
Dtbushpilot fishwhispers in Asuncion!!!

shari - 8-28-2011 at 09:32 AM

he may have to change his name to David now holds the leads for the biggest fish caught on the "Sirena" this season...about 30 pounds. Here is the reknown fish whisperer in all his glory with his "fishing is serious business" face on.

Surfdoc Stan thought there was a prize for the smallest YT yet (couldnt throw him back cause he was badly hooked in the eye).

The yellowtail and calico bites were wide open and they had their limit onboard by 10:00 and released lots and lots of fish till their arms could fish no more.

The sashimi was flowing and Miss Kitty couldnt get enough of it.

later we barbecued a stuffed yellowtail for the VAnGurp's first potluck BBQ at their new digs which was awesome...msBoe4fun's tortellini salad was outstanding as was Mulegena's famous fruit medely...great food, even better company, great stories and a super place to watch the sunset.

Tristan got into the party spirit all right!

ho humm...another perfect day in paradise!

Katiejay99 - 8-28-2011 at 09:46 AM

Great pics Shari - thanks for posting them. Looks like a blast.

Udo - 8-28-2011 at 09:54 AM

Felicidades, David!

Great fish!

Mulegena - 8-28-2011 at 09:55 AM

Great photos, Shari. I enjoyed the day all over again.

Gorgeous fish and mighty tasty, too.

Another fab beach party, thanks everyone.
Congrats, BajaFam, on new beginnings.

Miss Kitty & Shashimi-- the cat's meow!
The photo of Tristan-- great shot! He was having so much fun playing in the sand
and making phart-phart noises with that champagne glass stuck over his face.
What a great place for kids-- the little ones, too.

surfdoc - 8-28-2011 at 07:03 PM

Damn nice day on the water..... to bad Juan had to work to keep the boat positioned.. wind came up early... not that it mattered........

we already were close to limits LOL...........

dtbushpilot - 8-28-2011 at 08:20 PM

A great day of fishing with Juan and Stan. We cranked on fish till we hollered uncle, seemed like most hookups were double and all the fish were good sized (except one). On the water about 8am, limited on yellowtail by 10am, limited on calico with a few bonita thrown in for good measure by 12pm, cleaning fish (no, not me) and eating sashimi by 1pm, in the shower at 2pm, fast asleep under the fan by 2:30......what more could you want?

Juan and Shari have been wonderful hosts as always even coming out to the beach this afternoon to pull my FJ Cruiser out of the sand, I was able to bury it to the frame with little trouble....note to self: let the air out before you get stuck...

I took a picture of Stan's fish too, I figured Stan would like to see another picture of it.....

David K - 8-28-2011 at 10:39 PM

Enough fishing, start writing the lost mission trip report! :yes: :lol:

shari - 8-29-2011 at 07:43 AM

Toyotita to the rescue...once again!
air down air down air down air down air down air down

not a bad sunday, a tow, dead battery rescue and a missing person search!

DSC00131-1.JPG - 48kB

dtbushpilot - 8-29-2011 at 09:35 AM

I felt pretty silly when Juan pulled up next to my buried vehicle hardly leaving a track in the sand. I guess I had gotten caught up in that "Toyota invincibility" that DK is always talking about and just motored ahead when I felt it hopping and sinking. I must say that that ATRACK and electric rear lockers work well, I was able to spin all 4 wheels right down to the frame in a matter of seconds. In DK's defense I knew that 40psi of air in the tires wasn't the ideal setup....

David K - 8-29-2011 at 10:48 AM

:rolleyes: Yes, air pressure is the key in sand... If you stop moving forward, then the only other direction a spinning tire in the sand will get you, is down!

(next time, don't lock the rear diff. and just use the A-TRAC to try and get unstuck). Normal sand driving is best done in standard H4 (which is with TRAC on).

A-TRAC alone prevents one tire from spinning more than the other on the same axle... it matches the rotation, so one tire alone won't spin you into a stuck.