ask because, as they say "Its a long way to Tupareri". In other words, making the trip to either location is still a looong waay.

That being said, I really think this is a great plan!

Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 06:10 PM

David K,

We can serve all 1000 miles! There are different rates depending on location.


Let me check with Estafeta to be sure, but, I think they will hold it a week or so.

If for some reason you were not available to get your mail we will hold it here (Loreto) until you're ready for it.

woody with a view - 8-18-2011 at 06:27 PM

great job Mariz. best of luck....

It Would be Great if This is a Legtimate Service

Gypsy Jan - 8-18-2011 at 06:33 PM

But the website is all bells and whistles with no details.

What are the details and back up to your claim to serve "All of Baja, 1000 Miles"?

Who is your guarantor?

Gee, it must be annoying when someone asks questions about unverified, exaggerated declarations.


Mariz - 8-18-2011 at 07:17 PM

Thank you woody!

Gypsy Jan,

I hope the website spells out how our operation works. If it is not clear to you, I will be happy to try to answer any questions you may have.

We work with Estafeta (Mexican version of Fed Ex), they serve the entire peninsula, therefor we are able to. It's really not rocket science, we have put a plan together that gets it done and we have been using it for 4+ years without an issue. Estafeta issues tracking numbers and we can provide insurance for packages also.

All item are professionally handled by experienced companies. We have lived in Loreto for 5 years and my husband has a carpentry business here. We developed this out of personal necessity. After talking with friends and the members here that had the same needs, we decided to do the work needed to make it into a business that could serve others as well.

We can provide references of other locals we have worked with.

I can give you this guarantee, if we don't do this extremely well we won't have any clients and all our hard work would be for nothing.

I understand some skepticism, I will do my best to earn your trust.

Thank you

capn.sharky - 8-18-2011 at 09:00 PM

I can personally recommend Chris and Mari and their mail service. Chris has tons of experience in importing stuff from the U.S. He, incidentially, also is the owner of Baja Woodworking in Loreto and has done some really great work for me. First rate and always shows up on time (nice change of pace in Baja). If you have any concerns about using him feel free to contact me through this site. Sharky

Mariz - 8-20-2011 at 07:04 AM

In order to avoid confusion and issues with exchange rates we have converted prices to US dollars.

Thank you.

David K - 8-20-2011 at 09:08 AM

Best of luck to you!

ncampion - 8-20-2011 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
But the website is all bells and whistles with no details.

What are the details and back up to your claim to serve "All of Baja, 1000 Miles"?

Who is your guarantor?

Gee, it must be annoying when someone asks questions about unverified, exaggerated declarations.


I find the website to be easy to navigate and very explicit in the costs and details. Not sure where the "unverified, exaggerated declarations" are, maybe I missed them. Maybe you didn't check all the links/pages. I've dealt with Chris and Mariz plenty over the past year and I'm sure that anything they are involved with will be first class. I think this is a much needed service in BC.

Mariz - 8-24-2011 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Mulegena
Got That, Mariz. Great!

So for the remote villages of the Pacific central coast, there's an agent in Vizcaino and in Guerrero Negro.

Another question, Mariz. The agent will hold our mail/packages for how long, please? I ask because, as they say "Its a long way to Tupareri". In other words, making the trip to either location is still a looong waay.

That being said, I really think this is a great plan!

I checked with Estafeta and they will hold your packages for up to 10 days.
Also the address of Estafeta in Mulege is:
Carretera Transpeninsular Km. 136.
Their phone (Cell) is 615-155-2338
Which is basically right off the highway as you came into Mulege.

Estefeta Vizcaino

Mulegena - 8-24-2011 at 05:56 PM

Found it!

For Nomads in the Central Pacific Coast area.

There are actual signs guiding customers to their location, so having a bit of time & definite interest I followed the proverbial breadcrumbs, and voila! I came upon an actual brick and mortar storefront.

At the corner on the highway by the building supply stores Viasol and La Commercial there is the first sign "Estefeta" with an arrow. Go one block (east), you'll see another sign on your left; turn there (north) & go one block to the next arrow and turn right (east) to the store 1/2 block on your right.

Office hours are posted and a hand-lettered sign "Servicio a todo republica y Estados Unidos" or something to that affect.

toneart - 8-24-2011 at 07:44 PM

Congratulations, Mari!

I have included this topic in "my favorites" section of Bajanomad for future reference. :)

Mariz - 8-25-2011 at 06:33 AM

Thank you toneart!

We got some great news this morning!

We received a price reduction on items weighing more than 6 lbs.

We were charging $1.75 USD per pound for items over 6 lbs., we can now offer a price of $1.25 USD per pound.

This will save $10.00 on a 26 lbs. package.

The website has been updated with the new pricing.

Thank you.

Mariz - 9-29-2011 at 05:24 PM

We are offering a "Season Special"!

6 Months of mail and package service for the cost of 5...1 Month free!
That's November 2011 to April 30, 2012

In the Loreto area that's $75.00 for 6 months of weekly service. Free month applies to all of Baja, cost and delivery schedule vary depending on your location. Check the website for more info.

Hurry and sign up before October 15th as it takes a few days to get you all set up.

Mention "BajaNomad" to get your free month.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!

[Edited on 9-30-2011 by Mariz]

Mariz - 12-31-2011 at 05:16 PM

Hola Nomads,

We have some great news for 2012.

New lower prices on packages from the US. Average is about 10% less than last year.

Free document service to the US and Canada. You pay only US postage form our facility in Laredo, TX to final destination. Now you can send your letters, cards, documents, photos, etc. to the US for only the cost of a US stamp. This service is limited to monthly customers only.

Thank you and Happy New Year


[Edited on 1-1-2012 by Mariz]

oladulce - 1-10-2012 at 02:36 PM

I had the occasion to use Baja Import Mail Service recently for delivery of a new keyboard, and I give them a thumbs up.

Mariz kept me updated by email while awaiting delivery and she makes the process very easy.

I ordered the keyboard online and it was delivered to their office in Laredo TX. The import tax was determined and I was informed of the total for import and shipping (she will give you an estimate of the costs ahead of time also). She estimated 10-14 days to deliver to my nearest Estafeta office and even over the holidays, it arrived in 12 days I think.

The Mac wireless keyboard was $69, import tax $11, and shipping $54. No friends or neighbors were coming down in the near future that could have transported it, so I'm glad to have this option.

Also found out that Estafeta has an authorization form you can fill out to give permission for someone other than yourself to pick up the package. This will be a handy option since our closest Estafeta office is far away and we don't go in to town regularly and often share "town errands" amongst neighbors .

Tip: Remove the batteries from your wireless keyboard before you attempt to clean it with alcohol.